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PARALLEL YOU PARALLEL ME I'm sorry about that (Season finale)
Their walk to the hotel was a hasty one since they were racing each other for the first place that secured their turn on the shower, they both ran with all of their might but Caroline was the victor 'Even though I run twice a week Caroline still is superior to me in stamina, I have to make sure I catch up to her if I want make it in this dangerous world' Luck thought as he sat on his bed, Caroline had already gotten into the shower and was showering at the time "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE GREAT CAROLINE!" She yelled from inside the bathroom "YOU WERE THE ONE THAT CHALLENGED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE DUMB ASS!" Luck yelled back with a pinch of salt in his voice, Caroline then continued he shower silently but as she was showering she remembered something "LUCK WE FORGOT ABOUT THE GOODS IN THE MANA ZONE!" Luck wasn't very concerned about the items that they didn't get in the mana zone since he doesn't have a single clue about what a mana zone item is like, even though
2 weeks passed after the awkward conversation Luck had with Caroline, Luck attended multiple training sessions and also kept studying so he can stay on top of his class, during those 2 weeks Caroline had secretly moved to Destiny's house, Luck and Caroline had stopped hugging out together after what happened, because Caroline couldn't face him yet, despite Destiny's tries to make her talk to Luck and settle everything she continuously denied so Luck started hugging out with himself and occasionally with Floga, that happened when Floga's friends weren't around since they would have never allowed Luck into their group, in those 2 weeks Luck learned how to use the basics of all of his elements but elements such as Illusion and Destruction were more advanced from his other, during those 2 weeks Luck also had the time to focus on what happened back there, Luck had his suspicion but he never said anything, he didn't want to blindly accuse Caroline of liking him so he kept it to himself but
It was a sunny day on a small island named Biol somewhere in the Mediterranean sea, the island was surrounded by other mostly inhabitant islands, all those islands belong to the country Kesio, the island was a colony of the English empire that was never conquered by any other country, the chain of islands are now one separate small country, the island didn't have too many fancy shops or malls it had the essentials for survival and some other stores for entertainmentThe summer break has just ended, once again every kid walked to their school, the school bell was about to ring, a bunch of kids arrived at the school, the school was a mixture of junior and high school, the island didn't have too many students so it wouldn't be beneficial if they made 2 separate schools, after some minutes the bell rang and slowly every student gathered at the schoolyard"Good morning kids! Welcome to another happy school year, I hope we can all get along with each other and make sure you are kind to your
After the little inconvenient they had behind the school Caroline and Luck quickly went to the roof of the school so they can hide, the roof was a specialized place where mostly the seniors relax, but in the recent years the school allowed everyone to have access there but they first had to be checked by the guard so the school knew that students didn't smoke up there"Hey Caroline, I think is a bad idea to stay up here, I mean it's the senior's territory, Floga also stays here with his crew"Luck warned Caroline, she didn't seem to care that much"Calm down, worst case scenario we get jumped by all of the thugs of your school, best case scenario they don't even think of searching up here, I don't know about you but I'm taking my chances"Caroline replied to him, she then decide to sit down so she can relax"Hey, your name is Luck right?"she asked"M-Me yes, you must have heard it from the others right?"he replied anxiously, that bothered Caroline"Calm down, the way you act really
"You said you are interested in knowing your category, sadly for you, I can not help you right now, we have to enter a mana zone or just go somewhere private, you can't just reveal your category in front of normal humans or else you will face consequences"Caroline told Luck"That's okay, so let's quickly finish our drinks and let's go to my house, we will figure out things there"Luck said, he seemed excited about his reveal, it was normal, Luck lived his whole life being bored and bothered, a change like that was a once in a lifetime chance that would never come to Luck ever again so he clinched on it, Caroline admired his enthusiasm"Hey Luck, do you like someone?'Caroline asked him, Luck choked on his tea"What are you saying out of the blue? Yea I do but what does it have to do with this contract?""It's related but I don't want to spoil the surprise for you!"Caroline replied with a smile on her face'How can this possibly be related to the contract?'Luck thought, after that a
Luck was feeling very uncomfortable sitting at the same table as Kamira, her overwhelming power was too much for Luck to handle, the silence was bothering him indescribably, Luck had this feeling of danger, he wanted to leave that table but before he could even stand Kamira stopped him"Sit down kid, I ordered food for you so wait until it arrives, as you can see I'm currently eating that's why I'm quiet, as soon as I finish my food I will explain everything"Kamira's words calmed down Luck"Thank you so much! you didn't need to order me food though, so about Caroline..."Luck tried to ask, but Kamira quickly interrupted him with a deadly stare, Luck instinctively stopped talking, Luck thought that if he continued to speak he would die, Kamira's death stare was interrupted by the waitress"There is your food sir, the meal we prepared for you it's a Pasta Alla Norma, after you are done with your lunch call us so we can also deliver your dessert"the waitress told him in English, Luck w
"Get ready Luck your first fight will start now!"Caroline told him as she pushed him towards the intruder, Luck didn't feel ready to fight him but he didn't have a choice, this man was robbing his house, he couldn't just let him leave, upon closer inspection Luck realized that he knew the man, the man had recently graduated from high school, it was his ex-senior student"Hey, Niccolo! why are you doing this? you know that I'm struggling with money, so why did you come to rob me?""Shut it, you idiot! Who leaves without locking the door? besides, you can't do anything I'm stronger than you and nobody will believe you if you tell the police? You already know that my mum works as a cop"Luck didn't say anything, he just raised his guard up"You truly are unlucky Niccolo, Today isn't really my day so I could use a sandbag"Caroline was surprised by Luck's change of mood, he seemed scared before but now he looked like he has an intent to kill, before Niccolo could make another move Luck c
PARALLEL YOU PARALLEL ME Wait YOU can't handle that?
