
The talk with father was refreshing. I remembered some things. Some good memories and some bad ones.

But still, it was fun. I hadn’t met him in a long time. But he is still the same as ever.

Though I have to say that age is taking its toll on him.

I am sitting on a bench outside of the office building. Technically I am still in front of the office.

But the day is nice. I thought, why not?

And here I am. Sitting lazily on a bench. Completely occupying it.

I was about to doze off. But someone was calling me.

“Hey…hey….” I was being shaken.

I look up. I see a girl. About 14 to 15. Wearing a school uniform, she was shaking me.

“Yeah, what is it?” I say, with a dry tone. I was about to nod off but she woke me up.

“Can you help me?” She said and pointed at the tree behind me.

I look at it. I see that a kitten is on the branch.

I guess she wants me to get it off the branch.

“The kitten?” I ask her while pointing at the kitten.

*Nod nod* She nodded.

I get up and pull up my sleeves. I climb the tree. It isn’t that tall but I guess she doesn’t know how to climb a tree. I assume at least.

I am no good with animals. So I have to be extra careful. I reach the branch on which the kitten is.

It’s a white and black kitten. It has black circles in its white skin.

I extend my hand and try to smile as gently as possible.

But the kitten shrank back in fear.

“Here, kitty kitty?!!!” I even try that cliché line from the movies.

In the end, the kitten never came to me.

This is troublesome. I guess I will grab it and get off this branch.

I reach out to the cat and gently grab it. Not too much pressure.

And it didn’t do anything like scratching or biting. And I climbed down.

“Here.” I handed the kitten back to the girl.

“Thank you.” She smiled and thanked me. She scolded the kitten and bowed her head before leaving.

“She became energetic the moment she got hold of the kitten. Was the kitten a special equipment or something that raises your stats?”

I wonder. But I shouldn’t stay here anymore. As I mentioned that I am running away from some people.

So staying here would increase my chances of getting caught.

I quickly leave the area and go back to the hotel room.

I plan on leaving tomorrow. I don’t have any work anyway and money is not a problem.

Before I was kicked out, father gave me some money. It was the payment for the work I had done till that point.

And it wasn’t a small amount. I am still getting by that but only relying on that would be bad.

So I have invested my money in some businesses and I get the share I deserve by the end of the month.

So it isn’t too bad.

Thinking this I check my wallet. I mostly don’t carry cash but credit card.

But I should have some cash on hand too.

I don’t have much cash eft. I should hit the bank first before leaving.

I’ll do that tomorrow. I am tired. Though it’s still lunchtime.

I will sleep. Nothing to do.

Next day, I wake up. I am planning on leaving this city today. I need to go to the bank today to withdraw some money. I guess I will go as soon as the bank opens.

It opens at 10. Let’s have breakfast and leave.

After breakfast I check the time. I still have 30 minutes left.

Let’s walk to the bank. It isn’t too far away. But it still takes time.

I checked out and left the hotel. I am not coming back and I don’t have much belongings anyway.

I take my backpack and leave. I look like a hippie. Still, being a hippie isn’t so bad.

I am leisurely walking to the bank.

And now I am in front of the bank.

But why do I get these weird vibes? Like something is not right.

Anyway, I enter the bank and find that not many people are here.

I was just planning to withdraw some money from the bank ATM.

I was just planning but what should I call it?

Misfortune, maybe! A really cliché event occurred.

“Hands up.” A few masked people with guns and assault weapons entered and shouted.

The bank staff proceeded to call the police. But they fired a few bullets and now everyone is shaking.

Fear has struck. Everyone is shaking in fear. But I have become used to it.

I just followed them to blend in.

It really is a mayhem and I am stuck. Can someone come and rescue me?

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