Chapter 6

A few days later, Laura finally divorced Adam. She was completely humiliated at her grandfather's birthday party. Margaret, with a gleeful heart, immediately kicked Adam out of the house.

“I'm glad my daughter finally opened her eyes. What's the point of keeping a useless creature like you? You only have a handsome face, but you have nothing,” Margaret sneered.

“I may not have anything right now, but when I return to my position, I assure you that you will be the first to receive my revenge.” Adam was truly heartbroken by the Smith family's treatment. He wasn't even valued as a human being.

Hearing Adam's threat, Margaret smiled cynically. “Go on! You're nothing but a braggart. What have you given us in these two years?”

Adam took a deep breath. Talking to Margaret would only set his head and heart on fire. The woman was very adept at belittling others.

“Remember these words, Mrs. Margaret. Your family will be destroyed soon.” Adam's eyes glowed red with vengeance. He would never forget what he had endured for the past two years.

“Our family will be destroyed if you're still with us. You're just a bad omen. You're a poor man! What do you have to curse our family with? Your life is already useless, you just burden others!”

Margaret turned and entered the house. She slammed the door shut with a bit of force.

Adam looked at the house one last time. Even Laura didn't bother to see him off. She chose to...

Adam turned away, no longer paying attention to Margaret's foul words and insults. He had been kicked out of the house in the most humiliating way. He was sure he would return, but not as a poor son-in-law, but as someone who would destroy them.

Adam didn't have much with him, just a backpack containing a few pieces of clothing. During his time as the Smith family's son-in-law, he had nothing. Even Laura didn't allow him to take any of the expensive clothes she bought him.

“I need to see Mr. Edmund. Maybe he's already back in London.” Adam stepped onto the bus. He refused to wallow in self-pity. Two years had been enough of a lesson for him to face the harsh realities of life.

After a little over two hours, Adam reached his destination. He went to the reception desk and stated his purpose.

“Have you made an appointment?” the receptionist asked, looking at Adam with skepticism. Adam's appearance didn't exactly inspire confidence that he could afford the services of a lawyer in this office. However, she still served him politely.

“Just say, Mr. Sean William Anderson wants to see him.” The receptionist was quite surprised to hear the name. Of course, she didn't immediately believe the words of the man in front of her. Adam, alias Sean, noticed the change in the woman's expression. “Why? Do you think I'm a ghost?”

“It's not like that.” The receptionist took a deep breath and picked up the phone. “Wait a minute!”

After a few moments of talking on the phone, the receptionist turned to Sean. She also escorted him to Mr. Edmund's office.

“Sean...? Is that you?” Mr. Edmund rose from his seat. He removed his glasses and placed them on the table. Then, he walked towards Sean. Mr. Edmund's two hands pressed down on Sean's shoulders and squeezed them. “Is it really you, son?” His eyes were filled with emotion at seeing Sean again.

“Yes. It's me, sir. I didn't die.”

Mr. Edmund pulled Sean into a hug. “I knew you hadn't died. But where have you been for the past two years? Why did you suddenly disappear?”

Sean couldn't help but let tears fall from the corners of his eyes. He couldn't hide the emotion he felt. After his parents, he was closest to Mr. Edmund. The man was like a second father to him.

Sean obeyed when Mr. Edmund led him to sit on the sofa. The almost sixty-year-old man's eyes never left Sean's face. It was as if he was scrutinizing the person in front of him, making sure he was truly the heir to Anderson Inc.

“It's a long story, sir. I'll tell you briefly.” Sean then recounted everything from the events before his accident.

The day of the accident, Sean visited one of the branches in Brighton. He was only with Damian. He and Damian also visited the site where the new branch was to be built. Because it was a weekend, the place was deserted and no one was working. Damian followed Sean for a while, but in the middle, Damian excused himself for a moment after receiving a call. Without any suspicion, Sean allowed Damian to leave.

After Damian left, Sean continued to walk around, looking at the large area that had already been cleared. Until he looked at the street, he accidentally saw a large truck passing by at high speed. In the middle of the road, there was a woman who was so busy with her phone that she didn't heed the horn that had been sounding for some time.

