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Path of the Shaman 11
On a huge powerful body with gray skin and pink palms and feet rested a round head about a meter in diameter with one and a half meter ears and sixty centimeter tusks protruding from under a two-meter trunk, which, being forty centimeters at the base, tapered towards the end to a miserable quarter of a meter. Finding me with his small evil eyes, Heffalump lifted his trunk to the floor, crumbling Venetian stucco and Florentine mosaics, and again made that trumpet sound. My legs began to buckle, and I commanded myself a strategic retreat. Turning around with the Flute in his arms, he pranced into cover behind the throne, for some reason raising his knees high. The Heffalump was about to twitch after me, but, tangling his legs in the trunk, which reached his knees, he slammed on the floor. Twitching a couple of times, he pulled his bugle out from under him and blew already, rather, embarrassing and pitiful. For a second, I even felt sympathy for the terrible little animal, and finally pa
Path of the Shaman 12
Very entertaining! I found myself, as it were, in a cap, on the surface of which multi-colored dots, specks, spots and huge blots flickered. Looking closely at one of them, I realized that it was the Lesser Spirit of Fire. Focusing on not wanting to see the Fire Spirits, I touched the "map". The red dots are gone. I touched the blue one, and the Water Spirits were also filtered out. I got colder and colder. Either this place sucked the strength out of me, or it really was so cold here, despite the fact that I didn’t feel it right away.There were fewer and fewer points, and I almost gave up on my idea, which so far has not brought me anything but chattering teeth and another small brick in the wall of knowledge about Barliona, when I stumbled upon what I needed. Lesser Spirit of Search! I called him immediately and he gave me the coordinates. Excellent! A spot appeared on the map, twenty kilometers in diameter. Exactly what is needed! Well, at least I know she's in Kartos! Sighing, I
Path of the Shaman 13
“Well, it’s your business with dad,” I replied indifferently. - If you want to play with me - you will do what I say!That's it man! He said - how chopped off! I still had to spit through my teeth ...- Maha-a-an! Flute shook my sleeve.- What else?- Is it true that you only deal with those who have at least two higher educations?I almost choked on a tambourine!- Well, let's then ... - I made a sweeping movement with a brush.- What - come on?- Act run!“Wait…” she froze for a few seconds, obviously working on a mailbox. Then she waited for another minute, looking bored at the frescoes, and after that, obviously having received something, she reported: - Done!- How? I rolled my eyes.“Well, I just accepted an invitation to our local university…” she explained. - I have a school with a gold medal and university preparatory courses, after which they issue a certificate for admission.- What about your specialty?I will study to be a hacker! the zombie said casually. - I'll be like
Path of the Shaman 14
“I already told you,” I sighed, “that I’m not going to take revenge on anyone. I am a peaceful person. And even the fact that Nastya truly loves me will not make me run after her with an axe. I honestly thought I would never see her again, but...“But the Phoenixes are good business,” Evolett finished for me. I threw up my hands. — Yes, Mahan, but you are cruel, however!- I'm not like that, life is like that! I replied.Pavel and I returned to Altameda in a good mood. I - because I made the alliance I needed, and Pavel - because he seems to have won the control meter. So, now the question of who is the coolest analyst in Barliona is no more. After making a few more calls, I logged into Constructor and got down to the chore of crafting epic and legendary items to sell. I don’t even know how many hours I spent on this unique activity, but at some point a message popped up about a new letter. The signed contract and video were attached to the letter. I sent the contract to the Imitator
Path of the Shaman 15
You have created an Orc Shaman from the Legendary Emperor Karmadont's Chess Set. While the figure is with you, you get a bonus to Intelligence and Magic Damage - 100% and magic defense - 50%.Skill Upgrades Received:+1 Craft characteristic parameter. Total: 28+5 skill in the main specialty Jewelcrafting. Total: 231You have crafted a Legendary item. Your reputation with all previously encountered factions is increased by 500.You have created an Elemental Archmage from Emperor Karmadont's Legendary Chess Set. While the figure is with you, you get a bonus to Intelligence and Magic Damage - 100% and magic defense - 50%.Skill Upgrades Received:+1 Craft characteristic parameter. Total: 29+5 skill in the main specialty Jewelcrafting. Total: 236You have crafted a Legendary item. Your reputation with all previously encountered factions is increased by 500.You have created the Chief of the White Wolf Clans from the Legendary Chess Set of Emperor Karmadont. While the figure is with you,
