The fight was terrifying. They were fighting in a void where there is no planet or life . Actually there was not even a universe.
Two were fighting and one was watching.They choose that place, so the fight won't affect any other creations. But their fight was too intense and the shockwave of their collision started shake every world. First people thought it's just a storm then they thought its an earthquake. Then suddenly one of the collision was so strong, it's power destroyed the closest universe like it never existed. That one insident made one of the fighters angry and the fight became more intense. They made 276 collisions and that much universes destroyed. Then suddenly the watching one stopped both the fighters. They talked about something then they all agreed in one point. And they destroyed everything. Universes timeline reality everything. After that they recreated the world.But without their knowledge someone or something escaped from the old world to the new world.He was laughing.......
His eyes were closed.He was captured by the police and yet he laughed.....TERA was the last detective to investigate REM's case. She was happy to finally get the convict by herself. But it was so irritating to watch him laugh after getting cought.His name is REM. atleast that's what we know about him. he looked like a 36 years old man.He was locked inside the interrogation room.While TERA entered the room she saw ELIN sitting on a corner of the room. ELIN was smiling as always, but why now ...? why is he here right now...? She asked herself in her mind.She needed REM to confess.But all he did was stare at her or laughing.Out side the building the entire police force and higher officers were assembled. They are all celebrating their big victory. There were even fireworks. It was a proud moment. REM was the one and only criminal in the history of their world, Or rather the only criminal. When ever he gets close to a person that person goes missing. And people says that he killed them.Over 4000 years people tried to get him. Even witches, wizards, conquerors, hunter's, military and even aliens tried and failed everytime until now.Ones a kid asked ELIN - why don't you get him...? It's easy for you, but you never even tried...!ELIN said - he is necessary. Its not my place to interfere.This morning TERA called the office and she said shes on a leave because she have some bad digestion issue. Then she came early and told everyone someone called her and said they found REM. First they thought its just someone trying to fool them. Then the call came to the station. They said they found rem unconscious in a temple. They rushed over there and they found this guy laying down like someone fought and defeated him. He was so weak and covered in blood. It was like he can't even breath properly. TERA was the first one to get there and he get up and tried to escape. Even with his injury he put up a fight with her. TERA was trained to fight him. Ever since her parents died she waited for this moment. She trained for this moment. She lived for this moment. It was not easy to fight something that called as a god. TERA understood this moment when he's so weak and not able to use any of his powers is the only chance of her to defeat him. And she beat him like she had the intention to kill. After she knoked him out, She sit down near him and cuffed him. Then she sit down on a rock. At that time she saw a rat it came out of its hole and run around and checked the place. Then it looked at REM and it turned to TERA. Then surprisingly it smiled at her. She was amazed. During the fight she lost her consciousness 2-3 times. It was just for a second still she remembered it. Maybe its because of I'm sick. Then she saw the birds and even flowers and trees are laughing at her. She ignored it all she realised its just her imagination. Then she herd loud siren of police vehicles. Everyone came in and they bring rem to the station.She was looking at REM . He was simply smiling. Then she turned and looked at ELIN.The celebration was very loud.ELIN looked through the wall, out side everyone is happy. He was happy too.TERA realised she won't get a thing out of REM'S mouth. She walked towords ELIN and asked him. -" Hey ELIN what do you think I'll do ? "ELIN asked back - " about what? "TERA - " i don't have any solid proof to prove he done something wrong. Even though everyone knows what he did. "ELIN - " he...? "TERA - " he... or she... or whatever it is, who cares. now it looks like male so i said he "ELIN was smiling. Then his smile started fade away. He said - "don't worry you just do your job . You will get the results of your actions in time. Besides i don't think you need to find any evidence, it'll be over quick than you expected. Stay calm and smile for me. Enjoy every second in your life."Then he vanished.TERA turned around. She looked at REM he was smiling. Suddenly someone knoked the door. TERA turned and walked