Chapter 31

The three of them followed Ben. When they got to a door, Ben turned back, “Well I don’t like too many people in my lab so why don’t only Derick follow me in, you two can wait here.” Ben said to them.

“You really don’t expect that to happen.” John said. “I mean, Derick is the most wanted person now. Dr. Edward, the government and Dr. Colvert wants him. And you want us to allow you to be alone with him while he is venerable.”

“I don’t expect you to trust me, and yes I am fascinated with him and I need to do some research and hopefully I will find out what is wrong with him? Ben said.

“Yeah we have no other choice john and Celia said that we can trust him so I guess it’s cool.” Derick said.

“The only one who is willing and can possibly help us is him so why don’t you let him do that.” Celia added.

“Well since you all would not listen then go ahead, if anything goes wrong remember and warned you.” John went to a chair and sat down.

“Enter my lab but before you do wear thi
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