They approached the hill. They had spent a whole day crossing all the lands to the north. Now they had reached their goal. Their eyes tracked the mighty hill from its base until their gaze was lost in the sky. They were both nervous. They stopped talking the moment they were close enough to see the base of the mountain.

Castar felt something on his upper arm, and when he looked up, he saw a bug fly away. He looked Era in the eye, and she shook her head. He had hinted at something she did not want to believe.

"No, it means nothing. It's just an insect wandering around," she said and he stopped.

"You know what it means. It's not a good sign," he said, and she interrupted him.

"What are you implying?" she asked. Of course, she knew what he was implying. She just did not want to give any room for negative thoughts.

"You can not pretend that everything is fine, because it's not," he said, and Era ignored him.

She walked past him and started down the path. They reached the bottom of the hil
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