Author: Dylan Douse
Chapter 1

Damien Delaney walked into his home tired and weary from a long day of work. Hauling the massive bag of groceries into the kitchen, he checked his phone – no replies from his wife. It was another fight over yet another vacation she knew he couldn't afford.

The nagging had gotten worse in the last couple days. If it wasn't a diamond necklace she wanted. it would be a pair of heels so expensive they could comfortably feed a family of five for two months.

The worst part was that she could afford all her luxuries on her obscene salary.

But even though the mere sound of his breathing now seemed to annoy her, he loved her with all his heart and to make it up to her, he planned to cook he favourite meal, steak and fries, for her birthday.

Damien checked his phone again, still no text from Courtney. The day was turning tonight and the food was ready, all that was missing was the birthday girl.

He decided to call her when his phone lit up showing the face of his least liked person, Courtney's cousin.

"Hello Alison."

"Hey bastard, don't use that tone with me," her slurred words dripped with venom. "I'm doing you a favour so you better kiss my feet like the worm that you are."

Damien sighed. Courtney's family never liked him but Alison, in particular, took every opportunity she had to drag him through the mud. "If you have nothing to say, leave me alone."

"Don't you dare hang up on me, idiot. The family wanted it to be a surprise to you but it can't hold it anymore." She let out a sinister giggle that made Damien's hair stand on end. She was buzzing with excitement as she spoke. "Courtney has come to her senses and is dating a better man – he's so rich he's treating us all to dinner at Dame's Court right now. What did you ever do for this family, Damien Delaney? You even wanted Courtney to take your last name; what a clown. Even –"

Damien hung up. He could take her family's insults so long as she was on his side. But to lose her this way was unimaginable. Of course, Alison could have been lying but he had to make sure. With his rumpled work clothes on his back, he rushed out of the house, heading for Dame's Court.

Dame's Court, the prestigious restaurant with a three Michelin Star rating. Where you had to make reservations over a year in advance and the cheapest meal cost $15,000.

He hoped against hope that Courtney hadn't betrayed him, that Alison was playing one of her foolish games. He couldn't lose the love of his life this way.

In college, it had been love at first sight with them. He is a handsome man so getting attention was never hard for him. But since he was a poor orphan on a scholarship at the elite Cozark College where the children of superstars, politicians and titans of industry went, no woman wanted to be associated with the handsome but broke guy.

Courtney had seen past all of that and given him a chance. Courtney Alistair of the Alistair Group, one of the prominent companies in the country. She was on track to become an executive manager at her family's company while Damien had no prospects and had to work hard doing menial jobs to get money to feed and buy textbooks.

It took everything inside him to not go over the speed limit even with a police car two lanes over. Then he got there and realised there was nowhere to park but thankfully, Dames Court offered valet service. He parked and alighted, gesturing to one of the valets to come take his car. They all looked at him weirdly. What was this pauper doing at a place like Dame's Court?

"This isn't the town bar, are you blind? Get that jalopy out of here," one of them said to which they all burst out with laughter.

Damien was unfazed. All he was concerned about was his wife and no one would stop him from seeing her. "I need to go in, and I need someone to park my car," he said firmly.

"Look around ," the Valet said, gesturing to all the exotic and foreign cars around. "Do you think you belong here with that rubbish box you call a car?" More laughter erupted all around. "Move along before I get your car towed," he spat, getting angry that the destitute looking Damien thought he had the right to boss them around.

"I guess I'll park here then," he said, slamming his door and heading inside.

He ignored their protests saying he couldn't park there. Once inside, his view was blocked by the massive, muscular bouncer stationed outside the door. The bouncer pointed to the tall desk to the side.

The woman behind the desk eyed him suspiciously, taking in his cheap office shirt and work slacks. Surely this man didn't think he could be let in looking like that. He looked nothing like the regular clientele. She hated dealing with idiots like this. Fools that thought they could get in and rub shoulders with the rich. Bottom feeders, always looking for a handout. She found the mere sight of Damien revolting.

"Do you have a reservation sir?" She asked, certain that he didn't.

It never occurred to him that he would not be let in. As far as he was concerned, Courtney was all that mattered and he would leap over any obstacle to get to her. "No, I don't. But my wife is here and I need to see her."

The hostess frowned. Of course, he would lie like that. Why would any woman want to be with a disgusting man like him? He clearly couldn't afford to dine at Dame's Court so why would his imaginary wife be there? "Sir, if you don't have a reservation, you have to leave."

He couldn't give up that easily. He didn't need to go in, he could just stand at the entrance. He tried to look past the bouncer to no avail; the man was simply too large.

Why was this fool making things difficult? They didn’t need bums like him stinking up the place and giving them a bad reputation. "Sir, you need to leave if you don't have a reservation," she growled through her clenched jaw. Her blood was boiling in her veins.

The bouncer stepped forward with his hands against Damien's chest. "Leave or I'll make you leave."

Damien wasn't moved. All he wanted was his wife. He tried to walk around the bouncer but was pushed onto the ground.

"And what do we have here?"

The Alistair's, Courtney's family all came filling out of the restaurant along with his halfbrother, Andy. Damien knew what was coming and immediately steeled his nerves for the verbal onslaught. At least he'd get to confirm that Courtney hadn't betrayed him.

"Look. It's the peasant, Damien,” Andy jeered.

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