"Good morning my horrible little friend. How are you today?"
I would have probably shit myself if something other than woof had come out of Oliver's mouth and luckily for me that was all he had to say. He was growing on me like mould slowly and persistently. That was why last night I decided to end him today. First, though I had work to go to. Once he was fed and had his morning walk I went to work.
Just before my lunch break, the manager came down from his office. His face was set to smile and he was making a beeline straight for me. It would be fucking hilarious if he fell into one of the looms now while they were running at full tilt. It wouldn't kill him but he would probably lose a finger or two. He doesn't deserve to die for being a cock but a nasty injury would be nice for all of us on the shop floor.
"Harry the boss wants you up in his office now."
" Ok, I will be up in a minute let me just finish this."
"He said now."
I slammed my scissors down on my table and walked off. What the fuck was the boss wanting me for? I'm a low run on the ladder and don't think I have done anything wrong. My mind was flicking through all kinds of scenarios of how this was going to go down when I realised that I was grinding my teeth. Up the stairs, we went me in the leed. Up ahead of us at the end of the corridor was the boss's office loomed over me like a shadow from a horror film.
"I hope he fires you for something anything so long as you are gone. I would wish you luck but I don't like you. I don't, know why but there is just something about you that makes me sick.
Well, that was uncalled for I felt. So I gave him a huge obnoxious smile all teeth. Hopefully, that made him feel like. Oh, fuck knows what I wanted him to feel but something bad. I turned my back on him and knocked on the door.
I pushed the door open and walked in. Steven my boss was sat behind a huge desk with piles of paper spread all over. He slowly took his glasses off and placed them down on the desk and looked at me.
"Sit down Harry we need to have a little chat."
I pulled out the large green leather chair that was opposite him and sat down.
"Ok, this sounds ominous."
"Well, I won't sugar coat it. Over the last few months, your work has gone to shit. last month alone we had ten grand's worth of returns and you are the one who is inspecting the cloth for faults. Can You tell me why?"
Shit, this isn't what I was expecting. My mouth dried up like a slug getting salt poured on it. The thing was when it dried it also made my tongue swell making it impossible to speak.
"Umm hum."
That was the best sentence I could come up with while willing saliva to form in my mouth.
"Umm hum. Are you fucking kidding me, Harry, I just tell you how much you have cost me and all you say is umm fucking hum?"
Steven's blood pressure had obviously risen at the same time as his voice. I could feel and move my tongue again.
"No no sorry, I got a little nervous there and forgot how to speak for a moment. I have had a few things on my mind recently and I've been a bit distracted. I promise it won't happen again."
"Get your shit sorted out and if this continues you out of the door understand."
"Don't worry I won't let you down."
I got up and left the office quickly and walked back to my area every person I walked past had a witty comment to make and it was darkening my mood. At least I had that dog to look forward to when I got home.
The dog sat there looking out of the living room window as I pulled up after work. Its face was of pure joy and love. Dumb animal if only he knew what was in store for him. Before I had even got my key in the door I could hear him scurrying around behind the door. I walked in and there he was running around in circles yapping with excitement. I bent down and gave his head a rub and a scratch behind the ear. His tea was going to be a can of the most expensive dog food the shelter had in when I got him. I had saved it for this day his final meal. If he could have told me his favourite places to piss and shit when we went for a walk I would have taken him there. He was a good dog he didn't deserve what I was going to do his ex-owners on the other hand. If I knew who they had been they might have cut my first human experience.I threw my coat on and attached the lead to Oliver. The night air was crisp and I could see the vapour from my breath. Oliver padded along at the sid
Oliver was buried in the back garden and had I planted a rose bush on top of him. He was a good boy and it nagged at my mind. He trusted me he believed he had a good place to be. I messed up. What I had done had taken the edge off how people looked for now. I don't know how long it will last but it has been three days since I took his life and inflicting pain on people was creeping back up on me.After getting a warning from my boss my mind was made up to be in charge. Work was going to see a man work his way from the bottom of the food chain to the top. No one is going to get in my way and so help them if they do. It has been three days of hard graft and long hours but already it is being noticed. I have put in forty-eight hours of work in three hours and my area has had a makeover. It has been streamlined to perfection. It used to take eight minutes to inspect one price of cloth from picking it up from the loom to checking it tagging and putting it away. Through moving
