The hackers in Genesis have their own group specialised for them, with the highest grade systems. I stood at the center of the room. Surrounding me were the cabins of our hackers, in a circle. When I stood at the center, their attention was directly on me. These people were grateful to me and would remain loyal, because if they betrayed me, they would break their own rule. I said in a loud voice, “Our rival companies are trying to replicate the game we all have worked hard for. “ Obviously, even the hackers are important for game creation. I won’t go further into the details.

Our Hackers started their attack on the U. S. share values. We have power to eliminate a company by reducing the value of its share. But I won’t do that, since I don’t want to be caught by the government. But I can afford to deal with Carter’s. Because I can cover up my actions easier than playing with the entire share market. Price of a single share of the Carter Enterprises is Two Lakh Fifty Thousand dollars. Yeah, it’s too much. But I expected this from an internationally renowned group of company. The price of each share of the Carson Group of Companies is Three Lakh dollars. No exaggeration at all.

Soon the graph that showed the share price of Carter Enterprises started decreasing. The price decreased to zero and again started increasing and decreasing. Then finally, the graph changed and a few words formed. These words read, “F*ck You ;) “ Meanwhile, in a conference room, an old man sitting at the head of the table ,sneered while staring at his son, sitting near him. These two were the Carter’s. The old man is the owner of Carter Enterprises, Max Carter. He has been the head of Carter Enterprises for about twenty-five years.

“Father. This... “, stuttered the young man, obviously James Carter. The old man, Max Carter, angrily yelled, “ You said that you had a group of hackers who support you. Where are they now? “ James said shakily, “They tried, but they failed. They said the level of hackers was beyond their reach. Top hackers obviously done this... “ Max Carter slapped the table hard and shouted, “I don’t want to hear excuses. What I need is results. Seeing these words.. “ He pointed at the share graph on his laptop, which now had a “F*ck you ;) “ and continued, “It is obvious they aimed these at us, Carters. If we didn’t attack back, everyone would see us as someone who is easy to be bullied. If you can’t solve this problem, better be off for another job. And you would forget about inheriting my business. I don’t want a worthless son like you to take over my business. “ James Carter nodded and rushed out of the room. As soon as he got out of the room, he had a sneer on his face. He said, “Just wait you old man.. I would be sure to return all these ten folds. “

I had a smile on my face. I clapped my hands and said, “All of you have done a good job. How about a bonus? “ Everyone cheered when they heard the word bonus. I smiled and raised my hand to silence them. They all fell silent and seemed eager to hear more. I said, “Although we have played with our enemy, but we haven’t dealt with them. They have the same copy of our game. So what we need now is to release the game quickly and gain a lot of customers. In this way, we can attack them. We still need to apply for a patent. “ Then I looked at Sarah. She nodded at me. So I left the job of applying for a patent for her.

With that, I returned to my office with a smile. I found Alice who had disappeared when I was talking with my employees about the bonus inside my office. She looked at me coquettishly and purred, “You made me wait for a long time... “ I smiled and said with a smirk, “Oh.. Kitten, I’m sorry to make you wait. But since I am here, how about playing something?” With that, I lifted her up and placed her on the table. Then we began kissing. I quickly removed her clothes while she unbuttoned my shirt.

Sometimes later..

I buttoned my shirt and said with a smile, “How about it? You satisfied? “ She glared at me and with a humph , she continued wearing her clothes. Just when I was about to leave the office, Alice hugged me from behind. I smiled and touched her hands and, turning back, I hugged her half-naked form. I smirked and said, “How about another round? “ She paled and said quickly while moving away, “You are a demon in the bed. Sometimes I hope there was someone else who could handle you. “ She sighed. I raised my brows. So she was indirectly asking me to find a concubine or something. ‘Obviously she didn’t. ‘, a voice in my head said. That voice is what we call, angel of the heart. Suddenly another voice came, “She meant it. She can’t bear you alone. Go on, find someone new and have fun. “ This voice belonged to the devil in my heart. I shook my head and walked out of the office and walked towards the testing area to see the progress of Nexus Online.

Few hours later..

I returned to the house with Sarah. Alice had returned to the home earlier than usual. She took a cab and returned to the house. Me and Sarah returned to the house. The lights were off. My brows furrowed, and I entered the house. As soon as I entered, the light suddenly turned on. Alice smiled and yelled happily, “Happy Birthday, Mike. “ Even Sarah, who was standing beside me, wished me with a smile. I smiled and thanked them. I had forgotten that today is my birthday. After cutting the cake, we went out to celebrate and then returned after a few hours. Then, like always, ahem...

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