Once Despised, Bastard Billionaire
Once Despised, Bastard Billionaire
Chapter 001- Here we go again

Chapter 001- Here we go again

It was a busy night in the Contreal city mall of Heralzia, Logan was returning from his laundry job.

Since childhood, Logan Reed had consistently worked hard to make ends meet. As a laundry attendant, his days were spent dashing from one place to another, picking up dirty clothes, and delivering the freshly washed ones to various businesses and individuals across Contreal.

No matter how hard he toiled, his earnings remained insufficient to take care of himself and his mother.

Even though he knew that his wife, Zora, was the second child of The Bennett Family, one of the wealthiest and most successful families in Heralzia, he didn't want to rely on her for financial support.

A feeling of happiness and excitement enveloped him as he walked out of the mall.

The reason for his excitement was a packaged parcel he held in his hand, which contained a beautiful flower vase he had saved up for months to buy for his mother-in-law, Madame Ruthie Bennett.

Even though it was very cheap, he hoped he could impress Zora’s siblings by buying their mother a birthday gift.

''Huh, I’m tired of Blake and Ings hating on me. I hope they are impressed when they sees this vase because I've worked hard enough to get it.'' He muttered.

Since the mall was just a stone's throw from the popular estate of the Bennett family, Logan was just some seconds away from getting to the main gate.

The loud music noise from the spacious residence would easily give a stranger the impression that a large ceremony is being held in the estate.

On getting to the estate’s main gate, he took a deep breath before clicking the bell.

''Please hold, I'm coming,'' The sound of the bell was replied by the security guard from inside the estate.

The security guard peeped through a small hole in the gate, his eyes scanning Logan's figure before joyfully opening the door.

Logan was accustomed to the guard's scrutinizing gaze, but he was never offended by it because of the guard’s kind and welcoming gestures toward him.

Since joining the family, Cody, the guard, has consistently extended a warm welcome to him, unlike certain individuals within the Bennett family.

"Evening, Mr. Reed," the guard greeted, a genuine smile on his face.

"Hey there, Mr. Cody," Logan replied, returning the smile. He appreciated Cody's friendliness; it was a rare commodity in the Bennett estate.

As Logan stepped inside, Cody noticed the package in his hand and the gleam of happiness in his eyes. "What's got you grinning from ear to ear tonight, Sir?" Cody asked, genuinely curious.

Logan's lips curled into a wider smile as he was about to share his excitement, but before he could respond, a familiar voice interrupted from behind.

"Here we go again," Logan muttered under his breath, turning to see Ings approaching.

"Evening, Uncle Logan," Ings greeted, surprising Logan with a smile instead of the usual sarcastic remark.

''What! Ings has never called me uncle.'' Logan pondered to himself.

"Hey, Ings," Logan replied, eyebrows raised in astonishment. He couldn't remember the last time Ings had greeted him without a hint of mockery.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Logan couldn't help but wonder what had prompted this change in Ings' attitude.

“Grab” Suddenly! Ings slowly seized the package from Logan's grasp and looked up at him with a mischievous smile spread across his face.

Ings took a step closer, his eyes lighting up with curiosity. "Oh, did you buy Mother a gift?" he asked sheepishly, glancing at the package in his hands.

Logan nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yes, I did," he replied, feeling a surge of pride at the thought of the gift he had carefully chosen for Madame Ruthie.

Ings' eyes widened with interest, and he offered eagerly, "Let me help you take it inside.''

Logan hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to let Ings take the gift inside. He couldn't shake the feeling of distrust, wondering what Ings might do with the package.

"Why're you scared, Uncle Logan? Don't you trust your brother-in-law?" Ings asked sheepishly, holding the package in his hands.

Logan's heart skipped a beat as he processed Ings' words. It was the first time Ings had referred to himself as Logan's brother-in-law, and Logan wasn't sure whether to believe it or not, especially considering their rocky relationship in the past.

Ever since their father, Mr. Bill brought Logan into the fold of the Bennett family, 4 years ago and arranged a marriage between him and his daughter, Zora, only a select few within the family embraced him warmly.

Many of them including Zora's Elder brother and junior brother, Blake and Ings respectively, believed that Zora deserved a person of higher financial standing, more befitting of the esteemed Bennett family's standards, rather than a man of modest means like Logan who could barely feed himself and his mother.

''Could it be that Ings had stopped hating him? Was he finally accepting Logan as a part of the family?'' Logan wondered.

Logan looked into Ings' eyes, searching for any hint of deceit, but all he saw was sincerity and a glimmer of hope.

"Well, if you're offering to help, I suppose I can trust you this once," Logan said, a cautious smile playing on his lips.

Logan turned to look at Cody for any advice before handing Ings the package but the security guard maintained a neutral expression.

With a hesitant nod, Logan handed the package over to Ings, a small glimmer of hope flickering in his heart.

''Please be careful with it,'' Logan pleaded, as Ings took the package from him.

''Ok, Uncle, I will.'' Ings nodded and grinned triumphantly as he made his way towards the mansion.

''Trust is something that has to be earned and I will advise you not to let your guard down completely yet,'' Cody said, patting Logan's back as they both watched Ings disappear into the mansion.

''Mr.Cody, you shouldn't have left me on hang like that,'' Logan said, pain evident in his voice.

''Really?'' Cody chuckled at Logan's words. ''You expect me to talk in from of my employers? No man, that's the fastest way of asking for a sack letter.''

''I understand, sir. I think I have to leave now, the dinner party will kick off in a few minutes.'' Logan said, offering Cody a fist bump.

Cody returned the fist bump with a knowing smile. "Yeah, please do so before they tamper with your package in there,'' Cody advised, nodding towards the mansion.

Logan nodded thankfully, appreciating Cody's words of wisdom. With a final nod, he turned and headed towards the mansion, his heart pounding with anticipation and a hint of fear.

The Bennett family gatherings were always filled with tension and tonight was no exception as Logan couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him as he approached the grand entrance.

Taking a deep breath, Logan straightened his shoulders and confidently pushed the ornate doors open.

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