Chapter 023- $500 million dollars at once!

Chapter 023- $500 million dollars at once!

''It's not for sale, sir, period,'' Helen stated firmly, ready to walk out on Logan. But then a voice pierced through the room.

"Are you serious, Helen Alderweird?" Yvonne exclaimed as she swept into the showroom.

"I mean, you have the looks, but come on, we need some brains too! Why are you holding back on selling that car?''

Wendell was keeping his father's corrupt actions a secret from his fiancée, Yvonne, so she had no idea that the car was hidden and not actually up for sale.

"Why are you so insistent on not selling the car, Helen? Are you under the impression that you can single-handedly make decisions for this company?" Yvonne snapped, clearly agitated.

"It's not that, ma'am, it's just..." Helen began, but then hesitated, thinking about the potential consequences of revealing the true reason in front of a stranger.

"Regardless of your reasons, I find them unsatisfactory," Yvonne stated, turning her attention to Logan.

"Once again, I ap
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