Time To Blow The Joint Up

A few of the guards were still awake when the squad members moved out to kill them. They were just severely injured and weak, so they couldn't move. When the squad members appeared, these guards wanted to resist, but they were badly wounded to do anything and ended up getting killed.

Everything ended almost immediately. As soon as the squad members moved, they killed all the guards lying on the ground. Not many of them put up any resistance, and those that did were immediately dispatched before they could cause any trouble. After they were done, the place fell silent once again.

Once everything was done, the leader nodded at the rest of the members and then took the lead and went to the open door. Standing in front of the door, the leader felt a sense of irony, like somebody was playing a joke on him and laughing at him behind his back. It was because this door that had given his team a lot of trouble was finally opened, but they were not the first ones to pass through

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