Instinctively, Sean ran towards the woman and pushed her to the side. But unfortunately, he was the one who was hit by the truck, causing him to be thrown several meters. Blood gushed out of his head.

“After the accident, I don't remember anything.” Sean concluded his story. Edmund looked at him with pity and concern.

“Sean. What you've told me is very different from your secretary's story. From her account, you were both in the same car. Suddenly, the car's brakes failed, and your secretary couldn't control it anymore. She signaled for you to jump out. She managed to, but you didn't. And finally, the car hit a tree and exploded.”

Sean felt furious as he listened to Edmund's story. How dare Damian fabricate such a story? The person he trusted most dared to do this to him.

“Sean….” Edmund touched the back of Sean's hand, causing Sean, who was tense, to relax his muscles and turn to him. “I think if they found out about your memory loss, maybe they've been watching you all this time.” Edmund said it in a serious tone. He became worried for Sean's safety if they found out that Sean's memory had returned.

Instead of being worried, Sean smiled. “I already know. He did put someone to watch me while I was still at the Smith family's residence.”

Edmund was shocked. “They must have known you were coming here. You have to be more careful, Sean.” The middle-aged man warned Sean because he considered Sean like a son he didn't have.

“That's what I want. If they find out my memory has returned, they're sure to show up. I just have to move fast. I'm sure they're after something because they let me live.” Sean turned to look at Edmund. “Sir, I need your help.”


“So, Sean has left the Smith family's residence?” Luis—Sean's uncle—was in his room, which used to be Sean's. In front of him stood Damian with his head bowed.

“Yes, sir. According to my men, Mr. Sean has divorced Miss Laura and was kicked out.”

Luis smirked, knowing Sean's fate was to be lost and lonely. For the past two years, he had enjoyed Sean's suffering, so he let his nephew live.

“Get him back alive and bring him to me. He's not allowed to die.” Luis gave the order.

During the accident two years ago...

“Did you leave him alone?” someone spoke to Damian through a phone call. Damian was driving a car, leaving Sean alone in the area where the factory was to be built.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Come back in about an hour. My men will take care of Sean!” he ordered.

“Are you sure you have to kill Mr. Sean, Mr. Luis?” Damian seemed to tremble, as if he didn't really want to do it.

“That's none of your business! I've paid you! Just shut up and do what I tell you!” Luis yelled.


The call was cut off unilaterally. Damian gripped the steering wheel tightly. His eyes were red, his jaw clenched to hold back tears. He didn't intend to do this, but he needed money to pay his father's gambling debts.

However, less than an hour later, Luis called back. “It seems God is on my side. Sean had an accident even before my hands got dirty.” Luis laughed loudly.

“Mr. Sean had an accident?” Damian stammered. He felt worried even though he had also been part of those who wanted to harm Sean.

“Yes.” Luis laughed again. “You quickly find out about Sean's condition now! Kill him if possible!” the man on the phone ordered.

“Ki-kill?” Damian swallowed hard.

The call was cut off again. Damian's heart beat very fast because of the order he had just been given. How could he kill Sean with his own hands?

“I'm sorry, Mr. Sean. I'm sorry.” Damian looked at Damian's wallet that was left in the car.

Damian went to the scene of the accident. There, he accidentally found Sean's phone that had been thrown several meters from where he was hit and put it in his pocket.

From there, Damian went to the nearest hospital from the scene. He just watched and didn't get close. For several days, he still couldn't get close to Sean because there were always a few people guarding him. A girl and a middle-aged couple, Laura and her parents. They never left Sean's side so he found it difficult to carry out his orders.

Sean regained consciousness, but he couldn't remember anything. Damian, feeling guilty, contacted the person who gave him the order and convinced him not to kill Sean because he wasn't dangerous. Especially since no one knew Sean's identity, no one would have guessed that the amnesiac man was the heir to the Anderson Business Empire.

“Make sure he doesn't remember anything!”

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