Large chains shackled the lands under the foot of a young girl curiously peering over the edge beyond the magical concrete fence. She calls herself Green. She stood at the edge of their family’s property, a good mile away from the edge of their house fence. Soil faintly disappears under the extending lush grass-covered ground that floated into vast cloudy nothingness.
Over, yonder high above the trees, Green’s tiny head illuminated with bright sunlight through the yellow leaves of a tree, its veil covered into a lovely hair for Fall.
‘Tis season of “Taglagas,” a point of the year the lands shift gradually. The rock is considered a source of light in their world, where chains bind from the ground to keep afloat, repositions to loosen its magical hold and slowly lower them away from its warmth.
This season is not the first time Green experienced Taglagas. She remembers how the season goes and comes. But she forgets how the world became, again, under the watchful eyes of the warmth-giving floating rock called Slitark*.
Sitting on the edge while trying to remember her storybook tales about Slitark, winds blew across the land and brushed her hair, cooling the sweat from her neck. Adjusting to keep her from the cold, she fixed her shawl that covered her shoulders ever tighter and wondered with patience if she should go back inside or stay for the rest of the day.
Night came, and her mother’s skirt swayed beside her, bringing Greens’ thoughts back to the world. She heard her mother tell her that it was time to rest as she felt carried in plump, warm arms. Green always loved being surrounded by the smell of her mother. There in her presence, she could dwell in comfort against the cold. Grass under her feet was a fresh welcome. The warmth from the rays feeds her heart, but nothing compares to how dreams become in her mother’s love.
According to time immemorial, a lone rock used to house itself in the confines of the vast universe. Traversing the expanse without thought or form, knowing nothing but its existence with a fleeting emotion known only by emptiness, it reflected the space it stayed in like a mirror with an opaque reflection. Internalized ideologies profoundly swirled like water chrysalis, gently becoming strong and embodying the coat of the rock that it called itself Slitark.
The rock counted its time into decades passing, several of it, and it began to start aching from inside. The center of its core shaking, branded by an invisible push and pull, no guessing how these figures in the lesser life it floats without sunder. Still, the knowledge it gained as their inside grew painful but comforting; edged outside that slowly deformed the rock into the shape of nothing but spikes and course like an unpolished crystal.
These protrusions stormed and surged like a life intent on flying but never got too fleeting. Because Slitark could not sustain and oppress these rushing no longer, it let itself combust in extent without letting the feeling be but gently pushing them out like columns. From this, the first Spire was born. An entity came within, reaching outward like a container releasing its contents into the vast.
Several other Spires birthed, and from there, every succeeding element as land, clouds, greenery, the sky, and all body of water, came to be. It starts there. The lone rock became a family along with its children called Angwail. Because of this attachment, they flew around the rock and made bonds thick and strong, to remain together until time immemorial.
For the Angwail and Slitark to exist together, Slitark continued to provide sustenance until each Angwail grew to their potential. Like babes suckling from the mother whose womb they came from, they each cherished the reaching hand of their mother. Each Angwail took what Slitark can provide, a growing exchange spanning years and years.
Going by through the decades, the Angwails grew intimidating and vast, almost overpowering their bearer. Without a doubt, each Angwail felt overwhelmed, expanding far and wide. Because there was no point reaching beyond far from their mother, the Angwails let their surface bear a different kind of being. They gave birth to critters and creatures. Beginning from the limbs, climbing up to their outspoken orifice-laden head, from the hair of the soil stood the first residents of Angwail. “Life” was born. “Life” that only took but never gave. Yet, “Life” found ways to “give” that Angwail would never disappear. They may not act as an ideal equal, but they still became integral.
Timely “Life” became, behind their conception, Slitark slowed its Spires it fed to the Angwail that stopped becoming. Inching hunger and being deprived of nutrients, a different fill succumbed inside each Spire. These Spires did not provide anything to give, yet they “yearn” for something to “give.” In exchange for contributing, they take and take. Until nothing became of them. Instead, they grew to be “Dire.” Born from a yearning for the idea of bestowing, they culled.
