After fixing all things and leaving all the problems to Rina, Chris ventured into the wilds.

In the last few years, Chris has been very inactive, looking for ways to gather more soul energy.

But I also research the use of the dragons' treasure hunter ability.

This ability in a sense is like the sense of smell, tracking down treasures based on their smell.

At first Chris was bewildered, but as time went by with visitsto the outer parts of the wilds, he was able to adapt to the situation, each treasure had a certain distinctive aura, whether it was a silver or a rare mineral, in the case of artifacts it was even more varied, due to the different types of artifacts and their properties.

This past year Chris had been able to adapt to the skill and be able to properly recognize low-level treasures.

In a sense, Chris didn't know how the ability would react to high-level treasures like the Soul Flower, or if he found a ruin that was a treasure nest.

Chris quickly moved through the wilds with
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