towards the door and opened it . It was SHREEDE. She's a 16 years old student. AADAV brought her from home to show REM to her, who was trying to kill her for months.SHREEDE smiled at TERA and she smiled back . TERA felt something odd. SHREEDE came inside and looked at REM. he smiled and she smiled back. TERA thought " this is the first time seeing someone smiles at the person who tried to kill them"AADAV - " okay TERA everyone is waiting for you. Come on..... he is locked here this time he won't escape."REM said - "i don't wish to escape. Ill be with her forever." He said that by looking at TERA.TERA looked at him and asked - "so you finally opened your mouth...?"AADAV pulled TERA to go out side and he called SHREEDE too.SHREEDE said to REM - " see you later. "They both smiledThey walked out side. That time .TERA asked SHREEDE, - " you feel alright...? what happened to you.?? you look different, you act different. it's almost like you changed in just one day. Its like I'm seeing a different person "SHREEDE smiled again and said - " a change is good. You need to change too. You will change...! "She walked out side. TOMAAR, the office assistant of AADAV taken her to home.While TOMAAR'S car moved out side. TERA saw SHREEDE looking at her. TERA smiled and weaved at her. SHREEDE smiled back and her eyes was closed. TERA was shocked. For just a moment she felt like it was REM. Then she closed her eyes and then oppend it to look at SHREEDE and its SHREEDE not REM. What the heaven am i thinking.AADAV was busy. Everyone was busy. TERA was thinking. Today i saw REM and SHREEDE smile each other. They smiled the same way just like a mirror image.Her mind felt a black out for some time she sit down on a chair near her. Then she became normal and she stood up. She felt something is going to happen. She looked around. Everyone was busy and happy for the victory they had. And she was the hero of the world that day.Suddenly she herd a blast out side. she fall down and then she get up. TERA and everyone else ran out. There was an explosion .There was nothing but dence smoke. she ran inside to check REM. In the room he was sitting in the same position and he was smiling the same way. She asked him - " what have you done ....???"REM said - " i haven't done anything, not yet. but you did. Now I am going to do something. Smile as me "The room was full of smoke and nothing were visible. Even the cameras turned off. Everyone was trying to understand what happened there . Some of them helped others to get up . And they searched for anyone is injured .After they got stability they ran in to look for REM in the room but no one saw him anywhere. The room was empty.They were started searching for him.At the same time TERA was walking out side with a smile.With an evil smile.....!Related Chapters
Reality is not what you see or what you think. Reality is something that you believe you saw.A girl was sleeping In the cabin of a trian. She was so tired, She didn't even move from the position she sit. She was alone in the cabin and felt like someone or something was watching her. In the dark there was an unclear image of two purple glowing eyes. It's watching her closely. Then slowly a wind appeared. It was more like a white smoke . And it erased the eyes like the waves of the ocean...!Hima woke up with a shock. The sound was verry loud. Then she was relieved by realising it's just another train passing in the opposite direction. She don't even remember when she fall asleep.The train was moving slowly. She was kept looking in the watch. The time runs faster than usual. Her heart beats more faster so she can't even breath properly.She's already late. The train was late for almost three hours. There was an accident which couse the train to run late. Yet her train moved slowly. In
The recreated world was without pain, Sadness or loneliness . People loved and cared for each other. But there is this forgotten world which even Elin the creator had forgot. It was his first try to create a world. And he himself thought it was a failure.after he left it, the life started settle down on there. That was a place where all the evils played their hands on. Indra was walking very fast. he's late. he carried a bag with him. he was supposed to clean the marriage hall and the rooms of bride and groom by yesterday. but the enjoyment of yesterday made him forget his job. it was an unforgettable day. He thought about yesterday day and he smiled in excitement. he wake up at four in the morning to finish his work before the decoration tram arrives. Today there is going to be a marriage function. And he supposed to clean the place yesterday because another party was there yesterday. he didn't even get time to eat. he thought - how can i eat at this early in the morning. it's just t