These Dires that bridged to Slitarks children, that used to provide, became nothing but a vacuum void of kindness and giving. They only took it as a form of provision, corrupting the Slitark who knew how to give and take with equal amounts. Taking copious Angwail back into Slitark destroyed its insides and brought chaos with no end. The rock can only do so much to heal itself until it stops and becomes overwhelmed with unwanted.
Witnessing Slitark become which itself make sick, Angwail gave “Life” strength and blessings fit to serve a mighty purpose. Nurtured within Slitark are magic ever surpassing without limit and no need of source because they internally embroil and release it to be fed to the Angwails in portions fit for each. The Angwails could not do a similar action but yearn to parallel sustenance.
Because “Life” saw gratification in taking, they desire to give but fail to see how. The Angwails saw the opportunity finally reconvey to the Slitark, and it’s through the two grasps of “Life.” In their hands, from a gift buried deep within, they are blessed to take. And, take they did, but to who?
They took from Slitark. They took Dire’s from its rock skin, enabling Slitark to breathe again without feeling its nearing death.
“‘Life’ made sure to only separate Dire’s from Slitark,” said a soft voice. Owned by a man whose face Green could not see but knew very well that it was from a man she calls “father.” Pushing a stray strand of hair off her forehead with his rough palm made Green close her eyes as she felt the warmth of his palm. “Since then, ‘Life’ or us humans of the Angwail’s made sure to visit the light bearer every two cycles. To assure that the Dire that sprouts from its bosom avoid becoming something that destroys.
“That became the reason for the existence of the Prime Magicians. They are residents of the Angwail’s that follows through ‘Life’s’ duty, the Ocular to the Slitark.” He pauses to look at the book he held in his other hand while he sat lazily beside Green over the blanket. Turning the page, he read the contents before looking back at her. “Are you sure mama stopped here?” He asked with a confused but lazy gait, his voice croaking and mild.
Green tried to look up and make the ‘puppy dog eye’ effect but failed due to her sleepiness. She only managed to open her eyes halfway while pouting, coupling it with an effort-heavy slow nod. Her father’s face still looked at her, his expression unclear.
“Alright, you do need to sleep soon. Mama won’t be pleased you stayed too long in the bath...” He finished the thought that made him pause for seconds, then made his way to three more pages before he realized Green was finally asleep. Her wonderfully long light brown eyelashes cover her cheeks with dew from her yawn.
Related Chapters
Ocular to the Dying Sun The Birth of Passing the Magician’s Baton; part 2
▓▓▓▓▓Strong gusts of wind, coming from the east of the barracks, going south brought the smell of magic into the air. There are several reasons why the wind’s direction is undesirable for most of the soldiers within the barracks. Because that is the location of the Dire crystals newly harvested, sought throughout Angwail after the Ocular.The simplest “Barrier” spell can help protect this place, in the middle of a dense forest surrounded by a mountain range. Beheld every second year after the last Ocular, this place is often isolated, in between whenever it is not needed. Caretakers are only allowed a month before the Ocular, so any event before stocking Dire crystals would be a different issue. After the Ocular, when all possible Dire crystals have gone through treatment accordingly, it remains open for an entire month until all the crystals within are delivered. Many citizens from across the kingdom, private companies, and the public await
Ocular to the Dying Sun Dire-eater Fascination; part 1
▓▓▓▓▓Explosions ring through echoing past the mountain range that surrounds the forests where the barracks are of the Dire crystals. The airships in the docking bay are trapped because of the ongoing battle outside the barracks walls. All ships hovered in preparation to lift off for departure, but none of them could inch farther than the roof of the garage or the people inside of it being trapped and nervous. The only respite they believed in was the power that lady Yphemu and her men held in battle.Sure enough, proving that they are as capable as one says, they end the distraught with the force of a hammer on the nail and affix their win with shouts of victory. Securing their leave was a priority they had to take in this window of opportunity. With the magicians on the rooftops ready with their wands, each one cast long-lasting shield magic that extends to other magicians on Festoon’s, a five-man passenger airship, above them. They spread the protection’
