Max's Insurbodnation

Nina had a frown on her face as she was interrupted by the leader. With an impatient look on her face, Nina answered scathingly.

"Don't interrupt me. I will be done in a minute. The algorithm of this lock is very delicate and demands my full attention to be able to crack it. If I lose my focus for even a second, minutes of hard work would be lost in an instant and I would have to start from the beginning all over again. So just stand there and do your job protecting me while I do my job."

After speaking, Nina ignored the leader and went back to cracking the lock. As for the captain, he had an apologetic look on his face as he felt embarrassed for disturbing Nina.

Although Nina's words sounded harsh, the leader was not annoyed. He knew how important her work was, so he didn't take her harsh words to heart at all.

The leader even wanted to apologize for disturbing her, but seeing as she had resumed working, he thought better of it and instead focused his at

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