Oliver was fuming with anger. He'd just been humiliated in front of the whole school by the woman he loved and thought loved him back. He had spent all his money on her, believing in their relationship, only to be left devastated. All his savings were gone, and there was no way to get them back.

The situation was even worse because the whole thing had been recorded and was spreading everywhere—school sites, W******p groups, and social media. The popular girls made sure it went viral, adding to his misery.

He kept replaying what happened over and over, each time feeling more hurt. He had trusted her and believed in their relationship, but she used him and then discarded him in the most public and cruel way. It wasn’t just about losing love; it was realizing that what he thought they had was nothing at all.

Oliver would have loved to hit Harry, the cause of his humiliation, but the auditorium where everything unfolded was like a spotlighted arena, a mini coliseum where everyone gathered. He knew that doing so would jeopardize his education. As a poor student, he couldn't afford any trouble, especially not with Harry, the wealthiest student on campus. There was no way he would get away with it if he ever did.

His lecturers watched, their judgmental eyes piercing through him. After enduring three years of bullying, Oliver knew any rash action could ruin his chances with only one year left until graduation. He decided to endure the humiliation and focus on his goal of graduating with top honors. Oliver was not just the best student academically, he waa also the best in sports.

"If I don't get to date Sophia Williams," Oliver said to himself, "at least I'll collect my Best Student of the Year award in peace and use it as a consolation for all that has happened today."

He had hoped to kill two birds with one stone that day. His plan was to propose to Sophia and then receive the Best Student of the Year award. The announcement and gala night were scheduled for that very evening, a moment he had looked forward to with eager anticipation.

But now, as he stood there, he was feeling like the ground should open up and swallow him whole because that dream now seemed like a distant fantasy. The auditorium buzzed with murmurs and laughter of people mocking him here and there.

Just then, an announcement blared out over the PA system, "Attention, attention! Everyone, take your seats. Stop the drama and settle down." The lecturer's voice cut through the commotion, and the students scrambled to their seats. All of them were dressed in their fancy and expensive suits and clothing, adorned with jewelry that exuded wealth

However, Oliver on the other hand settled into his seat with his only friends on campus, Ben and Jacob. They were the only ones who had stood by him through thick and thin, the friend who had offered him a place to stay when he had nowhere to stay.

He sat there in his tattered second hand clothes and worn-out shoes. Despite his shabby appearance, he held his head high, prepared to receive the Student of the Year award.

As everyone settled in their seats, Oliver reminisced about the speech he was going to give when he won the award. He had prepared a different speech this time, different to the ones he had delivered for the previous two awards he had received in the last two years.

"And now, the Student of the Year award goes to no one else but Harry Whitmore," announced the moderator of the event.

Oliver had already stood up, confident that he was the best student bar none. The shock of hearing Harry's name instead of his own was like a punch to the gut. Seeing Oliver stand up, only to be left standing awkwardly as Harry's name was called, deepened his humiliation. The auditorium, which had momentarily hushed in anticipation, buzzed with whispers and snickers.

"Ha ha, what a double loss for poor Oliver," sneered one student.

"Oliver must be going through a hard time now," said another, shaking their head in mock sympathy.

"I can't imagine what it feels like to be a loser like Oliver. Hahaha," jeered yet another voice from the crowd.

Oliver stood there, every mocking word and scornful laugh cutting into him like a blade. The sting of betrayal from Sophia was still fresh, and now this public embarrassment compounded his agony.

Harry stood up confidently, shaking hands with everyone who came to congratulate him. He blew a kiss at Sophia, who beamed with pride, clearly delighted by the turn of events.

The auditorium erupted in applause. Everyone was on their feet, clapping and cheering for Harry. Everyone, except for Oliver and his friends Ben and Jacob, who sat in stony silence.

"What the hell is going on? This must be some sort of prank," Oliver muttered, not realizing he had spoken loudly enough for everyone to hear. The auditorium fell into a hushed silence, and all eyes turned towards him.

The Chancellor turned to Oliver and said, "Is there a problem, Mr. Oliver?"

Oliver stood up, his heart pounding. "I think something is not right, sir. There must be some mistake. I think the award being given to Harry is wrong, and I believe I deserve the award. Everyone knows Harry is one of the dullest students in class and not deserving of this award sir."

The Chancellor's glare was icy as he responded. "So you mean to say I'm incompetent and don't know what I'm doing? Mr. Oliver, you're nothing but a bloody ungrateful poor boy. After everything the school has done for you, you still have the audacity to speak out like this, looking as tattered and miserable as you do. The next time you make such a stupid comment, I'll make sure I personally get you expelled."

Oliver felt super embarrassed. The humiliation from the Vice Chancellor hit harder than anything else that day. Everything seemed to be going wrong. First, the crushing betrayal by Sophia and he also lost his entire savings to her followed by the unexpected snub for the Student of the Year award. Now, to crown it all, the Vice Chancellor's reprimand had been delivered in front of the entire school—and everything was recorded on camera.

The humiliation was overwhelming. Oliver sat back down, his face burning with shame. The applause for Harry resumed, but it sounded distant and hollow to Oliver. His dreams, his hard work, and his dignity seemed to crumble around him

The event that was supposed to celebrate his achievements had turned into his worst nightmare. Each moment played over and over in his mind, a relentless loop of shame and disappointment. The public show of his rejection and the Vice Chancellor’s harsh words echoed in his ears.

As Harry delivered his acceptance speech, the applause in the auditorium was thunderous. Professors, students, and lecturers alike hailed him, not necessarily because they believed he deserved the award, but because of the promise his wealthy parents had made, a staggering $10 million donation to the school if their son won the best student award.

The school authorities had seemingly disregarded any notion of fairness or meritocracy in favor of financial gain, swiftly handing over the award to Harry. Meanwhile, Oliver still reeling from his public humiliation, felt the weight of injustice press upon him even more heavily.

After the announcement, the gathering was dismissed, but insults still followed Oliver out of the auditorium. Everyone had something scornful to say about the "loser" Oliver.

Sophia, now beside Harry, enjoyed seeing Oliver's disgrace. Her dreams of social status were coming true, and she felt triumphant in her choices enjoying Oliver being disgraced.

Oliver stormed down the hallway towards his apartment, seething with anger. Ben and Jacob walked beside him silently. As they reached the entrance, Harry emerged from the shadows, blocking Oliver's path again.

"I told you," Harry sneered, his voice dripping with contempt, "a loser will always be a loser. And I, Harry Whitmore, will always be ahead.

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