Path of the Shaman 16
- And what are you fmeetef? Flute asked offendedly, cautiously feeling the sharp tips of her new fangs with her finger. Crius slapped his forehead, snapped his fingers, and Aquarizamax appeared in front of us."Damn, I can't get used to it!" The Titan said apologetically.- Oh, what a pveleft! Flute squeaked. “I’m tove hofen sofvennovo Dvakon!”I rolled my eyes. Give her her own Dragon! I must make a vow to myself - as soon as this crazy woman turns eighteen - to give myself to the organs of the nearest hospital, there, at least, my brain will be taken out by a professional pathologist, and not an amateur gourmet!All this time, while we were talking nicely, the rest of the raid members were beating the Boss, preventing his health from exceeding 40% again. What does it mean to be a good raid leader? This is when your fighters themselves know what to do, even better than you! Calathea somehow had the strength to work on two fronts - to send spirits to the Boss and to Ehkiller. I kept e
Path of the Shaman 17
An hour later, we were perplexedly looking at the fruit of my creations of the 465th level on two short legs, with a powerful torso and the head of a Titan, and instead of arms, warriors Monya and Khryapa from the Phoenix were sticking out to the waist. I rubbed my chin thoughtfully."He's missing something!"- Yes, everything seems to be in order! shouted Zlatan, who managed to completely hide behind the mighty shoulders of the Shamans."He's missing his legs, that's what!" — I again entered the Designer.After adding Plinto, or rather, his legs, our Ulaanbaatar took on a very comical look, not quite corresponding to the 495th level. My Jewelery increased to 255. We started discussing strategy, and Zlatan, realizing that today he would not be attached to Helfire, grew bolder, got out of the flower garden and began to give advice.“I think,” he said, “that the difference in five levels is quite compensated by the superiority in hit points and damage. We need to put mages and shamans o
Path of the Shaman 18
Surprisingly, the company turned out to be very nice. We immediately ordered a lot of different dishes, walking, in my opinion, through the entire menu. Shilopopaya and Calathea, who were sitting next to me, took out pieces from my plate in a businesslike way, not forgetting to share what they had; about a dozen dishes simply stood in the center of the table, allowing everyone to pinch off a piece. When some topic common to the whole table subsided, people easily switched to communication with neighbors, some of these private conversations were picked up by neighbors further away, and then completely developed into a general discussion, punctuated by the laughter of the participants. Once again, when Evolett, sitting next to Calathea, began to solve some problems of a global scale with her, and I had fun at the sight of the inflated Zombie, who was carefully looked after by Crius and Plinto on both sides, Shilopopaya decided to start a conversation, long ago, it seems, sitting with an
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On the first attempt, the cell phone failed to break through the foggy veil of sleep. No matter how hard he tried to dance the tarantella on the bedside table, no matter how he tried to throw his watch, a glass of water, a charger onto the floor with his vibrations, Katya did not wake up. Only slightly trembling eyelashes suggested that sweet oblivion is coming to an end, and you need to wake up and finally turn off this damn phone. Frightened that they would throw him on the floor, the phone fell silent for a minute, but only to voice his presence with new frenzy. Without opening her eyes, Katya reached for the bedside table. -Hello! - No, you're my friend or why! Instead of greeting, they shouted from the tube. It was Sveta and she was a friend. - What are you yelling? You are my friend, my friend, calm down. “Then, if so, why am I the last to know everything?” - I don't know what you should learn first, but I beg you, Light, go to the bathhouse! Let me sleep! I just went to be
Slowly getting used to the light, Vomit heard heavy footsteps. Someone was heading towards him. Terror gripped the entire body of the great demon prince. He was unarmed and weak in the face of possible danger. Searchlights illuminated only a few meters, but then began the possession of impenetrable darkness.Out of the darkness came a short guy in black robes and a hood, holding a long sword in a sheath in his hands. The eerie aura of darkness that he exuded pierced through Vomit like a thousand blades. He was a demon prince, the greatest genius, but this guy... He crushed him like a bug. However, this intimidating aura seemed to Vomit.. Familiar?- Who are you? Why are you doing this? You do realize it's not just the Bloodrain family that's going to hitch up for me, right? Or were you sent by your father?- Who am i? - The guy whispered, leaning to my very face and I managed to look under the hood.- Fuck my dick...He stepped back a few steps.Yes, that's a good, very good question.