Ocular to the Dying Sun Dire-eater Fascination; part 2
Before he could plunge into the skies, which he most likely will never notice even if the strong winds slapped his chubby face, a dark-gloved hand covered the tiny ones that held the latch. Its pair patted his head as the child felt his body be pulled from the window. He heard a soft voice speak behind him, saying. “What is it, Ame? Do you see your favorite Moth-Rays*?”Ame, the chubby child, looked away from the window and gazed at the man he knew as his father. Known to him as a dad, but to others as Captain Uran. Rifeus to those close to him. The sound of the winds from the outside stopped as his father closed the window. Fondly carrying him from the cushy window seat and then settling him on the sofa bed just beside it, he was laid there while the other children sat around, peacefully settled with their closed eyes and wriggly bodies.Uran’s sleeping quarters within the captain’s cabin of the Sunflora are divided into two rooms, a type of gu
Ocular to the Dying Sun Dire-eater Fascination; part 3
▓▓▓▓▓Sweat trickled down the wrinkled neck of Elder Lymantera as she held the crib when the shaking started. Sounds of chaos and magic surround the rock walls of the building they reside in, a part of the private building within the barracks that serve as the living area of the Prime Magician and all other residents. The place also contains several empty rooms to accommodate anyone not part of the ceremony but who needs to stay in the barracks.The room’s walls are barren with a large ornate cabinet, wooden sofa, table with a plate of cookies, and a few bottles of milk; finished with a king-size bed with a Slitark shard chandelier on the side walls. Two windows bring light to the room that shows the expanse of the showy garden that is used to receive guests or for bigger parties, or official celebrations. Big as the garden may seem with its well-cultivated landscape and plants, it was still enveloped by the tall trees and the vast valley. Hiding it from the view
Ocular to the Dying Sun Forgive Me; part 1
Running around the clunky engine room, helping the crew adjust and fix several steaming machinations was all Uran did once he finished helping clear the number of Dire-Eater Sprouts from the top deck. His purpose had diminished once they were manageable enough for the remaining fighters of his crew and the just-arrived hired escort mercenaries that adds to their fighting power. His next instinct was to place himself in the presence of the captain’s quarters and deck but sensed that the engine room will need all hands as the newly fixed machine core still needed time to get acclimated running a burden three times it can manage.Meaning, it hasn’t been used at speeds above ground that have an opposing wind running 2km per knot. The Shroud gleamed under the night sky as it showed signs of being overused in acquiring energy from the Slitark’s moonlight. Though no one can assure how fast or long the Shroud-cable sail can go and support the distribution of the cor
Ocular to the Dying Sun Acrimony Note 1
Hi! Nate here.This is my new novel here in Meganovel, with the first and second chapter complete, and a preview of the third. As for now, it will be in a month long hiatus due to the incoming season, Deccember, and how busy we are at the forefront at home and other places. After writing a science-fiction erotica, Suitable Bags of Flesh, I've moved on from the long narrative of the monster-x-human shipping and crossed over to fantasy-fiction with a focus heavy on magic and slight drama. It's not that heavy for anyone to read but is more of an adventure to the realm of Slitark and the Prime Magician as the focus. I've made artwork and character design study based on how I imagined my characters would look like, hence the cover. You can look through my pixiv, just search for pansikoser, so that you can preview the art and other designs. Thank you for taking time reading this. There will be instances that I will update something, like related artworks and the likes during this season.
