Chapter 6: BZZZZZ

'Hmmm unfortunately my current mana didn’t go up when I upgraded it like my health did. I hope meditation won’t disturb the guy… it probably will I’ll just wait an hour, two spells should be good.’

After an hour passed Poko tried meditation but as expected, as soon as he tried it the bear snorted and seemed disturbed. Before it could fully wake up Poko started casting lesser fire and finished as the bear opened its eyes.



The fire lit up the bear as it roared in pain but soon it died to the fire.

“Guess you couldn’t Bear the flames hahaha”

‘Phew good thing my stats got a bump, now let’s see what it drops.’

The bear dropped a chest piece of thin leather armor.

“Of course I get chest armor after getting stabbed in the chest twice yesterday, speaking of which how is my body so sore? This HP bar is bull I don’t feel at 100%! I would take a day off but then all my first kills would be stolen. The question now is where should I go.

There’s the mountains to the right, but that terrain would be annoying and is the perfect spot to get ambushed. There is a forest to the left of the plains that look a bit different from these woods. The white barked trees were where the wolves were I’m pretty sure.

Then there is the forest past the goblins, it’s a lot more sparse and hilly, lots of flowers on the hills as well. That could be good for my gathering skill so I guess that way it is! The only annoying part is the village but I should be able to avoid them pretty easily.”

Poko put on the armor which strangely fit him perfectly.

‘That’s odd, good thing though.’

Poko spent the next hour to get his mana back up to 20 then set off after a quick breakfast.

‘Unfortunately I’ll have to leave behind a lot of the herbs since my pack is to small, oh well they were common any way.’

On his way to the flower hills he thoroughly checked the grasses, even if he didn’t pick much up Poko still wanted to discover more herbs.

Both knowledge skills only gave some hints as to what the plants could be used for and the properties of it, but in order to know that he needed to first discover them himself.

If someone asked what’s a plant that can be used for mana potions, the skill would be worthless unless he had seen a plant that could be used for mana potions.

Any knowledge he learned felt like it was stored in the skill so next time he saw the plant he knew whatever he discovered, like what the roots looked like for example.

Although it took more time, Poko felt it was worthwhile. Once he got further into the flower hills he saw a lot of different plants and trees to improve his knowledge. Although most of them were mundane knowledge and useless.

There were a lot of trees with blue leaves and dark brown rough trunks. The flowers came in a large array of colors, but there surprisingly was no blue flowers in sight. However a very annoying blue insect was all over the place.


‘What is that buzzing noise? There is so many of these little blue things, they are so annoying.’

Poko stayed nearby the river he found as he went further in, hoping for the same as last time.

Poko soon ran into another bear, this one was smaller with blue fur. The bear was in a tree and poko would not have noticed it if it was hiding, but instead it was slamming it paws on a tree branch.

‘What the heck is this guy doing??’

Looking closer, there seemed to be a fist sized blue ball attached to the limb of the tree. As the bear shook the limb, eventually the ball got loose and fell to the ground breaking it open.

The bear quickly jumped down and stuck its paws into the broken ball, pulling out a blue, almost clear liquid.

‘Hmm you can eat that ‘honey’ stuff? Luckily the knowledge skill activates from this distance, I’m probably over 100 ft away still. My plant knowledge skill didn’t trigger, so it’s not a plant? Maybe the ball is a weird animal, I’ll have to kill one later.’

After watching for a bit and seeing nothing happen besides a good meal Poko decided it was time to collect his loot. Sneaking within 100 ft, which is still a good distance away, Poko casts lesser fire on the bear, killing it instantly.

It surprisingly dropped some leather shoes.

The ball carcass was also thoroughly burnt. Not much to learn from the ball corpse so Poko just looked for another one, and he did not have to look far.

About a fifth of the trees had a ball on a branch somewhere, some bigger than others. Poko picked one close to the ground and flung the crude dagger at it, knocking it down.




Poko heard a LOT of buzzing at that moment. He looked at the ball wondering what was going on, and he soon found out.


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