Foolhardy Request

The assassin held her blade against the throat of the squad leader, forcing him to come to a stop. Just as everybody was confused why the assassin did this, she suddenly spoke up and said to them in a cold tone of voice.

"From here on out, you all should stop following behind me. As soon as we all pass through this door, we will each go our separate ways. Got it?"

After saying this, the assassin's phantom apparition quickly disappeared, and she started moving forward down the hallway through the door.

Without the blade being held to his throat, the leader felt like he had been pardoned from a death sentence and he quickly brought his hand to his neck to make sure it was still attached to the rest of his body.

Sighing in relief at not finding any issues, the squad leader soon came to his senses as he remembered the assassin's words.

Thinking about what the assassin had said about them all going their separate way, the squad leader started to panic.

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