Chapter 9

"This all looks amazing," Damien exclaimed as the waiter dropped the last of his exotic dishes.

Against Angela's wishes, he had ordered a bunch a different dishes; dishes he could never afford before and that Courtney and her family had constantly mocked him for.

"Wait until you taste them," she said, smiling at the Damien's obvious excitement.

She didn't have to tell him twice. Not caring about all the judging looks he was getting from some other guests, he dug his utensils in and started to devour the food.

Although he didn’t care, Angela couldn't stand the people looking down on him. She knew it wouldn't be the case if he looked the part.

"We should get you a change of clothes," she said, making him pause mid-chew.

"Well, seeing as I've divorced my ex-wife, I think I've lost the right to go into her house where all my clothes are," he replied before going back to his food.

Angela leaned in closer as if she was going to reveal a secret. "You're the CEO of the Delaney Company. You own major shares in a bunch of different clothing brands; luxury and otherwise. I'm sure we can figure something out."

Damien let out a hearty chuckle. "Yes, I'm sure we can.

It was still baffling to him how much his life had changed literally overnight. But for some reason, he didn't feel out of place. In fact, he felt right where he was supposed to be, like a goal that he didn't know he had had been fulfilled.

"I'm sure I own a bunch of houses and apartments all over the city too because I'm currently homeless," he said.

Angela recalled when Damien's grandfather, Daniel Delaney, had first taken her and Renee in. It had taken a long time – years – for her to realise how powerful the man actually was. Everywhere he went, he was treated like a god. People practically worshiped the ground he walked on. She had once seen a popular movie star get nervous around Damon. That was when she truly began to grasp what a titan of a man he really was. Damien seemed to be in the dark like she was.

"You can sleep in a different building every night of your life if you want. You don't seem to fully grasp who you are yet, do you?"

Damien paused. Of course, he knew he was CEO of the Delaney Company and logically that must come with significant wealth and power but for the night, he wasn't ready to think about the sheer scope of his new life.

"I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually."

Angela smiled. That made perfect sense. There was no need to rush things. "I'll be here to guide y–"

"Gorgeous Angela. It is such a blessing to lay eyes on your fairness this fine evening."

Angela rolled her eyes before she turned to face the loud, extravagantly dressed man, in a white blazer, skinny jeans and of course sunglasses…indoors

Damien raised and eyebrow but continued with his meal.

"Raymond, good evening," Angela said with a polite smile.

"You wound me, Angela. Raymond is my father. I told you to call me Ray," he said with a toothy grin.

Raymond Ronchester of the Ronchester Group, a smaller, longtime partner of the Delaney Company. Raymond was the overconfident first son of the family, destined take over and run the thriving family business.

"By the way," Raymond continued. "I was invited to a fundraiser. It's holding tomorrow. I'm sure your presence will motivate many men to let go of their hard earned money just to please you."

The idiot Raymond was beginning to get on her already raw nerves. Not only was he blatantly hitting on her like a caveman, he had completely ignored Damien's presence. "An interesting invitation but I would ask that you respect my guest and let us continue with out dinner," she finished with a flat look.

Raymond made a big production of noticing Damien for the first time, turning around to stare at him with wide eyes.

"Oh, I didn't see him before."

Angela felt a twinge of embarrassment when Damien didn't stop eating to acknowledge Raymond. Worse yet, Raymond was staring at him like he was a pest.

"You really are an angel, taking on charity cases like this," Raymond absently noted. "I admire you philanthropic act but a lady of your calibre should not be seen with such a man. It doesn't befit you. Come and have a seat at my table."

Angela had to take deep breaths to restrain the anger brewing within. Social decorum could be so tedious sometime.

"Another interesting invitation," she said. "but I'm having a meeting with my boss."

Raymond's eyes lit up like halogen bulbs. "Oh, Mr. Delaney is here? I've been meaning to talk to him about a lucrative business proposal I have."

Self-serving bastard, Angela thought. He didn't even bother asking about the old man's health. Moreoever, Damien was the new Mr. Delaney. "I don't think he's in a position to discuss business at this point," she said.

"Oh come on, I'm sure he'll ne interested. It's an incredibly profitable business model and –"

"And why don't you do it and take all the profit?" Damien interrupted.

Raymond slowly turned to face him, regarding him like a petulant child. He couldn't believe Angela had turned down his invitation to stay with this… person. He could even call him a person, just a waste of space, eating from three different plates as if he'd never had food before.

"Hey, do you not see me having a private conversation here," Raymond seethe through his teeth. How dare this pauper address him. "You should consider himself lucky that he wasn't immediately kicked out of here. Don't you dare get on my nerves or you won't like me very much."

Raymond had had enough. He couldn't stand being in the paupers presence. He grabbed Angela's hand and moved to guide her out of her chair.

"Come on, let's go have this conversation somewhere we can't be disturbed," he said with his signature toothy smirk, the chandelier lights glinting off his shades.

Angela pulled her hand away from his clammy ones, making him frown.

"I told you, I'm having a meeting with my boss," she said with finality.

"Is he in the bathroom?" Raymond asked.

"He enjoying his meal," she replied.

Raymond glanced at Damien quizzically, then back to Angela. Back and forth, his head whirled, looking from Angela to Damien before inevitable realisation dawned on him.

His threw his head back and burst into laughter.

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