- Internet? she asked, and scattered her gaze, looking through me, and then she shuddered, as if from a blow, and her eyes first ran, and then completely rolled.In a moment I found myself in the center of a real tornado.- The game?!! Her thunderous voice pinned me to the ground. So this is all a game?!- Elune! I tried to shout to her through the frantic cycle of plucked flowers and branches scratching and hitting me. "Stop, my Goddess!"The wind stopped, allowing me to see the destruction caused to the Garden of Eden. Elune knelt in front of me with her eyes closed, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her garden, a beautiful garden, also seemed to be crying, trickling and blurring before her eyes."So I'm just a piece of code," she sobbed. — A cute piece of code designed to evoke the basest desires in male players.“You are my Goddess,” I knelt before her.What kind of goddess am I? she sobbed, bending over and covering her face with her hands. - A set of instructions - show up, wave
They were rich, I must say, exceedingly. Twelve courses - soup, fish, roast, lobster, game, oysters, pig on a spit, whole roast goose, more soup, vegetable stew, veal chops and fried prawns. With the love of a mother who finally managed to persuade her beloved child to eat, Elizabeth watched as I, having stuffed a mouthful of bread, diligently beat the plate with a spoon, pouring the second soup of the evening into my mouth with the speed of a good soldier.“Sometimes I remember our simple country dinners…” she said with a smile, and Trisha patted my right hand.To finish quickly, I poured the rest of the soup into my mouth straight from the plate, because my upbringing did not allow me to answer her with my mouth full. After swallowing the whole lump, I wiped my mouth with a napkin.“I really miss those days,” I replied. - I ran through the forests, helped people, fought evil spirits ...“Now what are you doing?” Priestess asked.“And now I have a clan, a castle economy, a regiment o
“They promise to meet another comet along the way,” commented Eva, with the enthusiasm of a true native of the city of C, eating ice cream with chocolate and nuts.“That is, they predict a rich program,” I realized.- Exactly, - Natalie nodded and looked around with anguish: - No, after all, this is some kind of disgrace, Evka, why are you so cramped!— Can you buy the apartment next door? I asked Eve. She choked.— Pf-f! Where…"Ransom for Natalie," I advised. - You will go to each other ...“And wash your bones,” she rejoiced.“And wash my bones,” I agreed.- The same question - for what shisha? Natalie asked."I don't understand," I shook my head.“I scraped the egg to the bottom and was going to ask for a loan from the clan…” she explained.— For a flight? I guessed. - Do not take. You have me.“What are you offering me?” she narrowed her eyes. - I'm not some kind of kept woman ...“As you wish,” I put down my mug of tea, got up and went into the hallway.Well, how - went ... "Ste
Dragon TearUnique Artifact, Unique Ingredient, Unique ItemIt is born only at the moment when the Dragon is experiencing the strongest emotions.Can be used to enhance weapon statsUsed in unique potion recipesWhen applied directly by the player, grants a permanent level bonus with no experience shift: +10%You got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelYou got a new levelExcellent. That is, my experience will advance, as for the level that I had before, and the parameters and stats will be 10% higher! Hal will kill me again!“Now, son, I’ll tell you the story of how we survived in this world,” Renox patted me on the back with the tip of his wing.Dragons are carriers of the absolute masculine principle. When the Creator brought them into this world, he did not expect that
In just a couple of minutes, the air around me in the clearing, to which I moved to participate in the raid, was utterly condensed from the continuous squeak, with which the unfortunate imitator had to replace my very valuable thoughts about what had happened. What occupied me most of all was the assurances of both casual acquaintances that at night we even went to the shower together ... the three of us, and even tightly clinging.I took out an object that interested me from my bag.sepulkilegendary itemUsed for sepulationAnd that's it. Pranksters-developers, boarding them with horseradish in all holes three hundred and thirty-three times, sweaty eaters of fish giblets, their motherfucking cuttlefish! What, am I a pirate or out for a walk?Again, the Phoenixes called me to the raid. In such a raid, in which Anastaria the Great immediately begins to load Mahan Loch with her problems. In a normal, in general, joint raid with Phoenix. Damn me, the Heffalump didn't come! My next taxes
