Jessica sat in her car outside her father’s mansion, her hands still trembling from the intense conversation. She had always known that her father was a powerful man, but the extent of his control over her life was becoming suffocating. His words echoed in her mind, reminding her of the delicate line she was treading between loyalty to her family and her feelings for Philip.

As she drove back to her apartment, Jessica’s thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and fear. Philip had been a significant part of her life, and despite everything, she still cared for him deeply. But her father’s threats were not something she could ignore. Andrew Lane was not a man to be crossed, and Jessica knew that if she didn’t play her cards right, both she and Philip could suffer the consequences.

When she finally reached her apartment, Jessica parked the car and took a moment to gather herself. The quietness of the night seemed to offer no solace, only amplifying the turmoil in her mind. She took a deep
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