The aftermath of the warehouse raid left Philip and Clara with a sense of urgency. The evidence they had seized provided valuable leads, but the elusive Rourke continued to evade capture. As they returned to the FBI office, the tension was palpable. The team was working around the clock, piecing together information to track down Rourke and prevent his next move.

Philip sat at his desk, reviewing the details from the raid. The high-tech equipment and weapons they had found were crucial pieces of the puzzle. He was determined to use every lead to find Rourke before it was too late.

Clara entered the office, her face showing signs of exhaustion but also resolve. She placed a stack of files on Philip’s desk. “We’ve had some updates from the tech team. They’ve managed to decrypt some of the data we recovered.”

Philip glanced up from the files, his interest piqued. “What did they find?”

Clara pulled up a chair and began to sift through the documents. “There’s a lot of technical jargon, but
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