Creation first began from imagination. Sometimes imagination creates more world's than the existed.Hima jumped out of the train she almost fell down. She bumped into someone while she's getting off train. She apologized to that person and moved away. Then she suddenly realised its not the station she suppose to get off. She slept through the station and now it's next station which is a long way from her city. She looked around. the station was almost empty. There was only a women with her boy, a beggar who sleeps on the bench and that guy she just bumped. Otherwise the station was empty. And it's almost midnight. She asked in the enquiry for any taxi or bus available at that time. They said there is no taxy available right now to get to her town and they suggested her to stay the night in any motel or something. She said thanks and then she walked out. She was thinking about saving the money. If she finds a way to get home then the rent of room she have to afford will be saved so she
REINCARNATED RETRIBUTION Retribution-2 the change
Before Elin the creator succeeded in creating the universes, he first tested his powers. There was two universes without life, and even Elin thought they might stay lifeless. But after a long time he came back and did something to the World. Then that universes started their real journy. Leya woke up with a scream . it's early in the morning. She didn't get a good sleep. She saw the dream over and over. It's more like a nightmare. She saw Mira. She was with a little girl. First the little girls head turned to back like an owl or a ghost. Then Mira's head turned just like that but, Mira's face was the same as the little girls face. The same dream repeated and woke her up more than four times that night. What the heaven was that. She couldn't understand. but it's just a dream. I must focus on reality. Today is Mira's wedding. I have a lot of work to do. Leya tried to calm her self down.Leya is the sister of Maya. Leya is the mother of Mira . More over Leya is the one who raised Mira. l
The recreated world is so beautiful and piece full. Everyone in that world respected and loved each other. Everyone was equal there. But the forgotten world's are full of twisted people. They believe in devil. Actually it was not their fault. They thought devil is good and god is bad. Also hell is a beautiful place with happy life and heaven is the place of danger and darkness. They believe the demons and monsters are send by god to test and punish them. At the same time devil send angels to protect them. Roy was confused. He’s More than confused. Because! it's impossible. How can a man become a woman and how can I get in a train. This is not the place or time moreover, not the same body. He was trying to believe it's just a dream. He even tried to convince himself. Then he started try to wake up. But it's not working. He tried not to get panic. Then he looked around. It's a train going to Tansaku city. This girl well i am supposed to get off in the station called Amura town. He has
In the new universe. A darkness was always watching over everything. Not even Elin, nova or ryzel known about it. The darkness thought it's an advantage to strike an ambush. The darkness waiting for the right moment and he collected more dark concious mind's and negative energy to use against the strongest opponents.Arun is just a normal kid. He had dirt alergy and asthma . Because of that he was visiting so many hospitals. At that time someone suggested Arun's father to send him to the meditation center. From that month he started studying yoga. His master jay was his family friend . Jay was doing something special. He was focused on human soul's , ghosts and exorcism. It was a Sunday. Mostly arun hates Sunday’s because in Sundays he has to go to marriages and other functions. He woke up early in the morning. He has to go to yoga class six in the morning. So he was getting ready when the call came to his mother’s phone. It was her brother he said arun’s grandmother is sick. And he
Imagination is a power. From the imagination- the first creation born. Every person is a creator. What they create is their own creation. The train was off track. Everything flipped over. Roy fell down. Suddenly he woke up it was just a dream. That time he woke up he realized the train is moving from the station. He grabbed all the bags he saw and run towards the door. He opened the door and jumped off from the train. At the he jumped he bumped in to a guy and he said – “watch it looser” That guy didn’t say anything he just passed through.He suddenly remembered something. This girl hima was bumped into me just like this yesterday. He tried to clear the hair from his face. He thought - how these girls adjust with these long hairs it’s getting on my nerves. He tried to tie his hair with a head band from her bag. Then he takes the bags and walked towards the bench. He sits there and thought. I think it’s the same story. This girl gets off on a wrong station walks home. Finds some stre
