Morning came swiftly, its light filtering through the thin curtains of the safe house and casting a warm glow across the room. Jessica stirred awake, the weight of the previous night’s conversations still lingering in her mind. The air was cool, a crisp reminder of the day ahead, and she knew they couldn’t afford to waste any time. Lane was likely plotting his next move, and they needed to stay one step ahead of him.

She pushed herself out of bed, stretching as she moved toward the small bathroom attached to her room. The mirror reflected a face that looked older than she remembered, with dark circles under her eyes and worry lines creasing her forehead. She splashed some cold water on her face, trying to shake off the remnants of fatigue. There was no time for exhaustion; they had to be sharp, vigilant.

Dressing quickly, Jessica left her room and walked down the narrow hallway to the kitchen. She could already hear movement from within, the clatter of dishes and the soft murmur of vo
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