Getting seen had been unsettling. I thought I could walk around anywhere undetected. No one sees me or wants to talk to me. Why had that pro seen me? Is it as simple as she is constantly on high alert for danger? Fuck im going to have to work on being a sneaky bastard that's all there is for it. A ninja will make more noise and be seen more than me from now on. Hopefully. This is an opportunity to learn from mistakes before they become a detriment to my freedom. Is this false optimism? I question myself and ponder the thought for a moment and think we'll there is only one way to find out. If I don't prepare and do things the way I see fit now I might end up snapping one day and ending up a whole mess that I don't want.
I have not been back to Liverpool for over a week now. How long do you leave a place before you are forgotten? Is it even safe for me to go back to the same place? Mulling all of this over on my dinner break reading the newspaper. Well, not reading pretending to

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Nothing Wrong 14
That paper stayed with me all day. Colin Ireland went about his task all wring. He wanted to be known as one of Britain's worst killers. That meant that he set out to get caught. If you want to be known like that to me it has to be for other reasons. One your fatality rate is going to be low and two why would anyone other than the victims families remember you. Five victims in a few months is rapid going but he only targeted gays. So that narrowed things down for the police. When he was arrested he instantly confessed. I mean the Yorkshire ripper was taken in for questioning three times before they caught him and that was purely by chance. The Ripper had thirteen victims and I believe many more and held a county in fear. Women were told not to go out at night and he kept this up for years. He will be remembered not like this guy. Nealson was messed up in the head and his way of getting rid of the bodies will not be forgotten plus the coldness of him and he had been a police officer.
Nothing Wrong 15
A few weeks ago I spotted an old abandoned barn and spent a few hours a day scoring it out. Mornings evenings afternoons and nights. What I found was no one ever got more than two hundred yards of the building and my car was easily hidden inside. This is going to be the place of demise for my first victim Mr pimp from Liverpool. I had also been back there several times and seen him but kept myself out of sight. Not only this but I had followed him home and checked this out. He lives on his own and is in a lot. Turns out he has a lot of human traffic in and out but only when he is there. So I will wait for him one night once I have learned how to pick his lock or how to break-in. But first I have to prepare.Shopping seems like a plan for today. Not shopping for clothes or food. I have made up my mind to buy some killing kit. I'm in a huge hardware shop. I feel like I'm spoiled for choice. The thing is I can't buy all my supplies here or I will look suspicious. My first stop in
Nothing Wrong 16
I was extremely surprised at how easy it was to make chloroform. After a failed attempt to bribe a chemist into telling me when he let slip he knew how it was done. In the library is an extensive collection of chemistry books with indexes to make it even easier for my search. It only takes a few simple ingredients that can be found in your average kitchen cupboard. That is how I have ended up sitting in my car with a small bottle of chloroform and a rag.I decided that Liverpool was now a bust. That pro spotting me had me on edge. It occurred to me that for practice I would get my first victim from a little closer to home. I know the red light area of my own town and all the roads in the area. I parked up on a side street just away from them and started to wait for the first man to walk one way then back. This was taking a lot longer than I had anticipated and I was getting itchy feet. Two hours had passed and it seemed like a one-way street. Men of all ages walked down
Nothing Wrong 17
The guy was out cold and cable tied to my sheet of wood. I had modified it with some holes so I would be able to wrap ties all the way around both wrists and ankles. I'm not sure but I think four-inch nails with washers on should hold his hands nice and still with six-inch nails for his ankles. The first nail held firmly in my left hand pressed against the palm of his hand. I struck it square and hard. The nail slid straight through his hand and stuck in the wood. He woke with a scream and I jumped back welding the hammer. If I didn't know better I would have said it was a woman screaming."Fuck me you made me jump there. I will remember this for next time.""What the fuck are you doing?"The guy asked a little calmer but with spit dripping from his chin. To be honest he disgusted me. How hard is it to keep saliva in your mouth?"That's an easy question to answer. I'm killing you.""What.""I me Harry. Do you understand so far? Give a sign you do.
