Two Hundred and Eighteen.

Everyone’s eyes widened as Lyon’s arms fell to his side, something pricked at his chest and his eyes glistened with so much anger that he was trying to blink back.

“Check, Elen, isn’t there anyone alive?” He asked as he prepared to join her, “I’ll be with you soon.” He added, his heart pounding against his chest.

Flames of anger licked through him and he felt as though he was going to explode from rage as molten anger rolled over him. He instructed Asher, Kelvin, Chelsey and Abraham to stay back while he checked on the situation but they all weren’t ready to stay back.

“If you’re going then we’re going with you,” Asher said firmly, it was the first time his voice was so audible that they didn’t need to ask him over and over again about what he said.

Lyon didn’t want them to go with him, he recounted the fight he had with the Dark Lord in his head and he shuddered, he had survived for some reasons but judging by the intensity of the Dark Lord’s power, he felt like it would be better fo
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