Operation Commences

"Frankie, Cole, Geralt... you three have worked hard. Now it's time to get busy again. You have to get all of us into the base quickly and silently now that they are distracted. This is going to be our only window to infiltrate without triggering any alarms. We can't miss this window, you hear me?"

The captain's bearing changed completely as he spoke to the three members with the earth moving bloodline. Speaking with a lot of authority, the captain commanded them to get the whole squad into the enemy base.

Those three earthmovers responded promptly, "Yes, captain!"

The captain was not done because he turned to another squad member who was hidden in a corner among the others.

"Shadower, you also have to make sure to erase every trace of the squad. We do not know just how vigilant the enemy is or what measures they've set up on their base to deal with spies, so we cannot be careless. A sufficiently thick veil of shadows should suffice to make us undetectabl

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