The creator, created the new world because the old one was filled with chaos. What will he do if he realises the chaos followed him from there to here. They both shocked by seeing that. Arun never seen anything like this before. He was controlling himself from screaming in front of the crowd. Leya was also scared. She looked into it over and over. Arun looked at leya and saw she also scared. He asked-" aunty...! What the heaven is this....? Leya looked at Arun. She realised he's afraid. She controlled herself because she didn't want to scare him. She tried to put a happy face and asked back- "what happened arun....?" Arun became amazed. He asked her- "what do you mean what happened. Look at the camera. Don't you see anything...? Leya looked at the camera. Still she's seeing the floating dark figure instead of mira. But she can't say that because if she do, then arun will be scared. She was trying to find a lie to tell him. At that time some random guy came and asked- "what happene
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Last time on R R arun get jay who knows a lot about extraordinary things and they started searching the marriage hall to know what happened over there. While they were doing that in the darkness two eyes were watching them. At sunil’s house most of everyone got over there. Leya’s car suddenly stopped like it hit something………Sunil also run outside to look. Everyone ran outside to see what happened over thereEveryone become scared because they all herd the loud crash sound. And ran towards the car of leya...... Back here at the marriage hall arun and jay were trying to find. They checked all around and walked right into the hall. Jay looked around. Then he askedJay - "what did you find out till now?"Arun- "if you make the question more clear, i can answer it easy. Big brother if you see something special just tell me im already confused and frustrated as it is."Jau-"haha... Okay let me explain. The marriage was conducted here just some hour's ago. Right....? "Arun-" Yeah....you
The door is opening. Hima (roy) looked up and hopped for tera is the one opened the door. But it wasn’t her but some guy. He looked at hima (roy). That time hima(roy) remembered tera mentioning some guy what was again…? Aarav …? No it was something else. Is this this the guy? Hima(roy) asked himself in his mind. “So you are the convict. Or I might say the framed convict. My name is peter. I’m the lawyer the police find for you.”The guy said. And then he put the files he bring with him on the table.“Do you mind telling me the story at your end”? He asked.hima (roy) was actually relived to find out at least the police find a lawyer for him. But before he started talking, the door just opened. It was veronica. She said. “Mr. Peter…! Wrong room sir. This is not your client. It’s next door. “He looked at veronica and said-“What…. Wrong room…? He turned to hima (roy). But they said the second room and this is the second room.”Veronica came in and said- “they mean by the second inte
Arun walked fast. He wanted jay to get the marriage hall before the people clean the place. Jay is living in the neighborhood. So it’s not too far. Jay was praying. He was enchanting some kind of mantras. Arun was walking so fast. He saw jays hose and the door was open so he went right in. Arun saw jay was praying so he stands there without making any noise. He didn’t want to interrupt but he was getting impatient. Still he didn’t even move he just stood still because he respected jay’s karma. “Why are you so impatient arun?” Jay asked. He was sitting in the prayer room. Facing other side and he didn’t even open his eyes. Still he knew it was arun who came in and standing behind him. Also he found out arun have something important to say. And arun knows jay is so wise and very powerful. He said – “Big bro….. you have to come with me its urgent. I’ll fill you in on the way“ Arun calles most of older people he know by the name ‘big brother’. Because of that most people liked him and
Cursed - 4
Roy is shocked. I became a murderer? What the heaven is going on around here. And in this girls memory there is nothing about killing someone. She's not the type to atleast hurt someone. This must be a misunderstanding.The officer called a female cop to arrest Roy. She said- "Hima thakewari you have the right to remain silent."Roy cried out loud. He was saying he didn't do anything but no one seems to care. He tried to escape but because of he's pregnant he couldn't move so fast and the whole place was surrounded by police. They caught him and cuffed. He resisted so much but the police took her and put her in the car back seat. Two of the police stayed her house to search. Some of them were asking the neighbors about hima (Roy). But everyone only said good things about her. She was like an angel until the incident. Two police officers sitted beside roy on the way to the police station. Roy didn't even move. His eyes were full of tears.The car stopped at a red signal. He felt lik
