14 - A daughter's protection

After he has cursed to his heart’s content, Trevor spoke normally, his face full of cold unbridled fury.

“ Every last person in this universe has the right to accuse me of betrayal, Chieftain, but you do not. If not for your lazy incompetent spoiled arse failing to find the awakening altar, our tribe shouldn’t have to go to Tuna tribe at all. If you failed once, you should have gone twice, if you failed twice, you should have gone thrice. You should have gone on the altar finding mission every year, until you found it. However, look at you. You went once, you came back crying like a toddler at the slightest hint of trouble. As soon as the Tuna tribe showed up, you rolled down to lick their feet. What right do you have to accuse me ? “ Trevor hissed at him.

Then, he slowly composed himself.

“ If you want to keep being a chieftain, I suggest you keep licking the Tuna tribe’s tails properly. After all, though adopted, I am still a member of the Tuna tribe. A lowly goby like you should
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