Ocular to the Dying Sun Acrimony Note 2
Hi, Nate speaking Happy holidays! There's a new artwork done for Yphemu: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103333007 It's a partially livelier colour of hers~ Can't wait to see if we can come up with a new cover for the coming new chapters, starting on January. So for the mean time, we'll get ahead to some spoiler territory. “Captain!” the crew member shouted. His response was quick as he saw Ugnile’s trapped half. Swiftly reaching through a space he could fit his arm, he pulled the tree with effort, almost looking like he’d pop a vein on his neck. Without telling twice, the crew member quickly pulled Ugnile from under, care was not in his vocabulary momentarily, but it was necessary since the blood from Ugnile’s injuries poured badly. Coughing, he was pushed up by the crew member in time for Erizoma to arrive, blood-soaked and sweaty. “Captain, the rod of light seems to have eradicated the Dire-eaters,” pointing to the direction of the disappearing thread, “we could still make
Ocular to the Dying Sun Forgive Me; part 2
Before they could finish, Uran had already left the room, knowing by the distance of where he saw the monitor of the navigator’s map that the steering of the ship has succeeded and all they need is to automatically wait and see their docking timing. Jaaron and Pemmi are left to their devices, knowing full well Uran’s intent by leaving them. Jaaron can be seen from behind Uran’s back hurriedly going to the steering platform to double-check with Pemmi so that their course won’t be disturbed as Uran went out to check on the rest of the ship.He knew that his current crew is not up to par with the numbers that needs to manage the entire ship when danger arise, and it shows in this current situation. Included in this number are the civilians that live with them, that are families of the crew involved. Their safety has always been a priority despite the circumstance of Sunflora, but there can never be a guarantee. One way or another, a family member riding i
Latest Chapter
<intermission> Acrimony Notes
Good day, Nate here : )A year has passed since I last wrote for this story. Right now I am on a newer project and would be remiss to say that it has grabbed my focus from Ocular to the Dying Sun. This story will remain Hiatus until further notice, but for now I shall be relying some of the few updates I have been busy with. I have written a Supernatural story that has been published in a different place so it will not be featured here. It's themes are quite spicier than the ones I have made here, but not as grotesque as my first title. I'm sorry for not putting any form of story until this day. Have a good timme : )
Acrimony Note 2
Good day reader, Nate here :) This is a notice letter to declare that this title will be on long hiatus until most of the chapters have been filled in. Forgive this humble writer ): The coming chapters will be released two to three days per week after March 13. As for now, it's going smoothly, but other contract titles are becoming higher priority because of their shorter deadline and importance. This title is a passion project that I've lined up after Suitable Bags of Flesh, though it could be said that that title have been cut short, it's gone too long and have begun round about with it's story. This title is very much shorter in contrast, and there is a definite ending. As of right now, I am focusing getting my health back, writing more and praying that all things in my health and everyone around me be good and well. See you,Acrimony
Distracted Night Light’s; part 7
Certain that they were far from the rest of the group Epiro was with and Lagodis, they stood by the wall outside of the eatery, at least twenty steps away in an alley well-lit from the main road but dim enough to hide them from people. “Mitt, I’m sorry for not listening to what you needed of me,” Epiro said as a sense of frustration grew ever slowly. “However, it isn’t a reason for you to follow me outside of the mansion at this hour. You don’t think everyone would be worried when you’re a child in danger, here?” One second of looking at each one’s expression, with Epiro doing his best to express the exasperation he’s felt, should have equally clued in what they should be conveying. But Epiro wasn’t expecting the small, determined look on Mitt’s face, along with his words. “I’m confident no one noticed me,” with an exhale as if the boy was the one exasperated by Epiro’s reaction. “Besides, this isn’t the first time I’ve done this. Just, it’s a new place for m
Distracted Night Light’s; part 6
People entered through the sloppy-looking entranceway. All dark wood and sort of slanted by the way Mitt looked at it from where he stood, small, with his neck craned impressed a sense of caution to his senses. Hiding underneath a cloak did not help him with how the shadow of his hood made everything feel dim. Still, hearing the patrons outside that gathered with joviality say “Aling Nora” several times made him relieved to know he wouldn’t need to scour the entire street to see where Epiro went. Planning a way to know about the rumors and proving the truth behind them was Mitts thought. Thinking of a plan isn’t something he could do on his own, but he trusts that Epiro could think with him since Mitt knows that their work isn’t just about being hired swords. Mitt needs to figure out where he could start his investigation about the rumors, and where to start with people connected to a plethora of information. The Militia. Eagerly following the flow o