Arun felt scared inside. But he still looked back slowly and he saw nothing.Arun asked basil-" what....?"Basil said- “look it's right there".Arun looked back he saw nothing. Basil was controlling his laughter. Arun saw basil was laughing.Arun asked- "are you making fun out of me...?"Basil asked- "don't you see that" Basil pointed at Arun's shadow.Arun looked at his own shadow and said-"yeah really funny. Let me ask anyone around here wants to laugh too " arun punched basils belly as fun. Basil said - "come here you little kid"Then he pulled arun near him and hugged him then asked- "why are you being so serious"Arun was angry but he said- "I don't know.....I don't know how to explain. He exiled heavily then continuedWhen i first came here i asked you the bride's name remember.....Suddenly someone who's a friend of basil came near him and started a chat. Then he left and basil said-" sorry about that. That guy was a common friend of mine and sunils. Tell me what you were s
Cursed- 3
Roy woke up. He is still tired of yesterday's hangover. He was naked but didn't seem to care about it. He suddenly remembered something and get up. He looked in the mirror and saw he's still looks like hima. He realised it's not a dream but he is stuck as a girl. He must find out a way to turn everything back normal. Thinking about it won't help me. First i have to get to a safe place. This girl's home will be the best place right now. I have her memories so no one will feel any difference. Still I'm getting angry about what happened yesterday. I'm i did enjoyed it. Maybe because I'm in a girl's body i have the feeling of a girl. Come to think of it i never thought a girl gets more pleasure in it more than men. I had a lot of girlfriends they all must felt like this. But if i know about this much pleasure i should have been let the man do sex with me. But he didn't even ask me anything. He barged in and forced me. What a useless guy, but it was good though. As long as this body is so
The creator, created the new world because the old one was filled with chaos. What will he do if he realises the chaos followed him from there to here. They both shocked by seeing that. Arun never seen anything like this before. He was controlling himself from screaming in front of the crowd. Leya was also scared. She looked into it over and over. Arun looked at leya and saw she also scared. He asked-" aunty...! What the heaven is this....? Leya looked at Arun. She realised he's afraid. She controlled herself because she didn't want to scare him. She tried to put a happy face and asked back- "what happened arun....?" Arun became amazed. He asked her- "what do you mean what happened. Look at the camera. Don't you see anything...? Leya looked at the camera. Still she's seeing the floating dark figure instead of mira. But she can't say that because if she do, then arun will be scared. She was trying to find a lie to tell him. At that time some random guy came and asked- "what happene
Cursed -2
Imagination is a power. From the imagination- the first creation born. Every person is a creator. What they create is their own creation. The train was off track. Everything flipped over. Roy fell down. Suddenly he woke up it was just a dream. That time he woke up he realized the train is moving from the station. He grabbed all the bags he saw and run towards the door. He opened the door and jumped off from the train. At the he jumped he bumped in to a guy and he said – “watch it looser” That guy didn’t say anything he just passed through.He suddenly remembered something. This girl hima was bumped into me just like this yesterday. He tried to clear the hair from his face. He thought - how these girls adjust with these long hairs it’s getting on my nerves. He tried to tie his hair with a head band from her bag. Then he takes the bags and walked towards the bench. He sits there and thought. I think it’s the same story. This girl gets off on a wrong station walks home. Finds some stre
Retribution -3
In the new universe. A darkness was always watching over everything. Not even Elin, nova or ryzel known about it. The darkness thought it's an advantage to strike an ambush. The darkness waiting for the right moment and he collected more dark concious mind's and negative energy to use against the strongest opponents.Arun is just a normal kid. He had dirt alergy and asthma . Because of that he was visiting so many hospitals. At that time someone suggested Arun's father to send him to the meditation center. From that month he started studying yoga. His master jay was his family friend . Jay was doing something special. He was focused on human soul's , ghosts and exorcism. It was a Sunday. Mostly arun hates Sunday’s because in Sundays he has to go to marriages and other functions. He woke up early in the morning. He has to go to yoga class six in the morning. So he was getting ready when the call came to his mother’s phone. It was her brother he said arun’s grandmother is sick. And he