Nothing Wrong 18
With the first swing of the hatchet, his thumb popped off. It bounced along the floor leaving a little blood behind. I was surprised when it bounced I had imagined it to sort of just splat on to the ground. I picked up the fingers and dropped them into a plastic sandwich bag then I started pulling out his teeth with plyers some came out easy others just shattered under the pressure. There was blood coming out of him but only slowly. I guess that was down to his heart not beating. I emptied his pockets and put everything apart from his cash in the bag with his teeth and fingers.In the corner of the barn, I had previously listed some flagstones and dug a grave. It was longer than six feet and wider than three. It was approximately four feet deep and I felt like the body would go in found for some years. The rest was getting burned with it only being his fingers and teeth I figured that shouldn't take long and my garden has a fire pit after I have burnt them I will go and
Nothing Wrong 19
In nineteen seventy-eight I was five. There was a teacher there who seemed to take a disliking to me. Her name was Mrs Clark. I thought teachers were supposed to help and be nice. She was supposed to teach. What she taught the others was hate and bullying. She encourages them to laugh at me and to say mean things. It left me without a friend for six years. No one ever came to a birthday party after they had been invited and accepted. I only made that mistake once. My hopes were so high and I was knocked down so low.One day my mind was made up I would start to fight back. I didn't do things openly or tell anyone what I was doing I planed and waited for my time. One day the cunt Mrs Clark went into the cupboard at the back of the class. The dumb bitch left her keys in the door. I simply walked over closed the door and locked it. I then went to the classroom door and locked it before anyone noticed her banging and shouting. While everyone was distracted I walked over to th
Nothing Wrong 20
It's been nearly a week since I killed Mr J Cooper. Every morning I have been to a different paper shop and bought the local rag. Today was the first day he made an appearance. It wasn't a big article just a small section asking for information on a missing man. His name was John Cooper and was last seen on Friday night by his wife before he had gone out to the pub. He didn't make it to the pub and no one saw him. My heart jumped into my mouth when my eyes first landed on the little segment but soon settled down. If the police had any information they would have been knocking on my door by now and the article said he was missing. They weren't looking for a body they hadn't found a body and a man just disappeared into the night.I read this in the canteen and felt the world lift off my chest. The feeling was amazing and I could feel a smile on my face. It must have looked strange to everyone else in the room as they all looked at me like I had just told them all to go fuck them
Nothing Wrong 21
I had kept the number plates from the car that matched mine under next doors shed. It was right up to the fence that separated the gardens. There was an inch gap under the fence that meant I could slide them in and out and stay out of sight. My nerves were on edge at the thought of them being seen and if the police came knocking them being found. I can't believe that up until this point I was seriously considering using them again. That's one way of being linked to each murder for a start. It's almost like shooting a load of people with the same gun and then trying to deny it. Tonight I will go out and get them then destroy them. Fingers crossed I'm still under the radar.It has been two months since I killed John Cooper and my fantasies were coming back. My mind was getting more violent and blood was playing a big part in my daydreaming. It seemed as though I was board with suffocating people now and it was time to try something new.I was just driving down the ro
Latest Chapter
105It had been two years since I had read about some mad fucker called Harry. He was all over the newspapers and tv. He had scared the shit out of a town in Yorkshire. Like everything else it died down. He was wanted in connection with at least four murders. I admired how he had just disappeared into thin air. He had made a lot of mistakes though and I didn’t plan on making the same ones.I like people watching. Sitting some here public and watching people go by. Picking out my next victim. I wasn’t going to act on my urges today. It want easy to sit back and watch but it was out of sequence. If I act too fast then people will start to get jumpy. One week just one more short week and then it will be time to act.My last victim had been a child molester. I watched him for a month. He hung around schools and parks. He confirmed my suspicions one day making a move on a kid when her mum wasn’t watching talking to another mum in a park. He di
104I wasn’t driving but being driven. Adam sat in the back strapped into a car seat. My driver was meathead, Mike. I had been told he was called Mike now. There was no pretense that this was his real name. He didn’t always respond to it when I called him it. We were on the motorway doing a perfect seventy miles per hour. There was also a car following us. That car also contained one of Nancy’s other sons. It wasn’t explained to me why we were being followed and I was nervous about it.Mike leaned over and turned on the radio.“I like some music while I drive.”A tape started playing heavy metal. Not something I would have chosen but I wasn’t going to complain. Adam started jumping about in his seat.“You like this little man?” said Mike in his usual gravely deep voice.“Yes. Louder.”Mike laughed and turned it up. He looked over to me with a grin. I don’t know if
