
“I don’t accept rejections, just take it!”

Thank you, I will never forget. Okay, I'll go! It's time already, see you soon, it was a pleasure to see you.

“Come on, Pasha, take care of yourself,” Uncle Kolya said and shook my hand.

Well, the issue of money for the first time is resolved, and I ate perfectly.

- Well, hatred with ears, let's go to the dungeon? Can you tell me where to go, at least?

“You yourself are hatred, and you yourself have ears!” Elaine scowled.

- Don't be mad, you yourself wanted to go to the dungeon. Here, I'm ready, where to move? I clarified.

- In a good way to the academy - sign up for the detachment, but we will not have time to get there today. However, you can not once again shine at low ranks. If people realize that you can build up your strength, we will not do well.

"Hmm, what do you do then?" Waiting tomorrow is not an option.

Right, not an option. Therefore, there is only one way out of this situation. “Still, it’s hard to get used to the fact that she
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