Jessica barely slept that night. Every creak of her apartment, every shadow that moved outside her window, made her jump. The text from her father played over and over in her mind. She could hear his voice behind the words—calm, cold, and calculating. He wasn’t bluffing. He never bluffed.

By morning, the exhaustion had seeped into her bones, but she forced herself to get ready for another day at the office. There was no room for weakness now. If she showed any sign of cracking, her father would exploit it. That was the game he played, and Jessica knew she had to stay one step ahead, no matter how impossible it seemed.

When she arrived at the Aton Empire building, she felt the tension in the air immediately. The employees moved about in hushed tones, stealing glances at her as she walked past. News of Andrew Lane's maneuvering must have spread, and everyone was waiting to see how she would respond.

Jessica entered her office and closed the door, trying to block out the weight of their
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