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A L D É R I S’ H O U S E

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A sound hit the front door of the house, and Zyra woke up from her slumber. She had not had a good night rest in a while, and last night was different. She just made up her mind to stop grieving her sons. Garissa’s words finally managed to sink deep into her.

Zyra brought down her legs from the bed and the cold floor grazed her feet as she stood up and went for her door. . .

“Garissa, Is that you?” She asked and before she could say another word, she head a loud sound again, and to her it almost sounded like someone was throwing himself at the door.

She made her way out of the passage that led to her room, and she went to the sitting room quickly and walked up to the door.

“Who’s that?” She asked, but got no response. . .

Her hands curled up around the handle of the door and she turned slightly and pulled towards herse
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