— Your Majesty! I whispered, resisting the urge to bow my head.“My brother,” said Naathi.Tisha squeezed between him and me, enthusiastically looking at the sky, blazing with a thousand lights. The flute, standing on the other side of me, glanced displeasedly at the princess's still flat tummy, but said nothing.- What are we celebrating? the Emperor asked.“I have become the King of the Sea,” I replied. “Now no one and nothing will be able to resist me at sea."That's a good achievement," he nodded. I hope you use it for good?“Everything I do, I do for good,” I replied."Don't shirk," he said sternly.“At the bottom of the sea, it seems to me, people live,” I explained. I wanted to go down there...“You will represent the Emperor,” he commanded.You have been offered the quest "I Came in Peace"The Emperor has authorized you to be the ambassador of Malabar in the development of new landsWhen concluding a trade agreement, you will receive 0.5% of the trade turnover between the land
The tailor, tiring me with his grazing and endless “young man”, forced me to undress to my underwear, drove me onto a cylindrical rotating stand and started measuring, dumbfounded at the moment of measuring the length of the leg, so that he was healthy! With difficulty suppressing the desire to kill the unlucky Achtung, I stoically endured until the end of the procedure, after which, with a sigh of relief, I rushed to get dressed. Aron Moiseevich called Natalya Ilyinichna, who turned out to be a very friendly lady a little younger than me. And so friendly that only my self-issued quest did not allow me to immediately invite Natalya Ilyinichna to meet the next dawn on my terrace. As if in passing, I pulled out her phone number and email address. Backlog, so to speak, for the future. If the date goes as planned, I'll call her today. About eight, I hope.Together they sat down with a catalog in which there were many broad-shouldered men in jackets, tuxedos, frock coats, camisoles, tailco
Then we ate and talked. We made a couple of circles on the parquet of the hall, which revealed that I may be an excellent Shaman, but here I am a dancer ... Never mind, I will write off everything on hypertrophied dignity. I entertained the girl with tales from a former life, funny and not very funny, told how I got to Barliona. At some point, he remembered about Marina, apologized and typed a message on the communicator"Cezve"I sent this message to an address that started up by itself on one of Tampere's virtual servers as recently as this morning. The imitator who received it must forward it to another, and then completely erase it from their logs. The result of a chain of two dozen Imitators was supposed to be the one who was in charge of turning on the fire system in the Panorama restaurant in the city of K. A few minutes later I received a message with a photo of a wet angry cat in the application. I quickly typed in a message:"Marina!Excuse me, I'm not ready to meet you yet!
On the first attempt, the cell phone failed to break through the foggy veil of sleep. No matter how hard he tried to dance the tarantella on the bedside table, no matter how he tried to throw his watch, a glass of water, a charger onto the floor with his vibrations, Katya did not wake up. Only slightly trembling eyelashes suggested that sweet oblivion is coming to an end, and you need to wake up and finally turn off this damn phone. Frightened that they would throw him on the floor, the phone fell silent for a minute, but only to voice his presence with new frenzy. Without opening her eyes, Katya reached for the bedside table. -Hello! - No, you're my friend or why! Instead of greeting, they shouted from the tube. It was Sveta and she was a friend. - What are you yelling? You are my friend, my friend, calm down. “Then, if so, why am I the last to know everything?” - I don't know what you should learn first, but I beg you, Light, go to the bathhouse! Let me sleep! I just went to be
Slowly getting used to the light, Vomit heard heavy footsteps. Someone was heading towards him. Terror gripped the entire body of the great demon prince. He was unarmed and weak in the face of possible danger. Searchlights illuminated only a few meters, but then began the possession of impenetrable darkness.Out of the darkness came a short guy in black robes and a hood, holding a long sword in a sheath in his hands. The eerie aura of darkness that he exuded pierced through Vomit like a thousand blades. He was a demon prince, the greatest genius, but this guy... He crushed him like a bug. However, this intimidating aura seemed to Vomit.. Familiar?- Who are you? Why are you doing this? You do realize it's not just the Bloodrain family that's going to hitch up for me, right? Or were you sent by your father?- Who am i? - The guy whispered, leaning to my very face and I managed to look under the hood.- Fuck my dick...He stepped back a few steps.Yes, that's a good, very good question.
