
After Trapp decided to wait and keep an eye on the superior officer, he suddenly caught sight of some unusual activity after waiting for two minutes.

In a corner of the hall, from one of the intersections, Trapp noticed a faint shimmer in the air.

As soon as Trapp noticed this, he immediately squinted his eyes and focused on that spot even more. Trapp did not know if his eyes were playing tricks on him, but at times like this, even the tiniest bit of oddity could not be dismissed.

Trapp focused his full attention on that corner of the hall. Ten seconds passed and just as Trapp started to believe he was imagining things, he suddenly saw that faint shimmer again.

This time, Trapp was sure he wasn't seeing things. Immediately, Trapp closed his eyes and focused on using his other senses to scan the area.

Trapp determined that whatever was causing that shimmer in the air was not something he could detect with his eyes. Since he couldn't do so, Trapp was

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