Dawn crept through the cracks of the dilapidated building, casting long shadows over the faces of Jessica, Phillip, Clara, and Matthews. They hadn't slept. Instead, they pored over maps, scribbled notes, and digital files that Clara had pulled from various sources. The air was thick with focus and determination, the kind that forms when there's no turning back.

Jessica stretched her stiff arms, wincing at the dull ache that had settled into her muscles. "We need to get moving. We’ve got the plan, now we just need to execute it," she said, her voice hoarse from fatigue. She looked at the others, their eyes heavy but resolute. This was it—the beginning of the end.

"Agreed," Phillip said, his gaze steady on her. He reached out and gently touched her arm, a silent reminder that they were in this together. "But we have to be smart about this. Lane will be expecting retaliation, and he’s going to have eyes everywhere."

Clara nodded, her fingers flying over the keyboard of her laptop. "I’ve
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