Loud footsteps cut the silence of the night city.Azrael breathed in the cold, foul air. Moongate was the most ordinary industrial metropolis. Massive crowds, most of which were office rats, glass, concrete, and rebar buildings eighty or more stories high, an advanced subway system, and a terrible stench from defense factories in the east. Alas, the use of magic could not make production more environmentally friendly, as magicians and scientists did not break their heads, their efforts were useless. Moongate has been an open domain since its inception, humans and demons have long since learned to coexist side by side. And not only to coexist, but also to cooperate with each other. The magic possessed by the demons made it possible to raise the standard of living of ordinary citizens of Moongate, technologies, combined with magic made it possible to achieve amazing results in the production of public goods, and almost all the citizens of the infernal city lived comfortably. But still,
The gang leader screamed in panic and ran wherever his eyes looked, but he could not run far. Azrael sheathed the tati, and in the blink of an eye the criminal lost his legs and fell. Azrael slowly approached him and stepped on his back with his foot. - Well, what are you .. You squeal like a pig. Where is all your confidence and strength? There your friends have already acidified .. What a pity. And we'll have some fun with you ...The gang leader tried to say something, but instead he only began to spit blood. What, you don't like hanging out? Do you even know, mediocrity, how many people's blood is on that sword? Azrael took out the tati again, its blade sparkling in the moonlight. He put it to the bandit's ear. “People like you are not even worthy of human death. You are worse than animals. I must apologize to the pigs for comparing you to them. Azrael cut off the bandit's ear. He screamed wildly, choking on blood. “Tell me what pain is…” Azrael slashed his second ear with his s
Azrael opened his eyes. He stood in the middle of a wonderful garden. Sakura branches covered the sky, rose petals slowly fell to the ground. Azrael tried to catch one of the petals, but failed. He could feel his body, he could move his limbs, but he could not interact with the world that surrounded him.“Oh no.. Not this… Not again…”Nightmares. They tortured Azrael whenever he closed his eyes.A handsome man of about forty entered the garden. He was dressed in a long gray kimono with large shoulder pads and a conical hat, with two swords at his belt - a katana and a wakizashi. Long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and there was a kind smile on his face, blue eyes shone with warmth and care.- Dad, dad!Following the man into the garden, a boy of about seven, wearing a clean white kimono and a short sword in his belt, ran into the garden.All this seemed terribly familiar to Azrael. And this place, and these people.. As if he was already here.“Did you want to ask somethin
Azrael stood on the roof of a tall skyscraper, enjoying the view of the starry sky.“Something you’ve been waiting for a long time, I’ve already been waiting for ..” He turned to take steps, a grin appeared on his face, exposing a row of sharp teeth.Opposite him stood a girl in a school uniform, 13-14 years old.- I love places like this. I'll have to thank the master for sending me here. Black as the soul of a killer, the sky with the stars of sorrow framing it. It's just amazing..A sharp sword appeared in the girl's hands, ignited with blue fire. Two faint tears rolled down her cheeks.“What I love about the magical copies created by Nick is because they are endowed with a human mind. Unlike ordinary soulless puppet creatures saturated with magic, you can feel and experience emotions. Just like real people. Having fun with such toys is a real pleasure peak. The way you fight for life.. But still, you lack strength. Magic copies significantly lose combat power compared to the origi
The message only meant that no one on the planet uses electromagnetic waves to exchange messages, and that's all - but with a high probability there is no civilization here "Increased levels of carbon dioxide Increased nitrogen content Increased content of methane Evolved flora discovered Fauna discovered» Not quite the right atmosphere - it's not scary. At least for Elune, there is no such problem, which means that the atmosphere will be as it should be. Several shot probes reached the surface, and the ship's broadcast flashed with images of the species encountered - a couple of species of herbivores, several predators, a rich set of birds, various fish, reptiles and of course thousands of species of insects ... A complete set, in general - on many planets there is none. Some of them may even be intelligent, but we won't know that until the troops land. In the meantime, we are not convinced of the absence of intelligence on the planet, we cannot touch it ... - How beautiful! Al
- Sorry, what? I asked when I heard my name."My granddaughter said she loves our glorious new flying tradition," Darius repeated, smiling.“I just noticed that Dima had a great idea,” Atossa objected. - But only.“And I, as the only captain and, accordingly, the admiral of our entire fleet, immediately decided to declare this a tradition,” he chuckled good-naturedly.- Despot! Atossa growled caustically.“Technically, I'm only an admiral,” Darius objected, “and the despot is sitting over there surrounded by his flower garden,” and he bowed his head politely.- A vile slander, - I answered, - I did not tyrannize anyone at all and did not despot ...“If you start arguing, then instead of enjoying the view of Jupiter, you will receive honors from the subjects in turn,” he promised. “And I’m not sure that everyone will agree to kissing only the hand.”I shuddered, suddenly realizing that everyone without exception, both the crew and the passengers, was looking at me. And something bad wa
“Are we unable to offer them anything?” he asked in bewilderment.“Already offered,” I nodded. - And this proposal can be considered the first contribution to good neighborly relations.Do you mean Barliona? - he asked.“Yes, Barliona,” I confirmed. “Just not quite in the way you understand it."Then tell me," he invited again.“When Elune was locked up in Barliona…” I began, and I noticed how the interlocutor grimaced. Well, yes, I mentioned supernatural powers again. “Sergei, it is high time for you to understand that Elune is indeed a higher being and that she is as real as the world around us. The fact that it was our technology that made it possible to make an incredibly gigantic leap, the results of which amazed even the Ancients, is a matter of pride.“Good, good,” he hastened to agree, already knowing that I was ready to extol my beloved for hours. All loved ones. “You are right, I really should sometimes cast aside the cynicism that has ingrained in the pores of the skin in o