Distracted Night Light’s; part 5
Her request was simple and ten years old at that. It somehow related to the rumors about Mitt’s father, but not entirely just about paternal relations. There was never a chance she wouldn’t hear it as if the rumor vine didn’t reach the ears of her office walls. Annoyance? Dismay? Curiosity. There were a handful of thoughts that entered her mind but what boggled Yphemu as she requested to investigate the rumors, in detail while Lagodis looked up Mitt’s family history, was the fact her mind went blank. Reading the first investigation on the family or possible relatives, according to the location of the last location Mitt was found has the lowest likeliness to know accurately. However, Lagodis did discover that there were, at the time, traces of magic coming from an unregistered airship. Everything about the magic reeked of illegal alchemy with several layers that Lagodis was surprised the supposed airship stayed stable. Looking for traces or evidence of the air
Distracted Night Light’s; part 4
It’s nothing to deny, he’s been told that he looked like a few people, all high in rank or aristocratic. Some even curried favor to Yphemu, on certain occasions, with blanket compliments about despite not being of blood relation he has a strong resemblance to her. He often watched these people and internally feel embarrassed for comments like that, since he would love to believe he is truly the child of Yphemu. Knowing in his mind that he isn’t despite not having any memory of his past before he was four doesn’t help make him feel at ease. “At least I’m here beside her,” he whispered. “Is there something wrong with the water master Mitt?” said the maid who was behind the accordion divider a few steps away. “Nothing, Neldy, I just suddenly felt tired,” Mitt said with the best pleasant voice he could muster. “There’s nothing wrong. I’m going to get out now.” Nodding, the maid readied his robes and other towels to lightly dry him and soon he was
Distracted Night Light’s; part 3
Being stone souled and hard-hearted for her family, as the head, brings her so much on the plate to think about that sometimes, other factors of one path begin to be missed. Considering that she’s always wanted what was best for Yphemu as of current, right now, if her daughter doesn’t want to be with someone then all she could do is help her introduce her to someone. “Alright,” Lady Tethea said, her eagerness lesser but her eyes showed concern out of fondness. “You’ve managed to avoid the potential of marriage once again.” She sighed but looked at her, eyes slightly glinting at the light of the sun. “But, no matter, whether you will be married by choice or not. I know you will. I have faith that your soul is healed and strong, once more.” Noticing the last piece of biscuit on the plate, Yphemu picked the piece and placed it on one other plate filled with cupcakes. She nodded and smiled at her mother before their next conversation turned to a one-sided gossip about th
Distracted Night Light’s; part 2
With another soft clink of the teacup on its saucer, Lady Tethea looked at her with a somber face. Eyebrows creased in the middle and completely dour. “One mishap from your last pregnancy is enough to be a mar to your name. Good thing you coincidentally found young Mitt during that time to cover for your first child’s death.”Yphemu’s pregnancy isn’t something she explicitly spoke about, and it’s not something she is proud of especially if the concern of her conception isn’t the fact that the man was someone deplorable or hated by but the idea that she couldn’t remember who the man was. Beyond the imagination and the assumption of many, one simple fact remains, she does not know who the father is and will never want to know who.The old woman could remember the way Yphemu handled this situation, moving forward and proving her worth to the world a second time. Masking over her unwanted pregnancy with her resolve to be the
Distracted Night Light’s; part 1
▓▓▓▓▓Pale light marches through in between shadows of people walking in and out of the city coming from the shards of each lamp post from the main gates. Everything else is in a shade of color that blinds the senses with multi-facets not of origin within the All-Monarch kingdom.The bustle and crowd gathering did not change from the norm, though it contributed greatly to the variety of sound pollution coming from the different languages each person spoke. Various fashions from neighboring cities merge and are displayed through the streets, filling the extent of mundane drab clothes now spiced over a drab of exotic tinges popping in and out.The variety of clothes ranged from finely colorful woven sarongs, and turbans made of coarse leaf strands to posh velvet vests and sharply ironed brown slacks and petticoat ribboned dresses. Mixed cultures and traditional garb walked through the cobble-paved streets of the main city of All-Monarch, equally welcoming the busi