Acrimony Note 2

Hi, Nate speaking

Happy holidays!

There's a new artwork done for Yphemu:

It's a partially livelier colour of hers~

Can't wait to see if we can come up with a new cover for the coming new chapters, starting on January. So for the mean time, we'll get ahead to some spoiler territory.

“Captain!” the crew member shouted.

His response was quick as he saw Ugnile’s trapped half. Swiftly reaching through a space he could fit his arm, he pulled the tree with effort, almost looking like he’d pop a vein on his neck. Without telling twice, the crew member quickly pulled Ugnile from under, care was not in his vocabulary momentarily, but it was necessary since the blood from Ugnile’s injuries poured badly.

Coughing, he was pushed up by the crew member in time for Erizoma to arrive, blood-soaked and sweaty. “Captain, the rod of light seems to have eradicated the Dire-eaters,” pointing to the direction of the disappearing thread, “we could still make it, perhaps?”

The next chapter going up will be all Rifeus Ugnile chapter, something I've come to realize is pretty intense. There's more action scenes here than most, which was exciting to write and imagine. Floating and magic in my head doesn't clash much due to how I want to create rational physics within the confines of the universe they live in.

Anyways, for now that's all!

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