“The diamond coffin that Seth lured Osiris into was cheaper than this box,” Daniel Fogg touched the luminous blue case of the medical capsule and freezer in one bottle with his finger.

- Do you feel sorry for the money? Powell asked, solemn as before a prayer, in a strict black suit, with a neatly trimmed gray beard, standing at the control panel of this wonderful machine, a unique apparatus, his brainchild.

- Too big risks. It has never been tested on humans, and immediately on such a patient. And the donor is doubtful.

- She was checked from all sides, she fits exactly.

- I'm not talking about medical indications. Psychologically, you may not be ready. The fact that she went through an initiation through Death does not mean that she will go through Love as well. Without verification, it is dangerous to immediately put into action.

- Wagner passed, and they are from the same test.

- OK let's see. Such stakes, and it all depends on one girl.

- She loves him. Here, she’s already coming
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