103Nancy was kind to me and Adam. She kept us fed we’ll and clothed us. Adam had the grandma he had never had. His every need taken care of. To say she was in the business she was shocked me. I spoke to her in great length about what had been going on for the past eighteen months or so. At no point did she flinch or show any sings of this being abnormal.We had been staying here now for a week. It was starting to feel like home even though I knew it was just short term. She had explained to me that my house was now hers. The story was that she had caught it as an investment property. One of her three sons was living there for now. When I sold the house I had agreed to leave it furnished. Every part of this looked legal on paper. Her son told the police that he had just moved in on the day Wayne was alleging I stabbed him. He was now in a heap of trouble. The police were still looking for me though. I had shaved my head and was working on a beard. The stubble was
102My excitement so disappeared and changed to trepidation. When we were out of the park I was shown the back of a white windowless van and told to get in. I was paying for this treatment but did as I was asked. It occurred to me that I didn’t know what was going to happen. We’re they just going to kill us. That would be safer and more cost-effective for them.The back of the van was almost pitch black when the doors closed. The only light was what came in through the cracks in the seals. Adam started to fuss in my arms and the van started to move. Adam spoke to me in his limited way.“Daddy. Dark.”“Yes mate. It won’t be for long.”I kept my voice calm and soft. Hoping he would calm down himself. His creepy little baby hands pulled at my nose. Making sure I was there I hoped. He surprised me by saying.“Got nose.”I let out an involuntary laugh.“Haha give it back. H
101Cleaning up blood is a pain in the arse. If I could get away with not cleaning it up I would. Adam was his usual happy self but he broke my heart. He didn’t know better but he kept asking me the same question over and over.“Daddy. Where Mummy?”He smiled and had a cheeky grin on his face. I tried to explain that she wasn’t coming back but how many two-year-olds can understand that. It’s going to take time but he will learn.I understand how little I know about kids. He is now on solid food, not the mush that comes in jars. I’m happy about that it never looked appealing to me when Lou used to taste a bit then feed him.I have changed three nappies today so far and I’m now thinking about what age do kids get potty trained. There could be months left on this. Oh God I have already survived the first bits of teeth g but will there be more. Maybe I haven’t thought this through at all.All this
100It dawned on me that I hadn’t worked out how I was going to handle life with Adam on my own. The thought had never come to me that I would have to do e everything with him and for him.I hadn’t told the guys who were setting up our new lives Lou wasn’t going to be coming now. I wonder if I’m too late. It probably won’t matter that much. They will find out when they come for me tomorrow. Being alone means I don’t have a lot of loose ends to tie up. I should let work know I won’t be back in.Adam was still sleeping after our late night. Poor little fella. He won’t understand why mummy isn’t around anymore. He will be ok though he will adapt. His life with me will be good. I don’t think I will kill anyone for a while now. It is too much of a risk and I have too much at stake.There was a loud banging at my back door. Not a knock but an insistent banging. No one used my back door. So who could th
99When Lou was dead. It didn’t take long and I hope it was an easy passing I wrapped her in plastic. Then rolled her into her grave. Unlike most of my other victims, I didn’t take off hands or remove her teeth. At some point in the future, the police will get an anonymous tip on where to find her. She deserved a proper send-off.Being in the woods at night is an unpleasant experience. Every sound made by send-off or the wind blowing through the trees made me tense. Most people would think that a monster lay in wait or a serial killer was after them. Not me I envision blue lights and sirens.The first few shovels full of dirt landed on the plastic making a disturbing noise. Grit and pebbles rolling on the sheet. Another few and the sound was muffled. Then after it was dirt on dirt.Back in my car Adam was snoozing away. So blissfully unaware of the tragedy that had happened. That is not a conversation I’m in a rush to have. At least he i
98Reaching across a car with a rag to cover someone’s mouth and nose is hard. It’s made even harder when you feel like shit. My guts were still churning but Lou had cottoned on to my plan. It was inevitable. I just wish I could have trusted her. She could have had a good life and maybe I would have stopped killing.Lou tried to put up a fight but I was too quick and strong for her. Somehow Adam stayed asleep through the brief shuffle. Small victories have to be taken when you can.Now the effects of chloroform don’t last long just a few minutes. So instead of just driving off hopping to get to her grave before she came too again I cable tied her hands and legs together. There was no need for a gag. When she comes round I will have questions for her to answer.We drove in silence on the road for about half a mile then turned right onto a dirt track. The track was muddy and only just wide enough for my car. Branches and bushes scrapped at
97We had ordered our takeaway and was just finishing eating. I hadn’t told Lou that we were going to move the body tonight yet. If I’m being honest which is unusually for me these days. I not looking forward to telling her. It will come as a shock I think. At the end of the day who wants to dig up a body that has been rotting in the ground for over a year.The more I think about the body the more I think moving it is a bad idea. In fact it is a bad idea. Yes I could have left clues there but I’m going to disappear like smoke in the wind after tomorrow. I’m not going to move him. He can rest in peace for a little while longer.Then another thought hits me. What if Lou has told Wayne about it. If she has then he could have told the police and I could be walking into, a trap. Shit. Have the police been watching my movements? Have they seen me go back to the scene of a crime and I’m oblivious to it? My palms start to swea