I could never have anticipated the backlash I was getting at work. nobody and I mean nobody will talk to me. It was fine with me at first but when im asking simple questions and people would act like I had said nothing meaning I couldn't get the improvements done. it was frustrating, to say the least, but I will fix them I just need to find a way without being a grassing little shit. For now, time was ticking and work needed to be done.I had torn a fingernail out from the root forward and it hurt like a bastard. It wouldn't have happened if someone would help but they wouldn't. It was a silly accident I was pulling down some racking and the shelves had lumps of wood nailed together. It was awkward to lift the timber as they were three by two on. Four by two and they were about three meters long and a meter wide. I was having to climb up the racks lift the wood and drop it down. I was in a rhythm and getting cocky. I was nearly done with the shelves when I got to a tight
It had been about a week since I lost my fingernail but there had been a shift in the way people at work treated me. Some people had a bit more respect for me for the way I took my accident. All I did was get some tissue and sticky tape and wrapped it up then got cracked on. The higher-ups wanted me to work in different areas and to take more responsibly in area. They had seen how the slight changes I had made so far made a big difference which meant more money for them. I was starting to make my point that I was indispensable. If I kept this up for a few more months I was going to be in a good position. Ken was given his marching orders and I can safely say I won't miss him.My dark side was starting to whisper in my ear again. I had a bit of remorse for Oliver at first but it soon passed. The thing was I had seen and felt things like never before and I wanted more. It was becoming clear that I would like to see someone else in a plastic bag. Not something. Someone. Thi
I set off driving down the M62 westbound towards Lancashire. Going to the wrong side of the hill out of Yorkshire. It's all a load of shit in my mind about the Lancashire Yorkshire divide. Yes, a few hundred years ago when the war of the roses was going on and for some time after but not now. Now it's more a north-south divide. Them fucking Southern pricks think that unless it happens in London it doesn't matter. Then again I think that is how it is due to the news. They only report what is happening in the capital and fuck the rest of the UK. Unfortunately, it is splitting the country in two. Really I'm not prejudiced against anyone I hate everyone equally.On my drive, I thought about the moors murders and how I didn't like what they did. I understand that this might sound like pot calling the kettle but they killed kids. They had not been on earth long enough to have upset or hurt anyone or thing to deserve to die. Again I don't like kids don't get me wrong but there
Getting seen had been unsettling. I thought I could walk around anywhere undetected. No one sees me or wants to talk to me. Why had that pro seen me? Is it as simple as she is constantly on high alert for danger? Fuck im going to have to work on being a sneaky bastard that's all there is for it. A ninja will make more noise and be seen more than me from now on. Hopefully. This is an opportunity to learn from mistakes before they become a detriment to my freedom. Is this false optimism? I question myself and ponder the thought for a moment and think we'll there is only one way to find out. If I don't prepare and do things the way I see fit now I might end up snapping one day and ending up a whole mess that I don't want.I have not been back to Liverpool for over a week now. How long do you leave a place before you are forgotten? Is it even safe for me to go back to the same place? Mulling all of this over on my dinner break reading the newspaper. Well, not reading pretending to
That paper stayed with me all day. Colin Ireland went about his task all wring. He wanted to be known as one of Britain's worst killers. That meant that he set out to get caught. If you want to be known like that to me it has to be for other reasons. One your fatality rate is going to be low and two why would anyone other than the victims families remember you. Five victims in a few months is rapid going but he only targeted gays. So that narrowed things down for the police. When he was arrested he instantly confessed. I mean the Yorkshire ripper was taken in for questioning three times before they caught him and that was purely by chance. The Ripper had thirteen victims and I believe many more and held a county in fear. Women were told not to go out at night and he kept this up for years. He will be remembered not like this guy. Nealson was messed up in the head and his way of getting rid of the bodies will not be forgotten plus the coldness of him and he had been a police officer.
A few weeks ago I spotted an old abandoned barn and spent a few hours a day scoring it out. Mornings evenings afternoons and nights. What I found was no one ever got more than two hundred yards of the building and my car was easily hidden inside. This is going to be the place of demise for my first victim Mr pimp from Liverpool. I had also been back there several times and seen him but kept myself out of sight. Not only this but I had followed him home and checked this out. He lives on his own and is in a lot. Turns out he has a lot of human traffic in and out but only when he is there. So I will wait for him one night once I have learned how to pick his lock or how to break-in. But first I have to prepare.Shopping seems like a plan for today. Not shopping for clothes or food. I have made up my mind to buy some killing kit. I'm in a huge hardware shop. I feel like I'm spoiled for choice. The thing is I can't buy all my supplies here or I will look suspicious. My first stop in