As Oliver exited the hotel, his friends immediately swarmed him, their faces filled with excitement and bewilderment.

"What happened back there?" one of them asked. "How did you pull off getting the head of the police involved?"

Oliver, visibly drained from the day’s chaos, barely managed to smile. “Look, I need to get you all back to the dorm. I have to handle something and it’s been a long day,” he said, gesturing for them to follow. He quickly ordered an Uber for his friends, giving them a hurried but genuine apology.

The questions kept coming, and the more they looked at him, the more they couldn’t believe how Oliver was handling everything so easily.

They couldn't match the struggling student they remembered with this confident person now. “How did you manage all this? Is this really the same Oliver we know?” they whispered, clearly shocked.

Oliver’s tiredness got the better of his patience. “I’m too tired to explain everything now, but I'll do that later” he said, stepping into
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