Jessica arrived alone, driving a sleek, black Mercedes Benz that gleamed under the midday sun. Dressed impeccably in a tailored black suit and oversized sunglasses, she exuded an aura of power and sophistication. As she stepped out of her car, her presence demanded attention and respect from anyone who caught sight of her.

The sharp click of her heels echoed in the sterile, bright lit corridors of the prison as she approached the front desk. The ward officer, momentarily taken aback by her commanding presence, straightened up and greeted her. “Good day, ma’am. How may we help you?”

Jessica removed her sunglasses, revealing piercing blue eyes that seemed to look straight through him. “I am here to see someone,” she replied, her voice cool and measured as she placed her manicured hand on the desk.

The officer, somewhat flustered, asked, “What's the name?”

“Philip... Philip Scott,” she responded, her tone sharp and firm.

He awkwardly brought out a stack of papers, flipping through them with a growing sense of urgency. The minutes ticked by slowly, each one testing Jessica's patience. She shifted her weight, her eyes narrowing as she watched him struggle to locate the file.

Finally, he pulled out a manila folder and glanced up at her. “What was his crime?” he inquired, looking more at the file than at Jessica.

Her lips curled into a scornful smile. “Your men arrested him. His crime should be written somewhere in there,” she replied curtly.

The officer looked slightly suspicious but continued, “Yeah, I know. I just wanted to ask in case you aren’t family or don’t know him well.”

Jessica's eyes flashed with annoyance. “And why would you think that?” she asked, her voice filled with irritation. She felt insulted but decided against retaliating. Instead, she took a deep breath, maintaining her composure.

After what felt like an eternity, the officer motioned for her to follow him. “This way, ma’am,” he said, leading her through a series of locked doors and down a narrow hallway to Philip Scott's cell.

“Mr. Scott, you have a visitor,” the warder announced, his voice booming through the silent corridor.

Philip, startled by the announcement, looked up in confusion. He had not been granted a phone call, so he had no idea who could possibly be visiting him. As he stepped out of his cell and into the low lit hall, his eyes widened in shock. There, standing with an air of undeniable authority, was Jessica.

He was utterly speechless. Despite their relationship, she was the last person he expected to see in a place like this.

“We need to discuss something,” Jessica said, her voice firm and filled with urgency.

Philip nodded slowly, still trying to process her unexpected presence. Jessica’s eyes softened slightly as she looked at him, but her demeanor remained resolute. Whatever brought her here today, it was clearly of great importance, and Philip knew he had to listen carefully.

Philip and Jessica sat across from each other in the bright interrogation hall, where inmates stay to meet their loved ones . The air was thick with tension, and for almost five minutes, they simply stared at one another, neither uttering a word. Jessica's expression was one of disdain, her eyes cold and unforgiving, while Philip's face wore a pitiful, desperate look, his eyes silently pleading for understanding.

After about seven agonizing minutes, Philip broke the silence with a slight cough. Jessica seized the moment, her voice sharp and accusing. “Why did you do it?” Her eyes never left his, piercing him with their intensity.

“I didn't do it,” Philip protested, his voice cracking under the weight of her scrutiny.

“Why should I believe you?” she shot back, her tone firm and unyielding.

“Because I don't know what to say to convince you that I didn't do it,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper, laced with helplessness.

Jessica cut him off abruptly, her words slicing through the air like a knife. “A court order will be arranged next week.”

“What?” Philip's heart began to race. Panic set in as he felt beads of sweat form on his forehead. His breathing became shallow, and hiccups escaped his lips. He frantically demanded water, his voice trembling. The supervisor warder, standing guard, stepped forward and handed him a cup.

Jessica watched with a mixture of satisfaction and cold detachment as Philip took slow, deliberate sips. His hands shook, and his eyes reddened with the strain of holding back tears. The reality of his possible imprisonment loomed large and terrifying.

Setting the cup down, Philip's gaze met Jessica's once more. Her face was a mask of steely resolve. “You need to plead guilty so there won't be any investigation,” she stated, her voice devoid of emotion.

“What?” Philip's voice rose in disbelief. “I plead guilty for a crime I didn't commit?”

Jessica leaned in slightly, her voice softening as she attempted to manipulate his emotions. “Do you love me?” she asked, trying to exploit his feelings for her.

