Chapter 4

The remaining drunks decided it would be a good idea to avenge their friend. They rushed at him aiming to overwhelm him. He was like a blur before their eyes; one second, they saw him, the next they were passed out on the floor after feeling a blunt force against their heads.

In seconds, Damien was the only one left standing, having a crazed look in his eyes. He looked around and saw that all eyes were on him wondering how such a harmless looking, unassuming man could take down all those big guys without so much as breaking a sweat. No one moved a muscle, fearing for their safety before this dangerous man.

Attention was something he hated with a passion so he decided to leave the bar.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Angela asked.

"My dad."

He walked out of the bar and saw a bunch of people gathered around a spot. Closer inspection revealed they were gathered around a Rolls Royce Phantom.

What was such a car doing in this run down neighbourhood? Surely whoever owned it had a death wish or was a thrillseeker or something.

"Beautiful, isn't she?"

Damien was startled by Angela who'd silently come to his side.

"It's really fast too. And comfortable."

"Okay," Damien answered, unwilling to engage her further.

"You don't believe me?" Angela asked, hoping to have captured his attention.

Damien shrugged and started walking away.

What kind of stubborn man was this? She usually didn't have to try to get man enamoured with her but this asshole had been ignoring her all night. Her ego was already bruised and she decided to give it one last shot. "Hear me out and the Rolls Royce is yours."

Damien glanced back at her and raised an eyebrow. Sure enough, she was dangling fancy looking keys that could only have belonged to a Rolls Royce.

Who the hell was this woman and what did she want with him?

Everyone gawked in awe as Angela fearlessly walked over to the drivers side and unlocked the door.

She smiled now that she had his attention. "I'm serious. If you listen to what I have to say, this car and a whole lot of others will be yours."

What was she even saying? A simple talk would make him the owner of a Rolls Royce and other cars? He knew a scam when he saw one.

The crowd around the car got bigger. Not only were they treated to the pleasant sight of a luxury car in their rundown neighbourhood, but they got to witness the owner, a breathtakingly beautiful woman talking to a lowly and haggard looking man. Sure he was handsome but he looked like a pauper. These two had no business even breathing the same air.

"What do you have to lose?" She asked.

What did he have to lose? Earlier that night, he had signed his divorce papers, gotten fired from his dead end job, and spent all his money to get his ex-wife a gift he didn't get to give her. He had nothing left to lose.

Loud whispers erupted from the crowd and he opened the door and got in.

Angela refused to answer any of Damien's questions as they drove for about an hour. She claimed it wasn't her place to tell and that once they arrived at their destination, all will be revealed.

Damien decided that was enough information for the time being.

Soon enough, they arrived at the high-brow area of town, a place Damien had never dreamed he would enter, let alone in a Rolls Royce. Every other car that passed by was one you only ever saw on TV or in a magazine. Damien was astounded at the sheer opulence and class of the neighbourhood. As rich as Courtney's family was, they apparently couldn't afford to live in this area.

"Welcome to Juniper Garden estate," Angela said after taking note of the awestruck look on his face.

After a few minutes, Angela clicked a button on the dashboard and said, "We're here."

Right on time, a regal looking gate started rolling open.

On the other side was a bunch of palatial mansions that seemed to form their own neighbourhood, like mini estate.

"This is the Delaney section of Juniper Gardens, it was gifted to your – to the family by the president."

Damien was baffled. What could whoever owned this place possibly have done to warrant such a gift, and from the president no less.

Angela expertly weaved around the exotic cars parked in their way. Cars they would probably have cost a fortune to acquire. Angela smirked. It seemed Damien had never been around such grandeur before the way he ogled every car they passed. Little did he know that all of it and a whole lot more already belonged to him.

"As you can see, there are a lot of cars. And like I said, if you agree to talk, they will all be yours. Also, we're planning on building a skyscraper parking lot because these aren't all the cars," she finished, shaking her head.

He couldn't believe his ears. These weren't all the cars? Who would need so many cars and how could the person afford it? And what the hell did the person want with Damien?

"Are you going to answer me if I ask?"

"No," Angela said with a mischievous grin on her face. "It's not for me to tell."

Damien sighed. He couldn't believe her especially when she wouldn't give him any details but a man could dream.

Finally, they arrived at the biggest mansion in the mini-estate. Courtney parked and they went in.

The external view was nice but nothing could have prepared him for the sheer opulence of within. So simple yet so sophisticated. It made him think about…

"Did you design this place?" Damien asked.

Angela was so stunned she nearly tripped as they walked up the stairs. She indeed had designed it but how could he possibly know that? "Why did you ask that?"

"The design isn't too flashy but it's still captivating. Kind of like you," he noted

Angela couldn't fight the blush that crept up her neck to her cheeks. She felt butterflies in her belly but she had to suppress those emotions. "We need to focus… for now."

They arrived at a massive door and stopped.

"Your life is going to change Once you walk through this door but I need you to keep an open mind, okay?"

Damien nodded, unsure but hopeful.

She swung open the heavy door and ushered him in.

The room was as massive as the door suggested but the centre of attention was the king-sized bed with an old man laying on it. The man was emaciated and looked like he was knocking on death's door.

"Go on," Angela said.

He only took three steps when he was blocked by a beautiful young woman. She resembled Angela in every way, just as beautiful and curvy in all the right places. The only thing that puzzled him was the frown on her face.

"Is this him?" She asked, eyeing Damien up and down. Despite how handsome he was, she despised him for taking what she believed should belong to her sister.

"Renee, now is not the time for your nonsense," Angela spat.

"Oh, forgive me for looking out for my sister. If you don't know what's good for you, I do. You really think it's okay for some riff-raff of the street to come in and take everything that should be yours?" Renee spat back before addressing Damien. "And you, you think you can just walk in here looking like a beggar and expect to be welcomed? You're a joke and you will not succeed here."

Every word she spoke was like a needle poking at his eyes. Her voice was like nails against a chalkboard. He'd had enough. "Hey little girl, go have a tea party and let the adults talk, okay?"

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