Luck entered a big rather weird room with the lady, as he took a good look around the place Luck noticed that behind the colorful room there was a weird machine, it looked like a coffin but it had multiple cables and tubes attached to it, there was also a big screen attached to the wall where all the cables came from, the lady guided Luck into this weird looking room"If it's possible take off your clothes and enter the machine"The lady told him, Luck was devastated"Like right now? W-with you in the room?"Luck said embarrassed, the lady sighed and walked outside the room, Luck then felt a little more comfortable, he then undressed and entered the machine'Why does it have water inside it'He wondered as he came in contact with the shallow water"HEY I'M INSIDE, NOW WHAT?"Luck screamed in order for the lady to hear, she then entered the room and walked up to the TV screen, she pressed multiple buttons and the machine rose up"What is happening? What is this machine?"Luck asked, bu
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Floga the defender
2 weeks passed after the awkward conversation Luck had with Caroline, Luck attended multiple training sessions and also kept studying so he can stay on top of his class, during those 2 weeks Caroline had secretly moved to Destiny's house, Luck and Caroline had stopped hugging out together after what happened, because Caroline couldn't face him yet, despite Destiny's tries to make her talk to Luck and settle everything she continuously denied so Luck started hugging out with himself and occasionally with Floga, that happened when Floga's friends weren't around since they would have never allowed Luck into their group, in those 2 weeks Luck learned how to use the basics of all of his elements but elements such as Illusion and Destruction were more advanced from his other, during those 2 weeks Luck also had the time to focus on what happened back there, Luck had his suspicion but he never said anything, he didn't want to blindly accuse Caroline of liking him so he kept it to himself but
I'm sorry about that (Season finale)
Their walk to the hotel was a hasty one since they were racing each other for the first place that secured their turn on the shower, they both ran with all of their might but Caroline was the victor 'Even though I run twice a week Caroline still is superior to me in stamina, I have to make sure I catch up to her if I want make it in this dangerous world' Luck thought as he sat on his bed, Caroline had already gotten into the shower and was showering at the time "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE GREAT CAROLINE!" She yelled from inside the bathroom "YOU WERE THE ONE THAT CHALLENGED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE DUMB ASS!" Luck yelled back with a pinch of salt in his voice, Caroline then continued he shower silently but as she was showering she remembered something "LUCK WE FORGOT ABOUT THE GOODS IN THE MANA ZONE!" Luck wasn't very concerned about the items that they didn't get in the mana zone since he doesn't have a single clue about what a mana zone item is like, even though
The other YOU and ME
While Luck and Caroline were on their way to a pizza house they felt a weird sensation of mana, they both felt it but they didn't react strangely to it"You feel it too don't you?"Luck asked Caroline, he stopped walking and slowly turned around to look at her"I feel it but I think it's nothing, it's probably a randomly generated mana zone so we can simply ignore it!"Caroline said as she kept moving forwards, but before she could get ahead of Luck he grabbed her wrist"Why not explore it?"He asked with a smile on his face, Caroline smiled back"I didn't think you are the type to jump in danger but I won't complain"Caroline then walked closer to the source of this weird sensation"I'm entering in if I'm not back in 10 seconds then don't enter"Caroline said, and before Luck could say anything, she vanished like thief in the night, Luck waited and before he knew it Caroline popped out of the mana zone, no harm was done to her"It's amazing inside there, let's go explore!"Caroline t
YOUR family issues
After a disastrous argument, Caroline ended up running away, Luck tried to chase her but to his surprise, he bumped into his mom, she was coming back from work, right now Luck and his mom are sitting at a café, Luck had many things to explain"A school trip you say? I don't remember our school having this kind of money"Luck's mother said as she looked him in the eyes"The money is not theirs, you see a company came to make some educational lessons in our school and the top students got to visit their H.Q here in New York, that's why I'm here"Luck said with a not-so-convincing face"Then where are the others?""It's a bit embarrassing to say it but I got lost..."Luck's words were suspicious to his mom so she kept on asking questions"What is the name of this company?"that question brought Luck to a tough spot"I'm not so sure, maybe UMP?"he said without thinking'Damn it! Why did I say that? There is no way UMP is a real company?'"United Mathematicians Paradise, a company created
Welcome to New York!
