That might be selfish of me, but so what? As far as I know, it should only be me, who knows about the change in reality and who caused it. The next day wasn’t as eventful as I thought it would be. After dinner, while I was walking up to my room, I heard a ding of notification. As soon as I heard that ding, a smiled spread across my face. This ding was so familiar and I knew it belonged to only one thing: the system. I hurriedly opened the system interface to check up the system notification. It was probably the next mission.

I was surprised when I read the content of the mission. The mission was pretty simple. The mission required me to make Hank Spears face the reality, and take his help to solve the problem. What I couldn’t understand was, how can a doctor in genetics could help me with anything related to what I am facing? If it were a doctor of some branch in physics, I would still be okay with it. Anyway, I care little about that. If it is

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