2 - Item Box

“ Brother is an alien. That grandmother on the moon ?! Brother evicted her long ago. “ he told her. 

“ Really ?! “ Mimi asked in shock. 

“ Really ! “ Eric nodded his head with his most innocent expression. 

Mimi still looked unwilling. 

“ If you are too scared, how about your brother touching the stone along with you ? Then, brother would be teleported with you. If there’s another baby-eating grandmother on the moon, brother will throw her out. “ Eric convinced her. 

Mimi nodded reluctantly. She wanted to touch that stone. She was really scared she would be teleported to the moon. 

Eric lifted her easily onto his shoulders, then, her hand was put on his own, they both slowly touched the stone. Eric was so shocked with the result, he almost threw his sister down. 

[ In the entire universe, there’s nothing unknown to Cosmo ] 

[ Find the space server seed, Cosmo] 

[ Discover the space server seed, Cosmo ] 

[ Quest acceptance reward : Infinite item box ] 

[ You can carry the world with you. ] 

[ Quest completion reward : Ownership of a space server seed. ]

[ Accept the quest ? ] 

[ yes ] [ no ] f

Eric, obviously choose yes. 

This was handing over a pillow while he wanted to sleep. Every time they go to his grandfathers, there are many things his mother wants to take, but she has to tone it down because they have to carry them all by hand. If this ability works, his mother won’t have to worry about making a decision at all. 

By the end of the trip, half the mothers in the group were smiling lovingly at Eric. 

“ Little brother, by any chance, do you babysit ? “ They asked him eagerly. 

“ Yes, ma'am. You can scan me. Ask me in advance, because we may go back to our hometown this year.“ he told them, carrying his sleeping sister. The mothers were struggling with their sons and daughters, while Eric easily held his sister. She’s not exactly light, given she loved eating and had a brilliant cook for mother. He was sad to see her turn from his lovable little fatty to a girl obsessed with diet as she grew up. 

Eric himself had a bit of a mixed looking face, with amber eyes, raven black ringlets, yet, with sword eyes, sharp jaw and melon face. He is five eleven, still growing. If he wears glasses, he looks like a melodrama hero, if he removes them and dresses up, he looks like an action drama hero. His little sister is even better, with green eyes, and pale skin, she looked like a puffed up barbie doll. She looked good in every darn princess dress. They are one good looking family. 

Eric brought his bicycle with the baby seat. He attached his sister carefully to the baby seat, making sure she is comfortable every which way before driving home. After returning home, instead of leaving the bicycle outside, he put it in his inventory. 

He put his sister to bed, then tried putting all the books in his study rack inside his inventory. They went in. He put the rack in the item box. That gave him plenty of room in his bedroom. Soon, all his paraphernalia followed, save for the posters on the wall. 

‘ This rebirth seems to be one good thing I did in my life. ‘ he thought, putting away all his shoes and clothes inside the item box. 

“ Mom and dad, can I digitize all items in our home ? “ he asked. 

“ umm… sure. “ both his parents replied absentmindedly, as they attended to their own chores. 

As soon as the answer came, Eric went full blast, digitizing everything, from the ceiling fan to dish scrubber sponge. 

The next day, he realized the problem with the skill. 

Only one item could be digitized at a time. When he tried to digitize the land on which their apartment is, the skill applied only to the little land parcel their apartment stood on. So, he walked to the public park, tried casting digitization on the park. 

It took a long time. Unable to bear, he returned home. It is at this time he discovered - the herbs in his mother’s planter are fully grown. 

[ Ready to harvest. ] 

Eric touched the herbs, thinking ‘ harvest ‘ in his mind. They are all cut to the root. In one minute, they are all ready once again. 

‘ Hey ! At this speed, I would like to plant rice in this little box. ‘ he thought as he looked at the little planter. 

All the same, he harvested the herbs once every minute. 

Once the hour was over, the message changed on the herbs. 

[ one hour to mature. ]

‘ oh ! so this growth effect is stacked from the time a crop is not harvested. It’s quite a nice feature. ‘ he thought as he entered their home. 

Now that he’s got unlimited inventory, Eric thought of ways to use it. 

The first thing he came up with is to collect trash and donations. He opened the website, added an advertisement for donation / trash collection service for big items in S city. 