Loud footsteps cut the silence of the night city.Azrael breathed in the cold, foul air. Moongate was the most ordinary industrial metropolis. Massive crowds, most of which were office rats, glass, concrete, and rebar buildings eighty or more stories high, an advanced subway system, and a terrible stench from defense factories in the east. Alas, the use of magic could not make production more environmentally friendly, as magicians and scientists did not break their heads, their efforts were useless. Moongate has been an open domain since its inception, humans and demons have long since learned to coexist side by side. And not only to coexist, but also to cooperate with each other. The magic possessed by the demons made it possible to raise the standard of living of ordinary citizens of Moongate, technologies, combined with magic made it possible to achieve amazing results in the production of public goods, and almost all the citizens of the infernal city lived comfortably. But still,
The gang leader screamed in panic and ran wherever his eyes looked, but he could not run far. Azrael sheathed the tati, and in the blink of an eye the criminal lost his legs and fell. Azrael slowly approached him and stepped on his back with his foot. - Well, what are you .. You squeal like a pig. Where is all your confidence and strength? There your friends have already acidified .. What a pity. And we'll have some fun with you ...The gang leader tried to say something, but instead he only began to spit blood. What, you don't like hanging out? Do you even know, mediocrity, how many people's blood is on that sword? Azrael took out the tati again, its blade sparkling in the moonlight. He put it to the bandit's ear. “People like you are not even worthy of human death. You are worse than animals. I must apologize to the pigs for comparing you to them. Azrael cut off the bandit's ear. He screamed wildly, choking on blood. “Tell me what pain is…” Azrael slashed his second ear with his s
Azrael opened his eyes. He stood in the middle of a wonderful garden. Sakura branches covered the sky, rose petals slowly fell to the ground. Azrael tried to catch one of the petals, but failed. He could feel his body, he could move his limbs, but he could not interact with the world that surrounded him.“Oh no.. Not this… Not again…”Nightmares. They tortured Azrael whenever he closed his eyes.A handsome man of about forty entered the garden. He was dressed in a long gray kimono with large shoulder pads and a conical hat, with two swords at his belt - a katana and a wakizashi. Long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and there was a kind smile on his face, blue eyes shone with warmth and care.- Dad, dad!Following the man into the garden, a boy of about seven, wearing a clean white kimono and a short sword in his belt, ran into the garden.All this seemed terribly familiar to Azrael. And this place, and these people.. As if he was already here.“Did you want to ask somethin
Azrael stood on the roof of a tall skyscraper, enjoying the view of the starry sky.“Something you’ve been waiting for a long time, I’ve already been waiting for ..” He turned to take steps, a grin appeared on his face, exposing a row of sharp teeth.Opposite him stood a girl in a school uniform, 13-14 years old.- I love places like this. I'll have to thank the master for sending me here. Black as the soul of a killer, the sky with the stars of sorrow framing it. It's just amazing..A sharp sword appeared in the girl's hands, ignited with blue fire. Two faint tears rolled down her cheeks.“What I love about the magical copies created by Nick is because they are endowed with a human mind. Unlike ordinary soulless puppet creatures saturated with magic, you can feel and experience emotions. Just like real people. Having fun with such toys is a real pleasure peak. The way you fight for life.. But still, you lack strength. Magic copies significantly lose combat power compared to the origi
The message only meant that no one on the planet uses electromagnetic waves to exchange messages, and that's all - but with a high probability there is no civilization here "Increased levels of carbon dioxide Increased nitrogen content Increased content of methane Evolved flora discovered Fauna discovered» Not quite the right atmosphere - it's not scary. At least for Elune, there is no such problem, which means that the atmosphere will be as it should be. Several shot probes reached the surface, and the ship's broadcast flashed with images of the species encountered - a couple of species of herbivores, several predators, a rich set of birds, various fish, reptiles and of course thousands of species of insects ... A complete set, in general - on many planets there is none. Some of them may even be intelligent, but we won't know that until the troops land. In the meantime, we are not convinced of the absence of intelligence on the planet, we cannot touch it ... - How beautiful! Al
- Sorry, what? I asked when I heard my name."My granddaughter said she loves our glorious new flying tradition," Darius repeated, smiling.“I just noticed that Dima had a great idea,” Atossa objected. - But only.“And I, as the only captain and, accordingly, the admiral of our entire fleet, immediately decided to declare this a tradition,” he chuckled good-naturedly.- Despot! Atossa growled caustically.“Technically, I'm only an admiral,” Darius objected, “and the despot is sitting over there surrounded by his flower garden,” and he bowed his head politely.- A vile slander, - I answered, - I did not tyrannize anyone at all and did not despot ...“If you start arguing, then instead of enjoying the view of Jupiter, you will receive honors from the subjects in turn,” he promised. “And I’m not sure that everyone will agree to kissing only the hand.”I shuddered, suddenly realizing that everyone without exception, both the crew and the passengers, was looking at me. And something bad wa
“Are we unable to offer them anything?” he asked in bewilderment.“Already offered,” I nodded. - And this proposal can be considered the first contribution to good neighborly relations.Do you mean Barliona? - he asked.“Yes, Barliona,” I confirmed. “Just not quite in the way you understand it."Then tell me," he invited again.“When Elune was locked up in Barliona…” I began, and I noticed how the interlocutor grimaced. Well, yes, I mentioned supernatural powers again. “Sergei, it is high time for you to understand that Elune is indeed a higher being and that she is as real as the world around us. The fact that it was our technology that made it possible to make an incredibly gigantic leap, the results of which amazed even the Ancients, is a matter of pride.“Good, good,” he hastened to agree, already knowing that I was ready to extol my beloved for hours. All loved ones. “You are right, I really should sometimes cast aside the cynicism that has ingrained in the pores of the skin in o