Author: Wizking

The azure sky seemed like a gigantic blue emerald, the midsummer sun seemed like a huge fire ball, hung on the top of this huge emerald.

Using the sun's position one could estimate that the time was around 3pm,

On the seventh city of the international alliance


As the loud bell spread across the entire campus the campus suddenly arose with commotion and ruckus each building poured with students, laughing in groups towards the school gate.



A thick voice shouted from afar "Jason someone's calling you,"

In the midst of the group of students, a teenager who was holding a cell phone walked along with the students,  he was wearing  a regular  blue sports uniform and was around 175 cm, and was a bit skinny.

At this time he hesitantly turned his head, the person calling for him was guy around 190 cm, with tiger like shoulders and bear like waists, his biceps were even more brawny and astonishing.

"You are?"

Jason hesitantly watched his approach, not recognizing who was in front of him.

These two people one sturdy and like a brown bear, while Jason was like a regular person and height the difference was immensely large.

Standing in front of Jason the bear like man shouted with a face full of anger, "why did you confess to my girlfriend."

He's shout immediately attracting the attention of the surrounding students.

"The rumors are indeed true," feeling the gazes of the surrounding group of students Jason instantly denied, "I don't know what you are talking about," and that's when it happened, a punch with astonishing speed hit his face,


With heavy pain evident on his face Jason felt his feet leaving the ground,


With a thud he hit the ground "BUZZZ" Jason felt the world around him spinning with the taste of blood on his lips, he knew he was injured,

getting up from the ground Jason breathed in and out heavily.


The student's in the surrounding's gasped with wonder "did you see the speed of that punch, so it's true Milan is indeed an awakened, what level do you think he is, I don't know, the surrounding student's gossiped obviously not intending to help the boy on the ground.

Hearing the conversation of the surrounding student's Milan smiled intending to show off,

He stretched out his arm picking the injured Jason from the ground, he got ready to punch with the second arm but this time his arm changed into something much different.

If you were paying attention even from afar you could see the color of his arm change to a silver like metal giving of a silver like glow in the sun with the sound of the air screeching his arm shoot forward at an impossible speed,


The sound echoed throughout the surroundings but instead of his fist landing on Jason's face it came in contact with something else,

The palm of another person, it was the arm of another student his entire fist engulfed in raging flames.

Staring like a fool in the midst of it all was Jason he couldn't even react to any of the attacks.

"Back off Milan" you could see a boy with dark skin and long hair he looked quite handsome.


Milan bellowed with rage "what are you doing get out of my way,"

"Wow look, his arm it's on fire!"

A skinny girl shouted but received no answer, that was because everybody was stunned as they focused on the two boys with god like abilities, most of them had never seen anything like this in their lives.

"What's going on here," a voice came out of nowhere" o shit it's a teacher,

And like scared little kittens the group of surrounding students scattered

"You three what's going on here" asked the teacher,"

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