Soon, he started receiving messages. Most messages are for outdated TV, washing machines and refrigerators. His phone was digitized and connected to his player system. If not for that, he would not have been able to manage the pick up service today. In just one day, he picked up a hundred items. Especially so when he came to the gigantic gated community, which is almost a city unto itself. 

Surprisingly, there were even an airboat, fishing rods and fishing gear in this collection. The next day, the calls were even more numerous, as he gained four stars on the platform for services. For the next five days, he was tired as a dog. The moment he returned home, he slept like a dog. 

Today, he is picking up a banner from the tallest building in the S city. 

“ You mean I need to untie it myself and take it with me ? “ Eric asked, shocked at the employee’s description. 

“ yes. “ 

“ Brother ! That balloon will take me along with itself the moment it comes loose. “ Eric told him. 

“ It’s weighed down by the banner. It will not take you. If you are that afraid, how about tying yourself to the anchor there ? “ the manager asked helpfully. 

Eric wanted that balloon. If he could take it, it was his. That was the deal. 

“ Also, you and your staff need to be on the standby on the floor below to hold up a safety net for me. “ Eric demanded. 

“ Of Course. Your safety is of the highest importance. “ 

“ I need a bag with a parachute and some training on how to open a parachute.” Eric added. 

The manager nodded genially, and gave him a bag with a parachute. This is still a lower price than calling the crew who take down such balloons and banners. 

“ Payment upfront. Mail the signed contract to me, along with the permission from the owner to take both the balloon and banner. “ Eric added. 

The manager sent the cash, sent the signed forms, then went down to watch the balloon go down. 

As soon as Eric confirmed the manager left, he untied the balloon’s rope. 

The gigantic helium balloon rose straight into the air, but not by much. Like the manager said, it was weighed down by the banner. 

He did not store the balloon immediately. He stored the banner first. The moment he did, the balloon rose straight into the air. Eric waited. 

[ On the entire planet, there’s nothing unseen by Skye ] 

[ Find the sky server seed, Skye ] 

[ Discover the Skye server seed, Skye ] 

[ Quest acceptance reward : Map ] 

[ You can see every place a player  has laid eyes on. ] 

[ Quest completion reward : Ownership of a Sky server seed. ] 

[ Accept the quest ? ] 

[ yes ] [ no ] 

The moment he hit yes, Eric pulled the tag on the parachute, stored the helium balloon. 

His heart beat at a thousand per a minute as the ground neared. Eric genuinely thought his heart would explode, he would have to wait for the resurrection. Only, he landed safely. His knees hurt a little, his face rammed into sand, he’s got sand in places where sand shouldn’t but … over all, he’s alright. 

Eric detached the parachute, put it in his inventory. He removed all the armor on his body, put it in an item box. 

As long as he concentrates, the map appears beside him. It seems only he is seeing this map. To think he had braved death for just a map ! 

Eric sighed. 

When he returned home, he announced the taking break on his home page, turned in for the day. 

The next day, his grandfather called. 

Eric took the phone from his mother eagerly. 

“ GrandPa ! Tell me if you want anything from S-city. As long as It’s something I can buy, I will definitely get it for you. “ Eric promised. 

“ Hey ! Don’t say that. If you say it like that, your grandfather asks you to carry a tiller and speed boat, are you going to ship one for your grandfather from here ? “ his mother scolded from the side. 

His grandfather’s hobby is to browse all the deals in the S-city, then find cheap agricultural vehicles among them. They cost more for shipping than to buy the vehicle itself. 

“ who knows ! I might be able to do it this time. “ Eric quipped mischievously. 

His grandfather laughed happily from the other side. 

However, before he could list his wishes, the phone was grabbed by his grandmother. 

“ Our little treasure ! Don’t listen to your grandfather. Just you coming is more than enough. “ she insisted. 

“ I am happy to come by, grand ma. Are you sure you don’t have anything you want ? I can really get them. Think about it ! “ Eric insisted. 

His grandmother hesitated a bit. 

“ Then .. solar panels ? The electricity on the island is finicky, I hear the kids nowadays must have electricity to live ? “ his grandmother asked. 

“ Of Course. I will get as many as I can. “ Eric promised. 

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