Author: Tobiey Lanzy

At about 1 PM, Oliver, a slender and athletic individual, confidently rode his power bike onto the campus of Bechem University.

With his appearance, one could think Oliver was a billionaire or a wealthy model, but his reality was far from that. Oliver was a struggling delivery guy who could hardly afford his meals.

Every day was a struggle for him, juggling part-time jobs and often missing his classes. When he wasn't running errands for wealthy students, he was occupied with his part-time work. It was safe to say he was the poorest student on campus.

Oliver had initially been admitted to the university on a scholarship. However, a few months later, due to the vice chancellor's greed, his scholarship was suddenly revoked, and he was forced to start paying tuition fees. So he had to hustle twice as hard to pay for his tuition and other fees.

Glancing at his watch, Oliver realized he was running late for his delivery. Determined, he started his bike and headed onto campus. He had one last delivery to finish before parking his bike for the day.

Oliver skillfully parked his bike in front of the elegant three-story buildings, which were decorated with delicate flowers and intricate exterior designs.

"Could you please open the gate?" he asked politely.

The security guard quickly approached him and opened the gate right away. He assumed Oliver was there for a delivery because of his clothes, but he was wrong. Oliver had come to propose to his girlfriend.

After saving diligently and lots of hunger strike, Oliver had managed to save enough funds for a ring. The mere thought of proposing to his girlfriend filled him with a buoyant sense of anticipation, making difficult tasks seems as if they were nothing.

After making the last final delivery, Oliver changed into his finest clothes, he had carefully chosen from thrift stores and totaling no more than five dollars. Despite being cheap, he pressed them to perfection, determined to sweep Sophia off her feet, his beloved. He was certain she would accept his proposal, he had poured his heart and soul into their relationship, sparing no effort or expense to make her happy.

Oliver entered the grand auditorium with a resolute stride, his heart set on making a bold statement by proposing to Sophia in front of the entire school.

He called her phone several times but she wasn't picking up.. Frustrated by Sophia's unanswered calls, he hurried to her classroom, hoping to find her but she still wasn't there. 

He rushed down the building, as he rushed down the corridor, he encountered a crowd of students gathering excitedly and heading towards a single point. Confused, Oliver inquired about the commotion, only to discover that Harry was about to propose to his girlfriend.

Oliver was shocked. Harry, notorious for swapping girlfriends as frequently as he changed his designer outfits, was the last person he expected to see making a grand romantic gesture. Oliver knew Harry's reputation all too well, having delivered packs of condoms to him on more than one occasion. 

However, his initial shock quickly gave way to indifference. As long as Harry's antics didn't involve Sophia, the love of his life, he didn't care. He just hoped his whole charade wouldn't overshadow his own plans for the evening.

Oliver was nervous and excited to propose to Sophia. This was his first time, and he couldn't decide whether to kneel or stand. He rehearsed different lines in his head, trying to find the perfect way to express his love. His heart raced with anticipation.

But as he pondered those thoughts, the cheering and chattering among the students grew louder, echoing through the corridors. His curiosity piqued, Oliver decided to find out what the buzz was all about before proceeding with his plan to find Sophia and propose.

He threaded his way through the throngs of excited students, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. What could possibly be causing such a frenzy? The excitement in the air was evident, making it impossible for him to ignore. As he approached the source of the noise, he was curious to know the girl who would be so important and capture Harry's heart for him to have decided to propose. 

As he drew nearer, Oliver could hear the excited chatter of the crowd, a chorus of voices brimming with admiration and envy.

"Aww, so sweet!"

"Lucky girl!"

"I wish it was me." 

"Say yes already!" 

"She's the luckiest girl in the world!" 

Each exclamation fueled his curiosity and apprehension, making his heart race faster. The palpable excitement in the air was electric, and Oliver couldn't help but wonder who the girl is.

What piqued Oliver's curiosity even more was when someone exclaimed, "Lucky Sophia!" His heart skipped a beat. Sophia was his girlfriend's name. But he quickly brushed off the thought. There were so many Sophias at the school. Why bother himself over something that might not even matter? He determined to stay focused and shake off the unease and continued moving through the crowd.

"Sophia Williams? She's so lucky to have been chosen by Harry. If I were her, I'd say yes without thinking twice," a female student giggled with excitement, her voice carrying a mix of admiration and envy.

"Of course, Sophia Williams would accept. She's so lucky to have been considered by Harry to be his girlfriend. If I were her, I would accept too," another female student giggled excitedly.

"Boom!" Oliver froze mid-step, his heart skipping a beat at the sound of his girlfriend's full name. The unexpected jolt of recognition sent a shiver down his spine. With determination etched on his face, he swiftly turned toward the female student who had casually mentioned it earlier. "Excuse me," he interjected urgently, his voice tinged with a blend of curiosity and concern, "what name did you just mention?"

The student's gaze swept over Oliver with a mixture of disdain and curiosity, focusing on his worn-out clothing before she replied sharply, "Sophia Williams. What's it to you?" Her tone carried a hint of menace as she turned back to watch the scene unfolding before them.

At that moment, Sophia was swept up in the cheers of the students as she eagerly accepted Harry's proposal, extending her finger for him to slip on the ring. Harry, known for his charm and flings with many beauties on campus, saw something special in Sophia. 

She was not only stunning but also captured his heart in a way that made him want to commit to her permanently. He couldn't contain his excitement as she agreed to be his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Oliver found himself at the forefront of the large campus auditorium where the proposal was going on, he was caught up in the emotional moment. Without realizing it, he screamed out "Sophia!" His voice ringing out and drawing everyone's attention.

At that moment, all the phones of the campus girls were now focused from Sophia to Oliver. Sophia was startled by the commotion, she turned to face Oliver with a mix of surprise and anger. 

"What the hell are you doing here with your poverty-stricken body" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion.

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