
Trapp's eyes were shut tight, and he looked like he was heavily asleep. His breath was very shallow, and he showed no signs of actually being alive. Without the rhythmic up and down movement of his chest as he slept, Trapp really looked like he had died peacefully in his sleep. If not for the occasional fluttering of his eyelids, no one would have known that Trapp was actually still alive.




The environment Trapp was in was not peaceful. There were loud sounds of explosion echoing loudly in the distance, as well as the rumble of the earth cracking open like a broken egg.

Tremors went through the ground, causing the earth to shake terribly. Trapp was currently located underground, along with multiple rough-looking men and women dressed in camouflage drags and holding energy rifles in their hands and a foot-long dagger strapped to their waist.

Trapp, along with these people, looked worse for wear. Their bodies were stained wit

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