Trapped Before Free

Lorenza who was already at her house was furious, in front of Simon and Nania she slammed all the things in the family room. Unlike Lorenza, to vent his anger– Jonathan just made an annoyed face with his fists tightly clenched as his eyes stared intently at the driver and his housekeeper.

"My Dear Sir, Madam. I really didn't know that Flora was out of the house. When the car was heard to leave, I thought Simon had come back and kept her company." Nania said. Honestly she was very afraid to see his employer's tantrum.

Lorenza and Jonathan, who were usually kind, turned evil in an instant. Simon and Nania didn't really understand why their master was this angry because of Flora's departure alone. If they were worried, there was no need for them to go on a rampage like this.

With anger running high, Jonathan beats Simon up. Two blows had already made the man collapsed with blood coming out of his mouth. The pain was so excruciating, it had taken away the energy in Simon's body. His head
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