Chapter 65

Rey takes a moment to steady himself; his voice tinged with determination. “And what potential are you talking about?” He feigned ignorance, forcing his mind not to think of any thoughts that might sell him out.

“But your mind says otherwise,” The blood lord pressed.

Rey decided to tease him, saying, “I am, Master. I am ready to face any trial and overcome any obstacle that might stand in my way of finding my father.”

The Blood Lord nods approvingly, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Very well, young apprentice. Tonight, under the watchful eye of the full moon, you will begin your adventure. But remember, the path you choose will forever alter your destiny. There is no turning back,” he threatens Rey, and the latter gulps down nothing in particular.

Rey takes a deep breath, steeling himself for anything the blood lord might say next. The forest seems to hold its breath, awaiting his response.

“I understand your trick,” he said shakily. “I am prepared to walk this path
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