chapter 59

Garry found himself walking along the winding path through the dense woods that led to the king's palace, the sunbeams filtering through the treetops and casting playful shadows on the forest floor. It was a serene and peaceful afternoon, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility enveloping him. With each step, his thoughts drifted toward the one person who had been occupying his mind lately: Kusandra.

It had been three days since the war at the beach. The death of Dylan, the fleeing of Caliste, and the fame of Rey Reed Smith had spread so far across the three other tribes of the middle land, and they all acknowledged Rey as their commander. Xavier Knoll was nowhere to be found after the war, and no one bothered about him since his curse had been lifted.

Kusandra, with her sparkling green eyes and infectious laughter, had become a source of warmth in Garry's life. They had known each other for a few days—approximately two months—their paths crossed occasionally, but it was
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