Temporary Retreat

As the leader spoke to Nina, she suddenly snapped and said in a very curt tone of voice.

"Didn't I say you shouldn't disturb me? You're distracting me and I am not able to focus on my work!?"

The leader flinched a little when he heard Nina's harsh words and he hesitated a little. In the end, because the situation was really urgent, the leader had no choice but to say to her once again.

"I know what you said, but we really need to know when the door can be opened. The situation is very urgent right now, so if you are not confident about opening it soon, let me know. If that is the case, we can only give up and try another time when the situation has settled a little."

The leader spoke gently to Nina, trying to implore her to give an accurate timeline on when she would be able to crack the lock on the door.

In the end, probably knowing how urgent things were, Nina eventually calmed down and said to the leader.

"Fine, I have heard. I am almost

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