Chapter Five

"Lead the way," I said. We rode off into darkness, leaving the bodies of the bandits to whatever would eventually find them. Elena led the way through the barren landscape, and the ghostly shadows of the moon cast upon the ruins of the world. The roads were hazardous, and every rustle the wind carried seemed to hold more danger. The deeper we walked, the more I realized Elena navigated the path through the field. Her strides were calculated and purposeful, her turns cautious, as if she knew every evil threat hiding in the dark.

Behind me, Amara sat silent, the dagger clutched tightly in her hand. I could feel the fear in her and attempted a reassuring smile. My face must have reflected more exhaustion than confidence, though. Scarcely had we fled the bandits, the unyielding pursuit putting all three of us on edge. Most of the time, Lucas had remained silent, and yet his mind was a thousand miles away. The artificial joviality of this man now changed into a resolute grimness. From the happenings with those bandits, he had not spoken any more about his family, but from a look within his eyes, one could guess his mind was elsewhere. The pain of knowing his wife and daughter were with this villain—the one who was safe because of all this chaos—was heavy on him.

Elena was a mixed blessing. On one hand, she had saved us from immediate danger, but on the other, her sudden appearance and skill raised questions. Why had she been tracking those bandits? What did she want from us? As we rode, I couldn't help but wonder whether our salvation came with hidden motives.

After what felt like hours, Elena led us into a secure, hidden enclave—a small, fortified outpost nestled in the ruins of some old building. Defenses strengthened with scavenged scraps of metal gave it all the appearance of a small oasis of safety in all the chaos. Makeshift alarms were set, ready to sound at the approach of any unwanted visitors. Elena slid off and led us inside.

"This is as safe as we can get for now," she said. "I'll have to make sure the perimeter is secure. You two should get some rest."

We entered the shelter, where the interior space was poorly lit by flickering lamps. Amara and I sat on a couple of makeshift cots, for we were so tired. Though extremely tired, Lucas continued to stand, his eyes arcing around the room as if expecting some other struggle. Elena disappeared into the dark outside, leaving us to our thoughts.

"What do you think about her?" Amara asked lowly, her voice filled with curiosity and caution.

"I don't know," I admitted. "She saved us, but something about her is just off. We'll have to watch our backs."

Lucas looked at the floor and suddenly said, "We just cannot afford to drop our guard. Sure, Elena saved us, but still, we don't know her all that well, and I have more pressing concerns." His voice mirrored fears unspoken.

Amara nodded, and we sank into a weary silence. The post-fight adrenaline had given way to deep-in-the-bone fatigue and the weight of our circumstances.

Elena returned after a while with a grim face. "The perimeter is safe," she said. "But we need to change guards. The noise of the fight will attract unwanted visitors sooner or later."

I nodded, appreciating her vigilance. "Thanks for everything. We owe you our lives."

Elena waved off the thanks with a nod. "Just doing what needed to be done. Now, get some rest. We'll need all our strength for what's coming." 

She sat down at the edge of the room, and I felt a bit more determined. That road would be long and filled with danger, but having Elena for an ally-in-arms made some of the darkness seem less formidable. As sleep finally overtook me, the futility just wouldn't shake off; it had to be only the beginning of a lot worse to come. The journey of finding Sara and learning an altogether new reality of the world had just gotten underway, and the challenges were to forebode ahead to test us in ways we hadn't yet fathomed.


The young man's eyes danced across the little, fortified enclave, narrowing suspiciously. The shelter was secure and well-defended, but it was a stopgap, not a solution. He still couldn't quite work out Elena and her motives. She had saved them from the bandits, it was true, but her sudden appearance and her skill troubled him.

As Elena vanished out into the darkness outside, instantly his mind was filled with thoughts of his family—his wife and daughter—at the mercy of this villain. The thought consumed him; he could not conceptualize the chaos that had beset them, and every decision he made seemed to carry a tremendous danger with it. With each passing minute, Lucas grew more urgent, even paranoid.

He stared at Rex and Amara, who were weary to the bone, but between them, their trust in Elena appeared immense. Rex, of the battle-ensured strong and fierce, seemed more about immediate needs than about the roots of the problem. Lucas threw Rex a look of respect, warily given. Of course, the man was a powerhouse, but his power came with its own set of baggage.

Elena was an entirely different affair altogether. She was quick in a fight, though not as silently calm as Lucas's instincts told him she was used to being; in control, though not to an unnerving degree. His gut feeling was that she worked on some grand scheme, way beyond the bandit threat that day. Her coolness and conversations full of innuendos hinted at motives beneath the surface.

He knew he couldn't afford to drop his guard. Despite the apparent safety of their temporary sanctuary, Lucas remained on edge, knowing too much in this new world to put his trust entirely in anyone. The fight with the bandits had only been a prelude to the larger threats lurking just beyond the horizon.

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