“You know I do,” Philip responded, his voice filled with sincerity. He reached out, gently wiping the tears from her eyes, but Jessica quickly pulled away, using her handkerchief to dab at her cheeks.

“Then you should understand that this incident you’ve allegedly committed has ruined our family name,” she said, her tone growing colder. “We need to amend it.”

Philip was devastated by her words. He had always longed to be accepted and valued by the Lane family, and now, the prospect of losing everything he had worked for was shattering.

“I am so, so sorry,” Philip murmured, his voice filled with emotions. “I didn't mean for this to happen.”

“For you to redeem yourself and us, you need to take the charges that will be leveled against you,” Jessica insisted, her voice firm and unyielding.

“You know I can't do this,” Philip pleaded, desperation seeping into every syllable.

“Then you leave me no choice but to end this relationship,” Jessica replied, more tears streaming down her face, though Philip suspected they were as insincere as her affections.

Philip was at a breaking point. Jessica knew exactly how to manipulate his emotions. He replayed her words in his mind, wrestling with his thoughts. Was this truly the right path? Could he sacrifice himself to prove his worth to the Lane family? His mind raced with conflicting thoughts as he searched Jessica's eyes for any sign of genuine affection, but found none.

In that moment, Philip felt utterly alone, trapped between his love for Jessica and his desire to clear his name. The weight of her expectations bore down on him, and he struggled to decide his next move, knowing that whatever he chose could alter his life forever.

“I will be seeing you in court”... Jessica said to him as she nodded her head, stood up from her seat, touched Philip on the shoulders and said. “Remember you are doing this for both of us, accept the charges, you will only get two years, when you are out we will get married”.

The thought of them getting married instigated Philip to continue with the course as he sat there thinking about the whole situation, there was a silver lining that if he came out of jail he would be married to Jessica.

That alone was a decisive moment for him, so he made up his mind to accept the guilt.

Jessica got into her car, and the driver kicked started the engine and drove away.


Two days later, Philip was arraigned in a court hearing. The warder had dressed him in a stark prison uniform, securing him with handcuffs that were linked by two long chains reaching up to his neck, symbolizing his complete loss of freedom.

His movements were slow and heavy as he shuffled into the courtroom, the chains clicking with every step, a harsh reminder of his predicament.

As Philip entered the courtroom, he immediately spotted Jessica among the spectators. He desperately tried to catch her eye, yearning for any sign of acknowledgment or support. However, Jessica’s cold demeanor made it clear that to her, he was as good as invisible. She stared right past him, her face a mask of indifference, crushing any hope he might have had for her love.

Philip was guided to the stand, his eyes scanning the room nervously. He felt a profound sense of abandonment; there was no one to defend him. The atmosphere was tense as the judge took her seat, and the lawyers from Lane Industries began to present their case with an air of confidence that further showed his isolation.

The judge’s voice cut through the silence as she addressed him directly, "Do you accept the charges of money laundering labeled against you Mr Scott?" Her tone was firm and impartial, offering no hint of empathy.

Philip hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his palms itched with anxiety. He scanned the faces in the courtroom, searching for any sign of compassion. The jury, impassive and detached, seemed to look right through him. In the midst of this sea of indifference, his gaze met Jessica's. For a brief moment, her eyes softened, and she gave a subtle nod, signaling him to confess.

Summoning what little courage he had left, Philip mirrored her nod and spoke, his voice trembling, "Yes, I accept the charges." His admission sent a ripple of shock through the courtroom. A heavy silence followed, as everyone absorbed the unexpected turn of events.

The judge's gavel struck the desk, breaking the silence with a definitive thud. "Then there is no case here," she declared. "You are sentenced to twelve years in prison." Her words were final, echoing in Philip's ears like a death knell.

Philip's mind reeled. " was not the plan," he stammered, his voice rising in desperation. "It was supposed to be two years," he cried, tears streaming down his face. His pleas fell on deaf ears as he was escorted from the witness box.

In a final, futile attempt to reach Jessica, he called out to her, but she was already walking away, her back turned against him. The officers restrained him as he struggled, his cries for mercy echoing through the halls.

Heartbroken and defeated, Philip was led to the bus that would take him to a maximum-security prison, where he would serve his twelve-year sentence without the possibility of parole. The judge's order sealed his fate, and he was left to face a future of confinement and regret.

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