Night had fallen over the city, casting a veil of shadows over the streets. Phillip, Clara, Jessica, and Greene stood at the heart of their operations base, surrounded by the hum of activity. Maps, data charts, and surveillance footage filled the screens around them, and a sense of urgency pressed heavily on the room. They knew that the window of opportunity to dismantle Andrew Lane’s empire was narrowing.

Jessica stood by a board covered with photographs and connections drawn between Lane and his web of allies. Her eyes were sharp, focused, as she traced her finger over Leonard Vance’s picture. "This has to work," she muttered. "If we take down Vance, the rest will start to crumble."

Phillip walked up beside her, his face set with a mixture of determination and caution. "Vance is just the start. We need to be surgical about this. One misstep and Lane will double down on his defenses."

Clara, sitting at a nearby desk with her laptop open, was typing furiously. "I've managed to decrypt
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