I was extremely surprised at how easy it was to make chloroform. After a failed attempt to bribe a chemist into telling me when he let slip he knew how it was done. In the library is an extensive collection of chemistry books with indexes to make it even easier for my search. It only takes a few simple ingredients that can be found in your average kitchen cupboard. That is how I have ended up sitting in my car with a small bottle of chloroform and a rag.
I decided that Liverpool was now a bust. That pro spotting me had me on edge. It occurred to me that for practice I would get my first victim from a little closer to home. I know the red light area of my own town and all the roads in the area. I parked up on a side street just away from them and started to wait for the first man to walk one way then back. This was taking a lot longer than I had anticipated and I was getting itchy feet. Two hours had passed and it seemed like a one-way street. Men of all ages walked down
The guy was out cold and cable tied to my sheet of wood. I had modified it with some holes so I would be able to wrap ties all the way around both wrists and ankles. I'm not sure but I think four-inch nails with washers on should hold his hands nice and still with six-inch nails for his ankles. The first nail held firmly in my left hand pressed against the palm of his hand. I struck it square and hard. The nail slid straight through his hand and stuck in the wood. He woke with a scream and I jumped back welding the hammer. If I didn't know better I would have said it was a woman screaming."Fuck me you made me jump there. I will remember this for next time.""What the fuck are you doing?"The guy asked a little calmer but with spit dripping from his chin. To be honest he disgusted me. How hard is it to keep saliva in your mouth?"That's an easy question to answer. I'm killing you.""What.""I me Harry. Do you understand so far? Give a sign you do.
With the first swing of the hatchet, his thumb popped off. It bounced along the floor leaving a little blood behind. I was surprised when it bounced I had imagined it to sort of just splat on to the ground. I picked up the fingers and dropped them into a plastic sandwich bag then I started pulling out his teeth with plyers some came out easy others just shattered under the pressure. There was blood coming out of him but only slowly. I guess that was down to his heart not beating. I emptied his pockets and put everything apart from his cash in the bag with his teeth and fingers.In the corner of the barn, I had previously listed some flagstones and dug a grave. It was longer than six feet and wider than three. It was approximately four feet deep and I felt like the body would go in found for some years. The rest was getting burned with it only being his fingers and teeth I figured that shouldn't take long and my garden has a fire pit after I have burnt them I will go and
In nineteen seventy-eight I was five. There was a teacher there who seemed to take a disliking to me. Her name was Mrs Clark. I thought teachers were supposed to help and be nice. She was supposed to teach. What she taught the others was hate and bullying. She encourages them to laugh at me and to say mean things. It left me without a friend for six years. No one ever came to a birthday party after they had been invited and accepted. I only made that mistake once. My hopes were so high and I was knocked down so low.One day my mind was made up I would start to fight back. I didn't do things openly or tell anyone what I was doing I planed and waited for my time. One day the cunt Mrs Clark went into the cupboard at the back of the class. The dumb bitch left her keys in the door. I simply walked over closed the door and locked it. I then went to the classroom door and locked it before anyone noticed her banging and shouting. While everyone was distracted I walked over to th
It's been nearly a week since I killed Mr J Cooper. Every morning I have been to a different paper shop and bought the local rag. Today was the first day he made an appearance. It wasn't a big article just a small section asking for information on a missing man. His name was John Cooper and was last seen on Friday night by his wife before he had gone out to the pub. He didn't make it to the pub and no one saw him. My heart jumped into my mouth when my eyes first landed on the little segment but soon settled down. If the police had any information they would have been knocking on my door by now and the article said he was missing. They weren't looking for a body they hadn't found a body and a man just disappeared into the night.I read this in the canteen and felt the world lift off my chest. The feeling was amazing and I could feel a smile on my face. It must have looked strange to everyone else in the room as they all looked at me like I had just told them all to go fuck them
I had kept the number plates from the car that matched mine under next doors shed. It was right up to the fence that separated the gardens. There was an inch gap under the fence that meant I could slide them in and out and stay out of sight. My nerves were on edge at the thought of them being seen and if the police came knocking them being found. I can't believe that up until this point I was seriously considering using them again. That's one way of being linked to each murder for a start. It's almost like shooting a load of people with the same gun and then trying to deny it. Tonight I will go out and get them then destroy them. Fingers crossed I'm still under the radar.It has been two months since I killed John Cooper and my fantasies were coming back. My mind was getting more violent and blood was playing a big part in my daydreaming. It seemed as though I was board with suffocating people now and it was time to try something new.I was just driving down the ro
22Louise was sat on my sofa giving the baby a bottle of milk. I guess I should find out its name I can’t or shouldn’t keep calling it the baby. For now, I will as I’m in the kitchen cooking a roast dinner. Beef is my pea personal favourite and it goes best with Yorkshire puddings. This girl had been through a tough time she got pregnant at seventeen and was promptly kicked out by her mum and dad. The man that helped create the child was a waste of space and refused to acknowledge that he was the father. Subsequently, he refused to help her and called her a slag that had been sleeping around. She had a job until the pregnancy got too much for her and she had to quit it wasn’t a great job she worked in a clothing shop but it meant she was on her feet all day. As I pulled the Yorkshires out to finish dishing up I called into Louise.“Do you want gravy poured on or do you want to do your own?”“You do it. Thank you.”<
23The washing machine was working fine but I was having trouble leading it. Louise had left her clothes outside the bathroom door like I had asked her to. The problem that there now was in her underwear. I hadn't realised that she had wrapped them up in her clothes so was this right for me to be handling them. They needed a wash that was for certain but she doesn't know me or vice versa. It seemed a little bit personal and a bit too familiar for me to do this. No, it's fine she wouldn't have left them for me to wash if it was a problem for her. I picked them up and tossed them in with the rest of the clothes and sat down with a fag. This is going to mess with my free time maybe she won't stay long and my life. With my eyes closed, I thought about John Cooper. This was the first time it occurred to me that his final thoughts will forever be a mystery to me. Did he think about his family and friends or were his thoughts solely on what was happening to him? My tho
24Don’t get me wrong I liked Adam and Louise but they were everywhere I went. I went to work she walked down to meet me when I finished. I get back from the shop they are in my house. They have nowhere else to go and yes I took them in but I have been on my own forever. My mum topped herself on my sixteenth birthday just short of a year after my dad died of a heart attack. Friends are none existent so I’m happy with what I had now. Not many people are mortgage-free by twenty-one. What the fuck was I thinking promising myself that I wouldn’t let anyone hurt them. Breaking a promise to yourself is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Once a promise was broken that makes you a liar. If you can’t be honest with yourself how can you look yourself in the eye when looking in the mirror.I took what was a well-deserved break from my guests to have a look around for a new plaything. I made up my mind that I was going to the coast for a couple of nights to make a good solid pl