Luck and Caroline quickly packed some things with them in a small bag and they headed to the port, and to their surprise Gnomon was waiting for them there"Hey Captain Gnomon what are you doing here?"Luck asked while he approached him"Nothing special, I just got some complains by my robot saying that a certain someone that may or may not be with us is abusing it"Gnomon said as he stared at Caroline, Caroline noticed"What? Are you jealous that I like your robot self more than you? You just have to realize that you are not a likable person"Caroline said with a look of superiority"Fancy coming out of an annoying girl like you, why did you come here? Don't you have a house to destroy?"Gnomon replied with a smile, Caroline gave him the finger"Shut up dumbass and fly us to New York already!"Caroline demanded'I didn't know that those 2 are this close'Luck thought as he watched them insult each other"Gather around me!"Gnomon told them, Luck stood in front of Gnomon and Caroline u
Oh MY God!
After these eventful things Caroline took Luck back to his house and made him lay on his bed, he needed rest after what he endured, as for Caroline she went to the UMP's base in Italy, Kamira had some explaining to do to both of them, but Luck could take his turn when he finally wakes up, after a quick trip Caroline arrived at the base early in the morning, Kamira was still there doing some paperwork for the agency, Caroline burst into her office with no care in the world"Kamira what was that yesterday?"she asked her, Caroline was implying about the meeting"I apologize for what happened, it wasn't supposed to turn out like that, you see my father is an unexpected man, I didn't expect that he would actually hit Luck when he did that"Kamira answered, she was afraid of her father and Caroline could see that by the expression she had when she spoke about him"And you expect me to stay calm just because he is "unexpected"? Hell no I can't, I want to speak to him in person and solve our
Can YOU please stay calm?
After their punishment from Gnomon ended Luck and Floga returned to the class as if nothing happen, and the day continued normally, Luck, Caroline and Destiny hung out together and Floga stayed with his "friends", the day passed quickly 'It's pretty nice sitting here and attending a class instead of fighting, it just reminds me how peaceful my life used to be before' Luck wondered with a smile of gladness, meanwhile, Caroline was thinking something else 'I wonder what are we going to eat today, oh wait, the furnace is broken, by the way, why does Luck smell like a cigar? Does he smoke' Well she wasn't specifically thinking about 1 thing, Caroline couldn't focus on the lesson for even a minute, Luck in the other hand was paying attention to everything the teacher said, the time passed quickly for Luck "That's all for today's class, you are free to leave but make sure to review your homework carefully since there are some questions you can't answer hastily" the teacher told them be
YOU look pale
After this eventful evening for Luck and Caroline, the 2 of them got back to their home and slept without saying another word, nobody dared to speak after what happened, after their peaceful nap they woke up to a new week, the weekend was over so they had to return back to school, so they both got ready to go for school, even though they wanted to speak on their way to school they still hadn't recovered from the argument they had yesterday so they remained silent, once they reached the school Destiny was waiting for them at the gate of the school"Good morning guys! How did your training go during the weekend?"Destiny asked enthusiastically"Oh man it was very eventful you can say, I don't know if you heard but I got into a fight with Kamira! She is so damn powerful, she launched beams left and right, and the beams were no joke, they produced an explosion almost like half of our school, it was insane!"Caroline said with a stupid smirk, Destiny was left with a wide-open mouth"W-Wait
Are YOU also a divine?
After Luck used the element of creation to create bullets Risha was left with her mouth wide open, she couldn't believe her eyes'Kamira did say that he was important but I didn't expect him to be this much'Risha thought, Luck noticed Risha's expression and asked her"What's wrong? Did I do something bad?""No everything is good, I just forgot about one thing, so please continue your training while I'm not here"Risha told him, she then quickly ran outside the training and straight into Kamira's office, everyone working in the base's offices was wondering why she was running like that"Miss Kamira I have very important news to tell you"Risha said as she barged into her office"Well if you are barging in like that then it must be important, so what is it?"Kamira asked calmly"Luck... Luck seems to be a divine too!"Kamira stood up"Take me to him!"Kamira said in surprise, Risha then led Kamira to the training where Luck was training, he was still practicing his shooting skills"Luc